Help save MHDL


/ #8

2014-10-07 05:36

This would be absolutely terrible for the people of Medicine Hat, turning a quick trip to the diagnostic lab into an hour long shmozzle for most people plus the cost of parking, which SOME PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE. Decisions like this really impact people and should not be taken so lightly. The clinic has been doing a good job exactly where it is. Why should we make, for example, single moms with 3 kids and no parking money trudge 6 blocks in the snow to drop a sample or have blood taken, not to mention senior citizens who are on fixed incomes and people with handicaps who have limited support systems. I'm sorry, but you have to think about how this will effect everyday people for such routine serviced to become difficult to access like that. It's unlikely to really save the city any money and will only cause problems for citizens, suddenly something you could do on your lunch break takes half the afternoon and you miss time at work. Or maybe if you are a person with depression or anxiety you just never make it to the clinic at all because now the whole idea of it has become totally overwhelming. It might sound stupid to someone who has never had to deal with things like this, but these are the issues facing lots of ordinary people. Leave it alone.