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Guest |
#251 Re 2492014-02-21 09:19The relocated school is looking to move to the field opposite the modern looking building on Tunstall road. Looking at the leaflet received this week, it fits in beautifully with that house and both represent being modern and moving forward. Well done to that house in leading the way with modern architecture and a new feel. You should be congratulated. |
Guest |
#252 Re: Re: Please stop this arguing2014-02-21 10:08#240: - Re: Please stop this arguing "KCC want to relocate the school and local residents do not want it relocated."
...some local residents obviously. |
Guest |
#253 Re: Re 2492014-02-21 10:09A little cutting and personal but I must say it has made me laugh. Shame that the rest of the village bears no resemblance to the proposed build or that house. |
Guest |
#254 Re: Re: Re: Please stop this arguing2014-02-21 10:10#252: - Re: Re: Please stop this arguing A lot more than you think!! |
Russell Brand |
#255 Re: Re: Please stop this arguing2014-02-21 10:21#246: - Re: Please stop this arguing There has been no scaremongering that I (as a parent) have seen. The facts, as they currently are known, is that if the build doesn't go ahead, the school will most likely be reduced to 1/2 FE, there is no budget to replace or upgrade the current site (also no space), should the school go 1/2 FE then budgets, resources and staffing will all also be reduced which will impact on the quality and breadth of experience currently on offer. IF the build doesn't happen, there WILL be expansion elsewhere around sittingbourne, and indeed there will be AS WELL as this proposal. From the KCC perspective do you think they would prefer to have half a dozen 1/2 FE schools or 2 or 3 larger well resourced locations. Over time it will become attractive to roll the 1/2 FE's into the larger schools, ergo Tunstall losing any form of school. Of course that is not a cast iron fact, just logical reasoned progression. I do feel for the residents that feel their lifestyle will be encroached upon, however I think that other suggestions in this conversation have been overlooked that could ease some burdens, such as the increased public transport to both the Science Park and through the village. For the local residents that feel bullied into a particular stance, don't hide away, but also remember that you don't have to share your opinion with anyone. If "bully" comes to the door, or stops you in the street, listen to their case and tell them you are considering it from all angles. Personally I'm waiting for the opposition to create placards and picket outside the current school, maybe a roadblock or two, now that would be interesting :D |
member of the lower upper middle class |
#256 Re: Information from Roger Gough, Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform KCC2014-02-21 10:27many thanks Simon for sharing that here. I think it adequately answers a few debates that are turning circular. |
Guest |
#257 Re: Re: Re: Please stop this arguing2014-02-21 10:34#255: Russell Brand - Re: Re: Please stop this arguing There are no bullies in this area just people with a different view.People who oppose the build are also parents, some going to the current school, grandparents and great grandparents. The view of the opposition to the build are just as important as yours. Let everyone have a say. The word bully seems to come into "school vocabulary" to much these days. Hitler and Stalin were bullies not residents trying to protect the area they live in and love. |
Guest |
#258 Re: Re: Re: Re: Please stop this arguing2014-02-21 11:17#257: - Re: Re: Re: Please stop this arguing Based on the comments above, it would appear that some local residents DO feel bullied into agreeing to one stance or another. Liking the term "bully" or not, that is unacceptable behaviour and as you say, let everyone have a say - but also respect that their opinion may not agree with yours. As an aside, I believe the word 'bully' is not solely restriction to schools vocabularies, it applies to all walks of life where one person uses an improper amount of persuasion to affect the actions of another. That could be politics, advertising, double glazing salespersons, the list is endless. The reason for it's prevalence in modern culture is that those on the receiving end now understand that it's ok to say "no", they may not have the courage to debate the issue, but gone are the days of the pack mentality where everyone follows the leader because they shout the loudest. Wait, we're on to politics now, so I'll shush. |
old cynic |
#259 re bullying2014-02-21 11:44I have had no one at my door bullying me but do have sympathy with those that have. Saying that, a friend and fellow older person and cynic, remarked that as it is an open website these people perhaps might not be who they say they are! Apologies to those that are genuine, but cynicism come about after being on this planet for quite a while!! |
Bob The Builder (oh yes I can!) |
#260 Re: re bullying2014-02-21 14:54Totally agree, whle not everyone's cup of tea I much prefer services/websites that require you to have a real name attached. I think it gives people a level of civility and accountability. This website also appears to invalidate itself in terms of signing the petition by not linking that signature up with the comments section, you have to sign the petition with "real" details, but then this whole discussion/comments section could be 2 people alone.. maybe one that has a lot of time. That being said it's fun to think up a nickname. |
old cynic |
#261 cynicism!2014-02-21 16:34As an old cynic I looked on Tunstall School's website on what constitutes a Christian,church going family. The answer took me aback! The family have to attend ONE service a MONTH for ONE year and a letter from the vicar! That is a' behind on a pew' for ONE HOUR out of 720 hours approx. in a month. You could have a choice of , I expect, Matins, Evensong or a Eucharist. Not a difficult ask for anyone. My respect goes out to all high moral atheists who live yards from the gate. Am I cynical ? Yes I am! |
Guest |
#262 Church Of England School2014-02-21 18:53 I have never said I live in "the village" or I don't live "in the village" I LIVE IN TUNSTALL - I happen to,live in the civic parish and the ecclesiastical parish. I am one of the lucky ones who have received notification about this proposal from Tunstall Parish Council, However, I have yet to receive anything from The Parochial Parish Council. I get the parish magazine, yet not one article about such an important decision within our Parish I can only feel sorry for those who only live in the Ecclesastical parish, because the Church has not considered them!!!! I would worry tthat if the residents opposite the proposed new site, speak to those opposite the existing site, perhaps some of these "urban myths" about unpleasant neighbour rumors, I'm not so sure that the school is going to be welcomed with open arms. Just my opinion |
Guest |
#2632014-02-21 20:30this would lead to increased traffic on an already congested road which makes access difficult also as we have just moved into our house in chegworth gardens it has not shown up in any of the searches that payed to have done |
closemouthopenarms |
#264 closemouthopenarms2014-02-22 00:28#262: - Church Of England School what urban myths would they be? |
Guest |
#265 Re:2014-02-22 12:30I thiink a chat with SBC would be in order. It would interesting to know when the 'new school application was submitted. It is not a matter of approval or dissappoval or the location of the school, It is about openness and honesty of the applicant and all 'proffessional' organisations and individuals that are involved. I certainly would question motives of some. |
Guest |
#2662014-02-24 13:02Tunstall village should be left alone. There are plenty of other areas that would be better used. Tunstall should be left as it is. Why destroy a village that has a long history. For gods sake there are plenty of other areas that could be expanded. Leave this beautiful village untouched. |
DictionaryKing |
#267 Re:2014-02-24 13:45 |
This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)
2014-02-24 14:43- Date of removal: 2014-02-24
- Reason for removal: posted too soon
Tunstall Resident |
#269 My opinion after looking at the facts2014-02-24 15:03I support the application to build a two form entry primary school in Tunstall Road for the following reasons: I have been a Tunstall resident for many years and it has always been known that the land has been owned by KCC and earmarked for educational use. It is good that it is finally being utilised for this purpose. As a Church School it is essential that it is built close to the Church and I am glad that the proposed site is within walking distance of the Church. Traffic is always an issue around schools but only for two relatively short periods of the day and for only 53% of the days of the year. The proposal has on-site parking and a well designed drop off area which will be the envy of residents near other schools. As the school gradually reaches full capacity over 7 years by taking two forms at reception class each academic year I believe the school will adapt and arrangements can be made to encourage fewer to arrive by car. The new site will be nearer the new Eden Village estate making it possible for more pupils to walk. Those pupils who currently walk from Sterling Road, Roseleigh Road, Park Drive, Chegworth Gardens and Cranbrook Drive will all still be within walking distance of the proposed site. The current walk from these areas is dangerous in places and I am glad to see that the planned school has addressed these issues with good footpaths and crossings. A risk assessment of the current site has made implementing a walking bus unsafe as the footpaths are inadequate. I am glad that the surface water flooding risk has been looked into and measures have been taken to not only cope with current rainfall but 30% extra which we may get in the future due to climate change. With foresight like this I feel that the plans are beyond adequate. The site is not at risk of any other type of flooding. This will improve the current situation where the un-kept pond overflows in high rainfall. The school building is attractive and the proposed floor plan uses the space very efficiently. The facilities outside have also been very well thought out with the pond and surrounding area being used as a feature where currently they look an eyesore. I am pleased to see that existing trees are kept and more planted. |
HW |
#270 Tunstall development2014-02-24 15:19May I make a suggestion. Why not build a new school at Senora Fields instead. There are already many new houses in that area and the children would have easy access to a school if built locally on the land there. That way Tunstall could be left alone to be the lovely little village that it was intended to be. I feel strongly that all our lovely country side is being ruined. |
Understand.. but... |
#271 Re: Tunstall development2014-02-24 15:48#270: HW - Tunstall development There are many factors and reasons that this development is in the planning stages. Mainly that KCC owns the land within Tunstall, that the current school site in Tunstall is inadequate (for it's current size) and governent cash that is available is specifically for expanding current schools, not "new schools". There are also plans in the offing to expand/grow schools all over Swale, not just Tunstall, so it's not a "let's ruin the countryside" plan from the council. I don't see this as ruining the countryside, rather that it is enhancing already great amenity that Tunstall School offers. |
Guest |
#272 Re: Re:2014-02-24 15:50Both comments subjective but your reply is rude and not really needed once again it seems that no one else around Tunstall is allowed an opinion except those of the lets build campaign. Tunstall should be left alone, its has not gown in population for years leave it alone. Still once we keep building we will not be far from the sea and you will hopefully all be able to go and paddle!!! See I have now come down to your leval see what this does!! |
Guest |
#273 Re: Re: Re:2014-02-24 15:52OK OK GROWN!! |
Guest |
#274 Re: My opinion after looking at the facts2014-02-24 16:00#269: Tunstall Resident - My opinion after looking at the facts The unkept pond is called nature, you seem to have forgotten that.Ha ha I really cant see many walking from Eden Village at all becuase mummy and daddys time is very calculated these days so the cars will be used to expidite matters. Unfortunately this is not silly but just fact. Ok lets chuck some buses and coaches into the equation too, that will be good for Tunstall Road. By the way the only people that know that the land is for so called educational purposes are the school, KCC and the School Governors.The searches do not come up with proposed building work (well they may now which means no one has a hope of selling) |
Guest |
#275 re 2692014-02-24 17:06I would love to see a "walking crocodile of children dressed in bright yellow jackets" pass my house on their way to school. I will not say it is impossible, but the odds are highly unlikely! All the hype of children walking, is just hype. If the school was built in an area with large amounts of family dwellings then 'children walking' would be seen. Unfortunately just the road traffic will increase. |
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