Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Steve McCarron

/ #857 Re:

2011-07-16 14:17

#856: -

All of our chases, heaths, commons, moors, village greens and open spaces have enjoyed a benign existence up to now. It was only a matter of time before some bright spark thought we could make money out of these spaces.

Natural England is a body created to oversee the so called management of these spaces in a way that they have never been subject to before, they employ over 4000 people. They hand out 400 million a year to finance schemes which

a/ keep Natural England employed and busy

b/ Keep the army of recipiants employed and  busy

Therfore the total subsequent to the EU is far higher than 400 million per year.

NE has been embarking on land grab for a long time now, granting SSSI on just about any bit of land it can aquire whether in private or public or non ownership. More land, more money from the EU

A business is defined as any venture which generates income. Natural Egnland are involved in the process of aquiring and the distrubution of finance. A business. An income.


Therefore, hartlebury common, carry out the maximum amount of damage for the minimum amount of money.(Management takes the vast percentage of cash)  Put cattle on there to trash the place, which vandals could have done for a fraction of the cost. Create an unsustainable, maintenance - finance reliant enviroment and bingo, you have created a new industry. Even better, once you change the status of a common from a common, to heath and effectivley ruin the landscape and put longhorn cattle on it so you have fewer visitors like everywhere else, then if you want to build houses, who is going to argue. You have assumed- established the rights of ownership, so stuff you.