/ #36 from Pablo

2015-05-13 19:53

The only meds I have ever taken was the pain meds they gave me when I had my wizdome teeth taken out.. and some shit for my panic attacks.. I have zero to hide..    as for Anita Gonzales Lopez,    I never in the world could have known or guessed she felt like that about me , not only was i supprised, by what she said, but I was also heart broken , becasue I've done nothing but help that family..  money wize and all around what ever they needed.. her whole family..   her husband , what can I say , hes an aweosme person , I got him into televiosn , I hire him for ESPN, MTV and a bunch of other networks...  when me and Fred hung out.. was for like 15 to 30 mins maybe once a week if that..  Fred is a busy man , hes got 4 kids..  but Fred is like a brother to me.. and im not gonne stupe to Anitas level and air the real reason they broke up.. but i will say this , Fred is an awesome person and only Anita would mess that up...   Fred is strict and honest and speaks his mind and a great father!

Anita is very insecure.   

