Seaford Head School Phone Ban

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Seaford Head School Phone Ban.

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2014-02-28 23:11

This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)

2014-02-28 23:11

This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)

2014-02-28 23:12

This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)

2014-02-28 23:13

This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)

2014-02-28 23:14

This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)

2014-02-28 23:15

This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)

2014-02-28 23:15

This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)

2014-02-28 23:15

This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)

2014-02-28 23:30



2014-03-01 20:09

Oi why remove my comments??? I have a right to expression, even if it is through LOL's. oh well at least I haven't had my phones banned, I can use my phone whenever I like, and I hope they bring more stupid rules 2 you're school because that would make me laugh. HA HA HA

The voice of insanity, Joshua fossella


2014-03-02 20:24

I'm going to be honest, this is fucked up, FUBAR. Golds has a reputation for being a bitch to her students, the staff and now she is doing this? Why the fuck would she do that? As of now we start our protest and we have to start big, so tomorrow I want everyone who reads this to actively gather in the corridors, the doorways, and everywhere else that will make life awkward. If you read this spread the word, as of now, insanity is leading this
A Parent

#262 Re: Re: Life before mobiles

2014-03-02 22:45

#229: Come @ me bro - Re: Life before mobiles

Ok so let me get this right....

Mobile phone can be used to and from school....

Students have to turn their phones off at the start of school.... 8.40am
Students can use their phones by going to the school office at break or lunch (if there is a need)............ correct.... yes?
At the end of school 3.25pm they can turn them on again.

So, students can use their phones to and from school.. Correct... YES... NO students wellfare issues there then!
Reasons for needing phones all day (as stated on here) ... to talk to.... friends or/and family...!
Question..... are their friends not at school with them...? And as a parent cant you phone the school on the ....LAND LINE ? There is no need for an "instant reply" as in the words of the students themselves...... Student’s can't/won't use mobiles in lessons, so they wouldn't be able to answer you ANYWAY...!

As to you're "rant" it offers nothing to the debate, so far from "Anon" being the idiot, I suggest it is you, who need to look again at your comments...... Think before you type!


the voice of reason and good sense

#263 Re: Re: Re: Life before mobiles

2014-03-03 20:10

#262: A Parent - Re: Re: Life before mobiles

i totaly agree, you are a beacon of good sense and pragmatism, well done good sir


#264 Re:

2014-03-04 10:06

#260: LOL -

Because you're spamming, moron.


#265 Re:

2014-03-04 13:33

#2: LG -

they are mature though


#266 Re:

2014-03-04 13:35

#184: -

Teachers shouldn't be on their phone if their is a ban


#267 Lucky

2014-03-04 13:36

You are lucky because at my school Rye College we are not allowed our phones out at all
SHS Student

#268 Re: Lucky

2014-03-04 16:54

#267: 123 - Lucky

Nor are we now. That's what this petition is about...


#269 Re:

2014-03-04 19:07

#2: LG -

I*, *You're. 7/10 try harder.
Maybe mature a little yourself?



2014-03-04 19:10

I think it's hilarious but yet sad that Seaford Head continues to try and fix non-issues in a counterproductive fashion several years after I've left.

#271 Re: Re:

2014-03-04 21:41

#269: Mellrd - Re:

look mate, i know it must be hard for you having an inferiority complex, but don't take it out on me, just calm down and stop your crying, yano its not very mature for you to be crying so much.


#272 Re: Good job

2014-03-05 18:09

#42: Ex-Inmate Seaford Head School - Good job

yes please sign and stop the phone ban


#273 Re:

2014-03-05 18:37

#101: -

That may not be true. But also anthorer thing the lousy old  hag i mean mrs golds did was steel chistmas by seanding a email about no chistmas untill 3rd periodod on last day


#274 demons..or is that democracy??

2014-03-06 19:04

I thought we lived in a democratic society which kinda means all for one and one for all...or is it that we really live in a dictatorship which means we will all end up carrying likkle measureing tapes to measure our skirt lengths at will and there will be fear, yes quaking fear for those who forget to bring along their rulers.. but hang on, cant call for help cos theres no phones!
And yes i know ive spelt measureing wrong. Pedants.



2014-03-07 14:41

Penso che i divieti telefoniche sono stupidi. fa chiunque altro mi arrivare qui? per l'Italia! per gli studenti! per i telefoni!