Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu)


/ #36

2014-03-31 10:00

The fact that people are only entitled to what they have worked for, then only will they appreciate their wage with respect that it deserves.

The absolute madness of demanding R 12500 a month for jobs that are actually overstaffed is not only irresponsible but typical of the unrealistic expectations advertised to the masses who,s integrity and illiteracy is taken advantage of to promote gaining votes for power which is being irresponsibly used to destroy what has been developed in this magic country in less than 200 years.

The fact is, mining has become safer than driving on our treacherous badly maintained, corruptly managed and badly governed public road network. However the smallest incident in the mining industry generates unqualified generation of a Section 54 which normally end up in the dirt bin in any case.

Furthermore, the mines provide hundreds of thousands of needy jobs to many ungrateful people who stand at the helm of the dilemma that we are currently facing

However the powers that determine our future in this country do not have the foresight or the integrity to control the stupidity of the undemocratic, aggressive union movements that hold this beautiful country to ransom, fuelled by Greed and Laziness.

We should restart the mines using survival tactics with educated literacy, and absolute controlled numbers to man and manage production effectively and efficiently.

Hoping that the signing of this petition will make a small difference


Deneys Leih
082 800 1998