Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Steve McCarron

/ #1509 Re:

2011-09-18 17:26

#1506: -

"Why on earth would anyone be frustrated. The common's owned by the council as proven by paperwork and registration with the Land Registry. INCORRECT

The common's an urban common so riders can take their horses on it. RURAL COMMON

The correct lines have been taken INCORRECT

legal permission has been given for the work there. ILLEGAL PERMISSION

A much smaller amount of trees than first though have been removed or will be over a LONG time not all together. NO TREES SHOULD BE FELLED

The public can access the common all over the place. THE DISABLED CAN'T, NIETHER CAN ABLE BODIED PEOPLE

The cattle are there grazing. Hopefully it wll all work. IT WONT AND THE DAMAGE WILL NOT BE REPAIRABLE

If that's all highly entertaining stuff then fine. THE OTHER POST WAS ENTERTAINING YOURS IS BORING

There isnt another site to compare anything to is there, you saw to that with your stupid games and everythings better in one place anyway isnt it?" START YOUR OWN SITE?


Why do you keep coming back if we are so irrelevant?