Save Austin Rawlinson Leisure Centre

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Save Austin Rawlinson Leisure Centre.



2014-04-29 10:01

Please keep are swimming baths open as are children have some were to go and keep fit and healthy as for every one with health problems and neeed to exacies thank you



2014-04-29 10:12

Such a shame if this facility goes!



2014-04-29 10:51

This is disgusting and needs to be stopped...council have no money.....well take a cut from the directors pay ,im sure that will keep it open for a few years. As if its not enough that they are taking the school..



2014-04-29 10:55

It shouldn't have to go. It is the only gym n baths in speke can not believe they r taking it away it aint far!!!!!



2014-04-29 12:23

The saving attributed to this closure would be minimal, as revenue towards cost is generated at the centre. Come on Joe Anderson, stop using your expenses for a week and keep this centre open.



2014-04-29 13:09




2014-04-29 14:08

This is a valued part of Speke and should stay so.



2014-04-29 14:18

First the senior school goes and now they want to take away the leisure centre ? Is this all being done to make way for a larger airport? Whats next the houses near the airport site ? Seems to all be happening a bit fast. Hope this petition helps.



2014-04-29 15:43

my children became brilliant swimmers before joining the RN all thanks to Austin Rawlinson baths, there is nothing in Speke for the families, no secondary school no pubs and now no baths, Yet new houses are being built for buyers, why would anybody buy a house in an area with nothing to do no where to go??? crazy



2014-04-29 17:15

I used to live around the corner from the baths. I learnt to swim there, went to the school swimming galas. Speke doesn't have many facilities. I hope you manage to save the baths. Good luck.



2014-04-29 18:18

Please everyone sign this petition!



2014-04-29 18:58

Great staff great sports centre



2014-04-29 19:02

Are children use the baths just like we did when I was a child and still do in the holidays you take this away from the community what is left nothing



2014-04-29 19:17

Save our pool.have great memories of going with my friend Mary my brothers and my sister June .& our school swimming gala s ..

#40 Austin Rawlinson

2014-04-29 19:57

Whilst I don't blame the council for making cuts, as the Government has cut their budget so drastically they have no choice, I do think it is a huge mistake to target Austin Rawlinson. Having lost the school because local people sent their children elsewhere, we are now losing our library and leisure centre at the same time. After years of regeneration and a feeling of improvement in the area, this could have huge consequences for those of us who live and work here. Please reconsider the plans to open it to clubs only.



2014-04-29 20:39

Can't believe they're actually taking even more of us although we haven't got much to take! This will only increase crime in our area! Councillors take a pay cut before you start cutting things out of our lives!



2014-04-29 21:26

Keep austin rawlinson!



2014-04-29 21:39

No parks now no baths.......and they wonder why the kids are angry with authority figures. It stinks!



2014-04-29 22:18

Health prevention is a must for any society sports centres are key to any health & weiibeing startergy.



2014-04-30 09:25

hopefully this petition will save the Leisure Centre in Speke. I grew up going to the Baths after school and during school holidays and some of my happiest childhood memories were made there..don't deprive the children of Speke today the same opportunities of having great memories and having somewhere to spent their spare time. Well done to everyone who is fighting the council to save these places...good luck to you all

#46 Re:

2014-04-30 11:07

#28: -

absolutley spot on...blaming central gov or local gov dont matter their all pigs at the trough.



2014-04-30 15:03

This is the only baths I can use as all other pools use pool clear and I'm allergic to it x

#48 It's a joke

2014-04-30 20:49

It infuriates me that this is even happening. All over the news people are constantly moaning about children and adults being over weight or obese and yet they are taking away the gym, exercise classes and the swimming pool. That swimming pool might be the only exercise those children get. I think it is ridiculous, Speke is already a deprived area and now it's loosing something else as well as it's secondary school. What message is this giving to the young people of today when everything around them is getting took away.



2014-04-30 21:55

Think it's wrong that all our children should have to visit another community to swim. It's bad enough the schools in our area closing down



2014-05-01 04:28

I live over the road from the swimming baths my family use it alot its somewere for the kids to go especialy the older ones its not fair to be taking things out of communitys. Maybe if so much tome and money wasmt spent on immigrants our children an grandchildren wouldnt suffer and the money could help our communities