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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition dailymail.co.uk/floodpetition.



2014-02-15 18:12

Help is urgently needed here in Britain, overseas aid must be reduced for this emergency



2014-02-15 18:15

we need charity at home not asia or africa



2014-02-15 18:30

Start looking after our own people and let the foreign countries support their own.
Well done the Mail for starting this petition



2014-02-15 18:51

The aid money which is given to other countries is belonging to the people of britain and not the government!!!As such we should now be cosulted as to where it i distributed. Also if we are a rich country. as stated by one of our politicions this week,why do we nt have enough money to fund our NHS. properly, which results in british citizens dying because of being denied expensive drugs,and elderly people being denied help in their homes.



2014-02-15 19:02

I am an ordinary housewife - not an intelligent politician and if we had sufficient funds then I feel we should help with overseas aid but we need to help Britain first - STOP now giving to people from other nations who also come here - ~The British come first !!!!!



2014-02-15 19:20

We need to stop sending funds to the likes of China who clearly no longer need financial assistance and spend the money on those who need it in this country.



2014-02-15 19:39

Surely we should be looking after our own people first before trying to save the world. A lot of the money we are sending abroad is going to countries far richer than we are!



2014-02-15 19:42

Why give money to some of the richest countries we need it



2014-02-15 19:42

As so much aid money goes missing in many of the countries we give to, I feel passionately that we need to heed the advice of Dutch engines and spend the billions building our defences.Why do India,China and parts of Asia need aid money when they are much richer countries compared to UK. Like many people I will change the party I always vote for if the people of UK aren't listened to. It's scandalous to give these corrupt countries money we desperately need at home.



2014-02-15 19:44

Our own people need this money the country needs the money STOP giving money to some of the richest countries they don't need it WE do.Listen to the taxpayers your people



2014-02-15 19:49

charity begins at home and its about time this country realised it and started helping their own



2014-02-15 19:59

This government is trying to project a caring
image with tax payers money,but it will backfire
on them.



2014-02-15 20:02

great idea charity begins at home let unite and show it



2014-02-15 20:06

I am in full support of our foreign aid going to our own needy people



2014-02-15 21:24

i think the gov should look after our own first



2014-02-15 21:28

The only reason you give money to corrupt people is if you yourself are corrupt.



2014-02-15 21:45

the people of Britain must be helped in this crisis , we help abroad when ever help is needed now it's time to help at home! Let our voices be heard ..



2014-02-15 21:45

just do it for our people,when we are winning then give help to others, when we are strong we canbe strong to others



2014-02-15 23:54

It's brilliant and shows how strongly people feel about the amount of money given in foreign aid. Needed



2014-02-16 00:04

We send enough aid to corupt govenments and to countries who have enough money to send rockets into space etc. High time we gave priority to our own population suffering in the floods and spend money on projects recommended by the environment agency to reduce the chances of flooding in the future.



2014-02-16 00:15

its about time we looked after our us brits to hell with the rest

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2014-02-16 00:28



2014-02-16 00:51

Where are all the pop stars now when we need the help come on guys
What about a concert for people in thiscountry
to raise funds as people always give well here.i think its now their turn to recieve help dont you?? well done daily mail.



2014-02-16 07:37

The fact that this petition is needed shows how out of touch David Cameron, Nick Clegg etc are.



2014-02-16 08:03

we do not want to hear 'if we win the next election, this is what we will do' we want to hear 'this is what we are doing NOW to sort this mess out!