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/ #1087 Yeah sure

2014-11-20 05:07

The Duggars, like so many other religious hatemongers out there, are walking the tightrope of freedom of speech VS. hate speech.  It's perfectly legal for them to engage in robocalls like this.  They encourage discrimination against a group of people, but because they don't advocate outright violence, they get away with it.  But it's wrong, just like it's wrong to hold up the bible as "proof" that it's okay to discriminate.

Anyone out there who thinks gay people are gay by choice  need a lesson in science.  Of course, since most religious fanatics refuse to have anything to do with actual science, this whole debacle isn't surprising.

BTW, there are federal laws that prohibit discrimination against gay people.  And before any of you religious rightists start screaming "State's Rights", let me point you to Article VI of the Constitution, which states that federal law is the supreme law of the land and in that case trumps any state law that violates federal constitutional law.

Finally, the Duggars and any other Christian who act like this toward gays/lesbians/transgenders/people of color/people of different religions or cultures:  you aren't acting Christian.  If you are so Christian and believe in Jesus, you'll welcome all people instead of condemning them.