Bill BIla

/ #28 This must include hate pages against Roma in other languages

2011-03-02 23:09

There are dozens of such hate sites written in Czech and Slovak. These people think they are expressing freedom of speech and they do not understand that there is a difference between freedom of expression and hate speech. Facebook must do a better job of monitoring for such activity. It is awful to read indignant remarks against Roma written under the influence of ignorance. Misinformation will always have a target audience which chooses to perpetuate a misinfomred point of view, however hateful remarks must not be tolerated. If these people do not have access to information that would allow them to acquire the knowledge to discern between the two, it is irresponsible for a public media to accept their ignorance as the basis for allowing such postings to remain in the public domain. Perhaps an international slander and libel lawsuit is in order in the courts of the UK if Facebook cannot self-monitor.