Say no to stalybridge mosque
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#5262013-11-12 07:18Animals stunned before halal use the same voltage as any other method. If you think this inadequate maybe become a vegan. If you're worried about influential bodies delivering food which isn't clear about sources or shouldn't be for mass consumption could you also direct this hatred towards McDonald's, Coca cola and KFC etc. Seeing as teach in supplying your little town with this meat perhaps you should address this and boycott? Except you won't because you don't actually care that much outside of this context. The above still has nothing to do with Stalybridge and a community centre however. |
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#5272013-11-12 15:05There is already a purpose built mosque in Ashton Under Lyne. Currently threre is no significant Muslim community in Stalybridge and as such have no need for this building in Styalybridge. |
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#529 Re: Re: Re:2013-11-12 20:12#512: - Re: Re: I gave a reasoned argument for the justified objections to the mosque based on facts highlighting the problems with Islam in the UK. You have not countered any of those points. I also clearly stated, by referencing New Zealand law, that I have no problem with 'stunned' Halal. There is NO requirement for Islamic slaughtermen in the UK to pre-stun animals, there IS for British slaughtermen who would bew prosecuted if caught doing so. This is a divisive, totally unfair and dangerous precept, i.e. having separate laws for different cultures in the same country. YOU need to accept that because someone says they are offended by something does not mean they are automatically correct and in the right. They may have other motovations. Each case, WHATEVER an offensive remark is based on, should be judged on its merits. Criminalising people for a single offhand remark because it has what are regarded as currently offensive trendy connotations is fascistic, disproportionate state interference. The police should not be TOLD by the government what type of offences to prioritise, it should be left to the balanced judgement of individual forces and officers. If Aussie isn't offensive then neither is Paki, unless either are used with obvious offensive intent. Something having racial connotations isn't necessarily offensive or 'racist'. No-one TELLS me what words I can and can't use. the context in which ANY word is used is what matters. I've never condmned the whole of Islam but I don't like many of its precepts and tenets, its regressive nature, its general treatment of women, its expansionist nature in the UK demonstrated by its exponential population growth over the last few decades, between 2004 - 2008 the Islamic population of the UK grew ten times faster than any other group, its deliberate refusal to meaningfully assimilate or integrate. That's not including the vast problem of Muslim (mainly of Pakistani descent) organised gangs of young men deliberately racially targeting young White female children for sexual exploitation. Something the police wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole until the problem got so out of control they were FORCED to act, referenced by the constant stream of cases in the media in the last few years. The IRA's terrorism wasn't on a global scale and they WERE roundly condemned by every right thinking person, as Muslims are now for UK terror incidents or the endless stream of plots foiled by the security services.
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#530 Re:2013-11-12 20:22#526: - I specifically said I had no problem with stunned Halal. There is no requirement under British law for pre-stunning for Islamic/Kosher slaughtermen, there is for British slaughtermen. I wouldn't eat food from any Halal outlet I was aware of. There is nothing wrong with consuming the animals, it is an essential part of a balanced diet. What is also essential is that animals for slaugher are treated in the most humane manner possible, i.e. thy don't have their throats slit whilst fully conscious but are renderd unconscious first to minimise suffering. Defence or justification of unnecessarily barbaric methods is as specious as it is spineless. Mosques help spread and disseminate Islam and consequently ALL its practices, Halal is an example of those and any humane, balanced person would want to stop the spread of cruelty and uncivilised practices.
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#5332013-11-13 14:30again you insist you're giving a reasoned argument because you use sketchy 'proof' but then extrapolate from that untruths. I'm not saying this religion is perfect or that we should all convert. I am saying that you take facts out of context and there is nothing to say that islam encourages young groups of men to target young white women. In fact I can't see any proof that this is happening any more than white rapists targetting white young women - it just happens to be in the media more because the thought of it is so disgusting to daily mail readers! If you read back through you will find instances of you defending people's rights to use certain language and arguing people's points. You did go on abotu terrorism following other comments citing that the majority of terrorists are muslim as though that had anything to do with a Stalybridge community centre.
your reasoned argument only covers about 5% of your posts. the rest is subjective presented as truth. |
Stan |
#534 Put your head in the sand and pretend this is not happening2013-11-13 22:35Muslim reproduction rate: |
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#535 Re:2013-11-13 22:55#533: - There is a large scale problem with organised gangs of Islamic (mainly of Pakistani descent) paedophile racists targeting White female children, there is no such problem being caused by any other group. 'White rapists' or rapists of any other gender are just that, individuals who target women on a non-racial basis for acts of rape. The subject of Islamic grooming gangs has, on the contrary been deliberately omitted from the media until relatively recently when the sheer scale of the problem has brought the problem to the fore and FORCED the police, establishment and authorities to react. There are social services and police reports of this problem going back many many years. These warnings were given, not least by Nick Griffin of the BNP who was twice put on trial for criticism of Islam and the problem of its racist grooming of White children, but were wilfully ignored by the police and authorites due to fear of the race element, i.e the rape of White children was considered secondary to good relations with the 'community'. If you can't see the truth it's because you don't want to. The further you do down the demographic scale the massively greater the Muslim population. In many, and growing, areas they are in a signifcant majority. According to the last government's official figures, between 2004 - 2008 the Islamic population of Britain grew ten times faster than ANY other group. Quite an achievement when you consider the large families many other immigrant groups have. Their rate of increase is unprecedented and on a different scale, hence (along with their deliberate failure to meaningfully integrate and assimilate, a tactic that goes back centuries) their takeover of so many areas of the country. I did and do defend people's right to freedom of speech and vocabulary, the context of words is what matters not simply their usage. I argue any points raised if I happen to support them, whether other people initially raised them or I did. The vast majority of terrorist incidents ARE committed by Muslims is a fact, posted to rebut the 'All Muslims are terrorists' type comments as much as the 'Islam is a religion of peace and the same as other religions', type comments. Islam demonstrably is not the same when it comes to members of religous groups committing acts of violence and/or terror. ALL concerns raised about Islam, whether its expansionist nature, refusal to assimilate, massive population growth, takeover of areas, links to terror, barbaric slaughter methods, treatment of women are reasons why many British people, who have seen and know full well what has happened in other areas both locally and nationally, don't want a mosque in their town. If 95% of my posts weren't reasoned argument, you would easily be able to give specific reasoned counter arguments as opposed to making vacuous accusatory statements, as you have done repeatedly. I won't be holding my breath.
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#5362013-11-14 13:10There is a large scale problem with organised gangs of Islamic (mainly of Pakistani descent) paedophile racists targeting White female children, there is no such problem being caused by any other group. 'White rapists' or rapists of any other gender are just that, individuals who target women on a non-racial basis for acts of rape. What a ridiculous statement. Another example of you extrapolating what you interpret as truth from actual facts. Rapists are a widespread problem regardless of the colour of the women they target. As it happens though, Muslims make up 3% of the population, Rapists make up a much larger % based on last years reported (and unreported) cases. So tell me, this WIDESPREAD problem of muslims attacking white do they do it? It's complete crap. Don't you dare trivialise rape using a minority of cases for your own agenda. disgusting. |
Not a racist but a realist |
#537 Take your head out of the sand and read2013-11-14 19:18These links are the tip of the iceberg and this is no Fascist propaganda as they are all mainstream sources. If you deny this his happening you are only fooling yourself and if you are not fooling yourself you are an evil bigot who tries to trivialise the organised gang rape of British children by immigrants.
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#538 Re:2013-11-14 20:41#536: - I responded to your incorrect statement equating individual acts of rape with organised and systematic paedophile racist grooming. There is no connection between the two apart from the actual offence. If you're so concerned about 'racism' why are you wilfully blind when the victims are White children.The ONLY cultural group committing such offences are Muslim men of mainly Pakistani descent. There has been a constant stream of such cases reported in the media, and large scale convictions. Don't YOU dare deliberately ignore the widespread organised rape of White children to suit your own agenda. I suggest you follow the links on post #537 if you WANT a small sample of the true horror of what is being inflicted on White female children. I didn't trivialise rape but you ARE ignoring it when the ethnicity of the victims doesn't suit your preconceived liberal mantra.
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#5392013-11-14 21:12Can someone please provide some contextual statistics to show that this is a widespread problem. Can someone also confirm that white men targetting white women doesnt also target race, allbeit their own. If you can show me that this is more widespread than any other rapist minority then we can discuss. However having just researched it seemed one in 5 rspists in the uk were immigrants, the most frequently reported were polish, jamaican and australian. Given muslims make up 5% of the population and approx 85% of rape victims know their attacker thr number dont add up. Im not denying there have been instances of convicted muslim gangs targetting white children what no one should accept without proof though is widespread and confined to only those of pakistani descent |
protect our children from sexual predators |
#540 Even Channel 4 agree. It is not racist to reveal the facts2013-11-15 01:37 |
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#541 Re: Even Channel 4 agree. It is not racist to reveal the facts2013-11-15 08:53You have posted a link which clearly states that findings are not conclusive. In fact after seeing the data they reported that data was poorly recorded so useless and the outcome was that it wasn't possible to profile based on rape. See below quote. Maybe read what you post before you try to argue an invalid point
: "I welcome the report's finding that these crimes are not exclusively an Asian problem, CEOP's findings that 20 per cent of culprits are Asian, which means 80 per cent are not Asian, this is what we have been saying all along.
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#542 Re: Re: Even Channel 4 agree. It is not racist to reveal the facts2013-11-15 09:03#541: - Re: Even Channel 4 agree. It is not racist to reveal the facts 2-3% of the p[opulation committing 20% of rapes, should tell you something. |
Stan |
#543 Immigrants raping white schoolgirls is never acceptable2013-11-15 11:38Of course sexual exploitation is not purely an Asian problem, but statistically speaking it is damning. I cannot fathom people like you who put their personal agenda before sympathy for vulnerable victims being ruthlessly exploited by predatory immigrant gangs. You need to forget the pc mantra and think about the moral implications if your actions. |
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#544 Re: Immigrants raping white schoolgirls is never acceptable2013-11-15 18:08#543: Stan - Immigrants raping white schoolgirls is never acceptable I am not saying that 'Asians' are completely faultless and commit no crimes, nor am I saying White people are completely to blame for everything. Everything you have 'argued' I haven't said isn't true (apart from the stuff completely incorrect) I am simply putting things into context. You can't demonise an entire race or religion based on some minority acts of disgusting behaviour. We are sat here discussing how predatory Muslims are when the majority of rapists are white or immigrants from Eastern Europe & Jamaica. Yet you will happily accept these people into your community. I don't have an agencda - my only aim is equality and equal opporunities. in time you'll learn that your behaviour has no place in modern society. |
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#545 It is not racist to talk about awkward facts2013-11-15 19:09When you look how artificial the whole ''racism'' cult is, and it's absurdly stupid and hypocritical moral censor of ''anti racism'' realise that we have allowed something far more irrational than most religions to take hold, and the zealots who do most of the shouting about ''racism'', are no different than a rabidly religious convert. The likes of this poor man who wishes to remain blind to the facts are to be pitied for their inability to think outside of their ''anti racist'' and self loathing mentality. It is very hard to understand, how white 'anti racists' can learn to hate and disregard their own people, but when you consider how a suicide bomber is indoctrinated, you are looking at the same dynamic. |
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#546 Re:2013-11-15 22:24#539: - This isn't about how many Whites commit rape or Blacks, it's about organised racist, paedophile gangs systematically targeting female children from another racial group. The only group doing that are gangs of Muslim men, mainly of Pakistani descent. There have been numerous cases in the Press over the last few years, with many more pending. The only racial individual rape I'm aware of is in America where the US Justice department's which show 30 to 40,000 instances of Black men raping White women per year. There are virtualy no cases of White men raping Black women.l
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#5472013-11-15 22:25You are quite honestly the most absurd Internet troll I have ever come across. By refusing to demonise another religion based on minority crimes and having no issue with population growthwe are part of a cult, indoctrinated with hate against white people. I hate no one, I allow all people to be judged on individual basis. The Muslim religion doesn't spread Terrorism, rape and benefit claims any more than none-religion-specific white people encourage bigotry or in education. The irony of your cause is lost on you and we are all really lucky you are in no position of power or of any social influence. |
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#548 Re: Immigrants raping white schoolgirls is never acceptable2013-11-15 22:27#543: Stan - Immigrants raping white schoolgirls is never acceptable It's because the victims are White and to the PC brigade, that's simply to be swept under the carpet. Object in the most considered and rational way to a mosque in your locality and the same bunch of hypocrites will instantly castigate and demonise you as 'raycissst'.
Guest |
#549 Re: Re:2013-11-15 22:30You are unfortunately completely blind to the plight of women, children and other vulnerable people in the UK. This rape gang and child abuse is harrowing, but is not worse in any way that a white people raping white people or any rape in any case whatsoever. Your sentence stating that there are no cars of white men raping black women is disgusting, please go away and read up. There are lots of organisations in the UK to help victims and some even share their stories. Not all rape victims are white women. |
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#550 Re: Re: Immigrants raping white schoolgirls is never acceptable2013-11-15 22:48#548: - Re: Immigrants raping white schoolgirls is never acceptable No one has ever unreported white people's suffering or needs you buffoon. You have this assurance inside you that white people are downtrodden and it's laughable! You're best rebuke to my previous comment is that no one is reporting crimes against white people because it's not PC! Go to your favourite website and do a quick survey if you're not sure! |
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