Say no to stalybridge mosque


/ #563 Re:

2013-11-16 22:27

#559: -  There has been a plethora of posts concerning the behaviour and nature of Islam in the UK. That's what's caused the opposition to Islam from native britons. In India too there is widespread distrust and hostility between Hindus and Muslims. An Indian workmate recently told me that Muslims in the part of India he comes from behave in exactly the same way they do here, insularity until they've got their numbers up then taking areas over. Try moving to an Islamified part of Britain and you'll learn the real definition of what being shunned means, or read 'The Islamic Republic of Dewsbury' a real eye opener. YOU'RE the one obsessed with PC if you're turning the mother of all blind eyes to the many, serious problems with Islam in the UK. Racist, i.e racially based comments are OK if accurate and reasoned, bigoted comments aren't.