Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority.


#151 Re: Re: Get out

2014-04-25 22:10


#152 Re: Get out

2014-04-25 22:13

#148: - Get out took a lot of time to think of such an intelligent comment! This is not McDonalds. You dont't get to choose another persons lifestyle. You don't get it your way. You are a bigot plain and simple.


#153 Re: Re: Get out

2014-04-25 22:26

#150: Same Same - Re: Get out

Yes! Josh and Kovac need to go

S. Valdez Jr. San Juan County NM.

#154 Re: 147

2014-04-25 23:38

#147: Disappointed -

I too will not vote for Kovac. I have lived in this community for along time and many of you know me and how I'm the quiet reserved type individual. Well I feel we have a very real problem and I will campain for anyone that runs against Kovac. That is how I feel and I will stand by it no matter what.


#155 Re: Re: 147

2014-04-26 01:14



2014-04-26 04:16

Im disgusted at TJ Brown and his boyfriend for what they did. Pull me over TJ and I wont comply with your orders. Protest is what you will get buddy. And if your sister is on the prowl tell her my 16 year old daughter is off limits ok.

#157 Re:

2014-04-26 15:48

#156: Marco -

no, this is the stupidest rant on here.


#158 Re:

2014-04-26 17:15

#156: Marco -

Thats really f'ed up to stay, this is about Tj not his siblings or anyone in his family for a matter of fact. You just need to back up and sit your ass down.

Code of Conduct


2014-04-26 17:21

Too many people here focused solely on the criminal aspect, which appears muddied at best. Whether or not a criminal act occurred will never be determined, but in addition to this, the Bloomfield Police Department Code of Conduct for police officers comes into play. It would seem a conduct violation would be in effect here for any act (lawful or otherwise), which would cause a betrayal of public trust. That is the issue here no one wants to admit to nor acknowledge. Many police officers are found not guilty at trial, but still fired for policy or code of conduct violations.
Move on

#160 Re:

2014-04-26 19:47

#159: Code of Conduct -

That's why internal investigations are performed. If the officer is cleared in the internal investigation then the matter is settled and we move forward. If the officer is found in violation of the policy on conduct from the internal investigation then said officer is removed from the department. Said officer in this has been cleared and returned to duty so I would say lets move forward and get back to protecting the citizens of Bloomfield.



2014-04-26 22:24

I wonder how many of Brown's supporters and defenders are defending him only because of his lifestyle. I would find it comical to see how different your reactions would be had this been a 16 year old girl and how quick you would be to call him a predator.


#162 Curious

2014-04-26 23:24

I was wondering that my self
Josh your an Idiot

#163 Give it up Josh

2014-04-27 00:58

Come on Josh stop trying to bait everyone into continuing this witch hunt. Everything has been put out there over and over again. This thing has run it's course. You can report back to Kovacs that his plan didn't work like he wanted it to.



2014-04-30 14:35

Josh is just pissed off because tj brown got the SGT potion and he not that is all !!!!

#165 Molester with a Badge

2014-05-25 10:41

As the former supervisor of the victim, and also the cousin of another one of San Juan Co's Sheriff's deputies (not involved with this incident), I am highly disappointed in the outcome of this case. How is it that we allow someone in the position of authority to use their power in perverse and inappropriate - not to mention ILLEGAL ways to walk away scott-free and continue to "serve" the community? A statute of limitations should not be of issue, given that the victim was a minor at the time. Corruption is in play here and the question I have in all of this nonsense is... just who's dick did Brown suck to not be held accountable? How many other pedo's and sexual abusers are we as a community entrusting to "protect" us when THEY are the ones we need to be protected from??!?! Brown should be in prison. Period.



2016-10-21 15:24

Due process should have applied. FPD didn't even investigate or take the accusation serious.