Arrest Anjem Choudray for being accessory to murder of Lee Rigby



2013-12-18 20:32

Its time the gov put its foot on the neck of these cowards.they spout bile while inciting others to do the dirty work.deport them to the country of their origin!



2013-12-18 20:38

Deport those who oppose England, Great Britain or the UK, they are a threat to our national security!



2013-12-18 21:04

Anjem choudary is nothing more than a terrorist and should be thrown out of britain.



2013-12-18 22:02

I have been saying for years that Chaudery is the driving force behind muslim atrocities in the uk. I love the way he hides when confronted.



2013-12-19 01:33

these people need to be stopped, their behavior is outrageous and plays no part in our society, please save England from these people who have already stated that they wish to destroy all of you,



2013-12-19 03:04

To anjem choudry.
Good news and some bad news.
Good news:Your place in hell along with your 72 virgins has been permitted.
Bad news: They are all uglier than you.



2013-12-19 03:47

We do NOT need hate preachers in this country! If they want to promote their hatred, let them move to an Islamic country. Why should we put up with these people? WHY come to the U.K. if you hate us and our culture SO much?



2013-12-19 10:27

inspiring terror is as convictable as committing it.



2013-12-19 10:50

This terrorist should not be allowed to sprout his hatred in public if we were to do it in there country we would be arrested and shot



2013-12-19 11:01




2013-12-19 12:56

Britain is making a huge problem for its self if the scales of justice
Were level and the police were strait and honest
And could have respect then a civil war possibly
Could be averted



2013-12-19 13:02

Goatfuckers must all pay the Bacon Jizya!



2013-12-19 15:26

These Sharia law practices shouldn't be allowed to be promoted anywhere!



2013-12-19 17:33

Bring back hanging for murder



2013-12-19 18:39

This disgusting man should have been arrrested for incitement a long time ago



2013-12-19 18:51

Everyone needs to sign this.
Sussex Infidel


2013-12-19 18:53

Anjem Choudray receives £25,000 of taxpayers money in benefits. He wants Sharia Law and believes that Islam will dominate the world. I believe that he is as guilty as the two men that butchered Lee Rigby and should be in jail alongside them!


Please sign this petition!




2013-12-19 20:18

It's about time he was kicked out of the country.
Harris Hafeez


2013-12-19 20:27

Couldnt agree more. Also he should not be receiving any benefits from the Govt, all he does is preach hatred against British People. He should not be in this country.



2013-12-19 20:42

Until the day arrives when our Politician's have no fear of Islamist Extremist we the common people have to defend FREE SPEECH, FREEDOM OF THOUGHT, AND FREEDOM OF CHOICE, and also our culture and religions that we believe in not just for ourselves but for the future's of our son's and daughter's and our grand children. Vote BNP against the ineptness of our present day Politicians and it would also appear our Judges.



2013-12-19 21:07

Ban the Quran
It incites hatred and violence towards towards all and anyone that are not Muslim and And has a completely UN democratic ethos that has no place in our society


#72 Re:

2013-12-19 21:10

#62: -

Lol amen to that ban the Quran



2013-12-19 21:12

HOw come this evil man is allowed to stir up such hatred towards the people of this country???



2013-12-19 22:00

the guy should be jailed for treasion!



2013-12-19 22:17

Brain Washing is not the way forward....