UPDATED PETITION FOR STOP THE CRIME AT "THE STRIP" LYNNWOOD ROAD / Announcements / Gauteng Liquor Board meeting regarding The Strip - N'Joy / Comments



2024-06-25 19:42

Dear Siobhan,
I am an 'out of the province' parent of 2 students at UP. These kids need a fun, SAFE place to get together and be students. My son was on his residence's HK and quite a few of their students were mugged, robbed and even stabbed. Once I called the Lynwood Police Station to ask the.police to please take greater care of our children....the reply was, 'If you don't think we are doing our job then call Mr Cele". The police are definitely NOT doing their job and there is nowhere safe for our children to socialise. My children no longer go to the strip; however, they have been mugged at other venues in the Lynwood area. Something HAS to be done!



2024-06-26 05:54

Thank you !



2024-06-26 06:29

there are definitely still alcohol sold and bought by kids under aged. My son told be recently that some kids 15 and 16 yo. tried to get in but on that specific evening they were asked for ID so they couldn't get in. But other evenings there are underaged kids allowed in and drinking.

Please keep at this fight to protect our youth !! I heard that this specific club went to other pubs and restaurants, and threatened them cause kids are going elsewhere instead , after the exposé.


#4 Re:

2024-08-19 13:49

#3: -  

And still they are selling alc. to kids,  and letting under age high school kids into these clubs. 

Some of these spots were closed for a week due to  ver crowding/ license discrepancies.. but now they continue with their "business as usual".  dont' give up on this..  please keep on this.     

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