Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority


/ #69 Think about it

2014-04-24 02:47

This case should not have anything to do with sexual orientation. It should have to do with an adult having sex with a child, yes a 16 year old is still a child. As a parent, adult, public figure, or any other position you may hold, do you really want 16 year olds being persuaded by older people into having sex with them? Think back to when you were younger, how easy was it for an older person, especially one you looked up to or had authority, to persuade you into something? Should we not stand up for these children whom are too immature to stand up for themselves?
If this was a teacher and a student would you still think it was alright? If so then why are so many teachers loosing there jobs when they become sexually involved with a student?
If your truly feel it is alright for an older adult to be sexually involved with a minor, then you have no right critizing the many pedophiles we have in this area. And furthermore maybe you are one of the people we need to be worried about harming our children.