Chase Away SL Jihadists - රටේ ද්රෝහීන් පන්නන ජාතික පෙත්සම
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Chase Away SL Jihadists - රටේ ද්රෝහීන් පන්නන ජාතික පෙත්සම.
Guest |
#262012-04-30 11:34i dont like islam |
Guest |
#27 buddha2012-04-30 11:36musilim hathikaraya PANNAPIYO |
Wicky |
#302012-04-30 13:14Islam is the worst religion and no:1 for Violation , Murdering , Let's Ban Jihad and all fucking useless islam communities (Foolislam). |
no name |
#31 Re:2012-05-01 18:07ponnoya.. makkamai dambullai compare karanna puluwanna pako.. |
Guest |
#32 Re: buddha2012-05-01 18:09ponnaita ochchara baya wela kagahana dagalana ewun patta ponnayoo... |
rooma |
#33 SHAME ON YOUR RELIGION2012-05-01 18:56 |
steve1 ads |
#35 Ghost Hunters Season 8 Episode 102012-05-02 13:03Ghost Hunters Season 8 Episode 10 going to airs today......, so don't miss it........, Watch Ghost Hunters Season 8 Episode 10 Online free streaming with us just a single click............ |
kadol |
#362012-05-02 23:19අල්කයිඩා තිප්පලක් වටලා අනාගත සැලසුම් හෙලිවේ May 2, 2012 at 3:11 am | Lanka C News. අල්කයිඩා තිප්පලක් වටලා අනාගත සැලසුම් හෙලිවේ අල්කයිඩාවේ රහස් තිප්පලක් හරහා ඔවුන්ගේ රහස් තොරතුරු අඩංගු ලියවිලි ගොනුවක් හසුකර ගැනීමට ජර්මන් පොලීසිය සමත්වී ඇති බව විදෙස් මාධ්ය වාර්තා කරයි. මෙම ලියවිලි ‘අනාගන සැලසුම්’ යන නාමයකින් ඔවුන් සටහන් කර තිබූ අතර ගුවන් යානා කොල්ලකෑම් ඇතුළු යුරෝපය පුරා සිදුකිරිමට සැලසුම් කරන ලද ත්රස්ත ජාල වල සැලසුම් ඒ අතර තිබී හමුවී ඇති බවට පොලිස් වාර්තා පෙන්වා දෙයි. ජර්මානු අපරාධ පොලීසිය ඒ අනුව මැක්සූඩි ලෝඩින් නැමැත්තකු අත්අඩංගුවට ගෙන ඇත. ඔහු නොයෙක් ආකාරයේ දත්ත ගොනු (Memory cards ) ඔහුගේ ඇඳුම්වල සඟවා ගෙන තිබී පොලිසිය භාරයට ගෙන ඇති අතර ඔවුන්ගේ සැලසුම් අඩංගු ලියවිලි 100 කට අධික ප්රමානයක් මෙහිදී සොයාගෙන ඇති බවත් වාර්තා වේ. කලක් සිදුකල ලියවිලි පරීක්ෂාව මගින් ඔවුන් විසින් පෙර සිදුකළ සැලසුම් හා දැනට සිදුකරන්නට යන මෙහෙයුම් පිලිබද ලබා ගත් දත්ත කෙරේ ජර්මානු සෝදිසි මෙහෙයුම් අංශ විසින් වැඩි අවධානයක් ලබා දී ඇත. මෙම සැලසුම් වල කිසිදු නමක් සඳහන් නොවුනද කරන ලද නිරික්ෂණ වලින් මෙහි ඇතුළු වෘතාන්නය අල්කයිඩාවේ නායකත්වයේ සලකුණු පෙන්නුම් කරන බවත් ඊට අමතරව ඔවුන් 2008 හා 2009 වසර වල කරන ලද සැලසුම්ද මේ අතර දක්නට තිබූ බවත් ඔවුන් පෙන්වා දෙයි. ඔවුන් නවතම සැලසුම් අතර කුඩා ප්රහාර තැනින් තැන යුරෝපය පුරා පතුරවමින් ඔවුන්ගේ අවධානය ඒ දෙසට යෙදෙන අතරතුර දැවැන්ත ඉලක්කයක් ඒ අතරට කි්රයාත්මක කිරීම මේ සැලසුම් අතර තිබුණ බවට පොලිස් වාර්තා තව දුරටත් පෙන්වා දෙයි. |
Kadol |
#37 ALLAH WHY MUSLIM SO CRUEL2012-05-04 13:58BBC News Asia Home UK Africa Asia Europe Latin America Mid-East US & Canada Business Health Sci/Environment Tech Entertainment Video Asia Business China India 3 May 2012 Last updated at 16:08 GMT Share this page 250 Share Bangladesh teacher 'burns' legs of girl pupils By Anbarasan Ethirajan BBC News, Dhaka Burn marks on the leg of one of the madrassa pupils Burn marks can clearly be seen on the legs of the madrassa pupils Continue reading the main story Related Stories Bangladesh plans madrassa reforms Swift justice in harassment case Police in Bangladesh are looking for a teacher from a Muslim religious school who allegedly placed burning hot iron rods on the legs of her students for failing to offer prayers regularly. They say 14 girls, aged between eight and 12, received burn injuries. The school has been temporarily closed following the incident, while the "hellish experience" of the girls has been widely reported in newspapers. Their injuries are not thought to be serious. The Bangladeshi government banned all corporal punishment in all educational institutions, including religious schools - or madrassas - in 2010. "I was shocked to see the burn injury of my daughter," Jumur Akhter, mother of one of the affected students, told the BBC. The girls were learning Arabic and Bengali at the Talimul Koran Mahila madrassa at Namashyampur in Dhaka. The incident is said to have happened on Tuesday. "It was the first day of the madrassa after our holidays. Our teacher got angry when she heard that we were not offering regular prayers during our vacation," said Ferdousi Akther, aged eight. "Then she asked her servant to heat up the rod and then she pressed it on our legs. The pain was unbearable." Pupils say that the teacher asked the students whether they knew the severity of the fire in hell. They were allegedly told that if they did not offer prayers regularly, they would experience a similar punishment. Hiding The neighbourhood of small businessmen, day labourers and garment factory workers is shocked over the incident. Talimul Koran Mahila madrassa in Dhaka The madrassa has been temporarily closed in the aftermath of the burnings "This is... human rights violence on children. The government has been trying to stop this kind of violence against children, especially in educational institutions. But the implementation is weak," Rasheda K Chowdhury of the Campaign for Popular Education said. Police are investigating the incident following complaints by parents. "We have registered a case against the madrassa teacher following a complaint by the father of a girl. The teacher and her husband have gone into hiding. We are still searching for them," Shafiqul Islam, a police officer in charge of the Kadamtoli area of Dhaka told the BBC. Parents, meanwhile, say that they are reluctant to carry on sending their children to the madrassa. "If we had a government school in the vicinity then we would send them there. But the nearest government school is far away," said Sumaiya Begum, mother of another student who received injuries. "That is why we have to send our children to this madrassa." Bangladesh has two types of madrassas. There are more than 16,000 state-sponsored Alia madrassas across the country teaching more than five million students. Apart from Islamic studies, students in these institutions learn English, maths and science. The second type are Qaumi madrassas, which are independent and run by donations from people inside and outside Bangladesh. They focus mainly on Islamic studies. Almost every village in Bangladesh has a Qaumi madrassa. People from poorer communities tend to enrol their children in them when there are no government-run schools in their villages. |
kadol |
#392012-05-05 07:53Is there a future for the Sinhalese and the Buddhists in Sri Lanka Posted on May 4th, 2012 Shenali Waduge Tamil politicians can speak for the welfare and rights of the Tamils, Muslims can demand rights and privileges for Muslims, Hindus, Christians and Catholics can demand their rights but why is it considered taboo for Sinhalese to speak about the future of the Sinhalese or for Sinhalese Buddhists to exercise their rights in a land where Buddhism is enshrined in its constitution? It has always been accepted for everyone to speak on their rights, make their demands but the Sinhalese especially the Sinhalese Buddhists have to be cautious not to upset their fellow ethnic groups or other religious sects. Something is radically wrong in this equilibrium and this argument has nothing to do with exerting the majority status of the Sinhalese in Sri Lanka or to undermine other religions above Buddhism. It is simply raising the question desiring to know why does it have to be the Sinhalese that has to all the time be cautious of upsetting the Tamils, the Muslims, the Hindus, the Christians or the Catholics especially when the political leaders have to end up upholding only the rights of the minority ethnic groups putting aside the needs of the majority? That this is a fact is clear because the Sinhalese Buddhists have seen little advance in their economic or social status since independence and statistics prevail to prove this. While the world celebrates war anniversaries, holds commemorations pays tribute to those paying the supreme sacrifice and even gloats over the killings of unarmed terrorists without putting them on trial – Sri Lanka is told not to indulge in “triumphalism” and even when the only country to have eliminated terrorism celebrates that fete unaccomplished by even the US or NATO, Sri Lanka is chided and that celebration is twisted to project that the Sinhalese are attempting to show their might over the other ethnic groups. The problem at hand is that whilst all Sinhalese in general desire the country to think as Sri Lankan the minorities especially its political leaderships prefer to take the line of projecting minority rights as being suppressed or discriminated for their own advantage and to hide the differences that exist amongst them. This worked perfectly in the past and proves why over 1m Tamils now live overseas a large number of whom to continue their clandestine operations that contributed to USD300m are crying out for a separate Eelaam to which they are unlikely to come to. To continue their clandestine activity they have artfully engaged foreign politicians who do not hesitate to cry “eelaam” if it brings him/her to parliament. The present Mayoral candidate is doing just that. So much for ethics in democracy in the West! Needless to say, this has resulted in a false notion of belief amongst the international community that ethnic tensions exist in Sri Lanka and provides a perfect excuse to set their strategic agenda in the region. However, when both minority groups enjoy better lifestyles than the Sinhalese this argument does not really hold true. Even after eradicating terrorism and urging the people to be united as Sri Lankan there is foreign involvement to continuously divide the people. What is happening is that not only is the country being divided but the Sinhales are being divided as well and so long as the Sinhalese are divided it is advantageous for all players attempting to take a piece of Sri Lanka. This is not helped by local politicians who are simply walking into the traps clueless as a result of not devising a strategy on how to take the country forward or how to protect the future of the Sinhalese, the Tamils, the Muslims – all those who desire to remain Sri Lankan. India is attempting to all the while through statements and through diplomatically channels fund only Tamils, roads only to Tamils, homes only to Tamils, infrastructure only to Tamils, educational facilities only to Tamils which automatically questions India and clearly makes the other communities feel that India is once more upto no good. Whilst other nations are continuously trying to promote the need to devolve powers without knowing anything of the dynamics that prevails in Sri Lanka. Thus, the world has come to make the Sinhalese feel that every move, every decision and every act has and will be considered according to an ethnic dimension leaving the Sinhalese reluctant to showcase or be proud of their heritage and feel shy to uphold their culture. Should we continue to be so naïve and bend towards these nuances that are slowly but surely disintegrating the Sinhaelse and disuniting them politically, socially and even religiously? Why should the Sinhalese be ashamed to call themselves Sinhalese / Sinhalese Buddhists? Caught up in this scenario the likelihood of the Sinhalese not cherishing their roots, identifying with their roots and protecting those roots is of great concern. Why is it that the world does not want even our children to know the great achievements of our ancient systems the “hydraulic civilization” developed by the Sinhalese kings? What significance has been given to the centuries old systems that provide a lifeline to agriculture even today? How many of us know the achievements of the kings – the constructions, the canals, the tanks, the rainwater reservoirs that made Sri Lanka be referred to as the Granary of the Orient? Does enough promotion of our great achievements get publicized enough or do we prefer just to promote our beaches? Sri Lanka has a history dating back to 543BC, the remains of these ancient kingdoms in Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, the ancient citadels of Sigiriya, medieval kingdoms of Kandy cannot deny the presence of the Sinhalese race and that intermittent invasions by Dravidians from South India through 161BC-1236BC bore Tamils. Despite invasions from South India there is enough evidence to prove harmony between the Sinhalese and the Tamils. It was only around 237BC when Sena and Guttika usurped the Sinhalese throne and in 145BC when Elara took over Anuradhapura that the islands stability became affects. Invasions by Pandyan and Cholas forced the Sinhalese to migrate southward but returned to the dry zones to revive the irrigation systems. The unity was further distanced by the colonial masters. Yet it does not erase the fact that the people of Sri Lanka would have been far more united had the island nation not been subject to divide and rule policies of the colonials that divided people economically, socially and ethnically. The very countries that have been dictating to Sri Lanka are today openly declaring that multiculturalism has failed and that immigrants must learn the majority Language. There is no arguing against this. In middle-east countries if non-Muslims must cover their bodies when entering their nation, they must follow the traditions of other countries as well. When people can learn foreign languages to survive as refugees why cannot they learn Sinhalese? Let us remind the world that the Sinhalese have been alert at all times despite innumerable barbaric acts by the LTTE since 1983 and they have ensured not to allow any hostility towards the Tamils to take place despite being provoked to do so. Spirit of compromise must come equally and naturally and it should not have to be always the majority to compromise. The politicization of ethnicity must cease and it must start with all political parties and all politicians. Party manifestos must clearly promote Sri Lankan identity which entails the election commissioner to relook at all ethnic based political parties as they are all a hindrance to unity. It should not be only the Sinhalese politicians who have to desist from speaking on behalf of one ethnic group as leaders they are all bound to protect the entire citizenry of Sri Lanka. All these measures need to be taken but as long as there are calls coming from all corners of the world which aim to set up Eelaams then it behoves the majority Sinhalese to start demanding from their politicians what they are doing to protect the future of the Sinhalese. For it is unfair to always expect the Sinhalese to make compromises. Tamils in particular must realize that the policies of the colonial rulers ensured a privileged group of Tamil English educated elitist class who together with a handful of Sinhalese English educated elitest enjoyed pre and post-independence and it was these groups that decried the educational reforms for it paved the way for lesser-privileged children to obtain education and enter universities. We are all in a quandary on how to take the country forward – trapped by economic loans, politicians unable to run their ministries, officials unsuited for their role, a public service that is falling to pieces and productivity at all time low, spiraling cost of living burdening the masses, the dangers of accepting “assistance” by foreign nations with large influx of foreign residents acquiring key jobs and labor, foreign intelligence forging their presence across the island and we simply continue ride of luck. Ideally, the Tamils should realize that India would never create an Eelaam either in Tamil Nadu or Sri Lanka, otherwise they could have done it just as Bangladesh was created. Moreover, Tamils need to decide once and for all whether they are Indian Tamils or Sri Lankan Tamils because India and Sri Lanka are 2 sovereign countries and we desire to remain so. In the absence of such and if there is continued exaggerations and lies it is time Sinhalese too exert their right as the majority |
#40 HAPPY VESAK2012-05-06 08:53 |
#41 reply 00:00You are a fool ,watch this the makkama black stone is a vagina, why Muslims kissed it. ????:STUPIED PEOPLE WAKE UP |
Kadol |
#42 31,no name!2012-05-07 00:07 Watch this- The makkama black stone is a vagina, why Muslims kissed it. ????:STUPIED PEOPLE WAKE Up: |
Kadol |
#44 to-31 no name2012-05-07 10:24Reseached and find out the truth about Muslim religion, blindly accepting it.If Allah is so mighty, he doesn"t need a stone to destroy Sinn and whatever. Wake up |
Guest |
#45 Deadliest Catch Season 8 Episode 52012-05-08 13:58 |
A Sri Lankan |
#47 Wake up2012-05-11 12:06Iis becase of people like this who have such narrow and selfish mindsets that result in wars. Now that the war with the LTTE is over looks like uneducated fools like this want another war this time based on religion. when will you fools realize the gravity of such hateful actions. This land belongs to everyone...all sri lankans who are born in to this country regardless of religion or race. you can have a majority religion in the country that is fine but that does not mean any other religion is lesser or should be chased away. if you belive in such actions then how can you be called a true buddhist. Buddhism is based on the core values of tollerance and harmony with each other and the world around you. buddhist who act like this are nothing more than thugs. I am not going to sit here and waste my time trying to talk about how wrong this is because frankly if you act like this in the first place I doubt you even have the interlectual capacty to understand the argument so why waste time. I just wanted to express my disgust in how people act in this country. its been only 3 years since the last was and at this rate we will have another one on our hands in the next 2 years. so to all you fools out there good luck. people with brains will simply move away and all you will be left with is a bunch of animals who cant seem to do anything right. |
nabi |
#48 why muslim kissing black stone mecca 2nd part must watch2012-05-12 10:25 |
nabi |
#49 8 minits you can leave islam2012-05-12 10:41 |
Guest |
#50 HOW ISLAM TREAT WOMEN2012-05-12 11:04 |
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All time | 1014 |
12 months | 1012 |
دعم السيدة كريمة بوغطاس لمواصلة عملها في الخدمات القنصلية بي سفارة تونس بي المملكة المتحدة
211 Created: 2024-05-10
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 211 |
12 months | 211 |
Relocate Robbie Fleming memorial bench from the people of Lisburn & Steven Gerrard to home town cemetery
1106 Created: 2024-06-17
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 1106 |
12 months | 1106 |
319 Created: 2023-12-30
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 319 |
12 months | 7 |
Justice for Katarina and Stjepan: The Fight for Justice and Safety on Croatian Roads
23687 Created: 2024-07-16
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 23687 |
12 months | 23682 |
Petition for Review and Investigation of Wrongful Prosecution in Senzo Meyiwa Murder Trial
1831 Created: 2024-04-26
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 1831 |
12 months | 1831 |
Stopp steinbruddet i Bremanger! // Stop the building of a quarry in Bremanger, Norway!
5376 Created: 2024-02-07
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 5376 |
12 months | 606 |
Stop the destruction of a 3500 year old grave!
958 Created: 2025-01-19
Time period | Number of signatures |
All time | 958 |
12 months | 958 |