Faversham Yellow Lines

Faversham Yellow Lines / Announcements / Campaign update 4 - progress! / Comments

Vic Dickenson


2014-05-08 09:00

Well done Tim and thank you , I am absolutely delighted that you have achieved such a major breakthrough, communication from both sides is a strong key. I feel that some councillors feel beyond their depth, and tend to relate to what they know rather than learning something new,The 'them and us' attitude doesn't bring about change. We, the public have to be proactive, how else can we create the change that brings resolution to all ?



2014-05-08 10:08

Good luck with it , Tim




2014-05-08 18:57

Dear Tim
Thank you for your thoughtful and concise questions to the Town Council. It's a pity they didn't take the trouble you did before they "shot from the hip"! You have my absolute support, as well as my thanks.
Margot Buchanan
Faversham resident



2014-05-11 09:49

I have a copy of the Kent Design Guide which I'd be pleased to lend out. Although produced in Dec 2005 it still looks very relevant. Robin