We love our new beach in Seaford

the OAP

/ #42 Seaford abundance of Marine engineers

2014-02-17 17:41

The thing I like most about living in Seaford is the abundance of marine engineers ! who all have the solution to the issues of our promenade , Talking to each off them who all "claim to have the solution" …… but not one solution is the same! ….I guess I am lucky to be surrounded by experts because when the money is available they can all sort it out and argue who's solution is the best!

Maybe the EAs solution is the best and most affordable option at a annual cost off £300k , I find it amazing where people quote 3 or 4 million annual spend to shore up our foreshore . I wish the EA would correct the uneducated members who post ridiculous comments in the local press, The man from Denton Mr J skinner pipes on complete drivel on a almost weekly basis , I find it boring and pointless reading his posts a waste of column inches in the local press it is embarrassing he must be an only child who craves attention! My understanding is the EA won't even respond to his on going drivel !