Stop the 16 March marches and Latvians revising history!

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2012-02-29 07:12

фашисты суки



2012-02-29 07:15

Unfortunately that SS Latvian's still don't understand what they did in his live...



2012-02-29 07:47

I support only defencive acts



2012-02-29 08:22

Пора придать суду последних злодеев СС ... И их пособников в том числе руководство Латвии



2012-02-29 08:59

We have to stop nazi!



2012-02-29 10:30

Stop the 16 March of unhuman killers!!!



2012-02-29 10:34

Why the law is silent? It's time to remind them about Nurenberg



2012-02-29 10:37

Tortyring and slaughtring people is heroism? I don't think so.



2012-02-29 11:09

Позор фашистам! В Латвии видимо забыли ужасы концентрационных лагерей!

#885 Re: Латвийцы не поддавайтесь на провокации

2012-02-29 11:29

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2012-02-29 11:32



2012-02-29 11:44

No pasaran!



2012-02-29 13:32

Союз русскоязычных литераторов Австрии.



2012-02-29 14:02

Некоторые действия нынешних властей Латвии возмутительны.

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2012-02-29 14:03

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2012-02-29 14:03



2012-02-29 14:27

Как бывший рижанин и уроженец Латвии, где прожил 52 года я выступаю категорически против ежегодных шествий латышских ветеранов гитлеровских войск СС в родной мне Риге ежегодно 16 марта! Решения исторического Нюрнбергского Трибунала 1946 года уже дали истинную оценку преступной деятельности всех подразделений СС, в том числе и зловещих зверств латышскими дивизиями "Waffen SS". Народы всей демократической Европы не забыли зверств элитных подразделений эсэсовцев поэтому вся демократическая общественность современной Европы должна незамедлдительно поднять голос протеста против очередного позорного марша латышских легионеров СС 16 марта 2012 года!В связи с постоянным игнорированием руководством Латвии всех рекомендаций Совета Европы по указанному поводу и всех Решений, Обращений и Резолюций всех антифашистских организаций, поднять вопрос о выходе Латвии из Совета Европы,Евросоюза, всех международных организаций и НАТО. Народы Европы будьте бдительны! Гитлеровские коричневые молодчики свою деятельность в 30-х годах 20 века тоже начинали свою преступную деятельность с традиционных нацистских маршей!!!

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2012-02-29 15:09

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2012-02-29 21:01

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2012-02-29 22:09

Guy from Latvia


2012-02-29 23:27

Jews were killed in 1941(in Latvia) but Latvian legion was formed in 1943
Latvian legion didnt fight for Germany, they fought AGAINST comunists who occupied Latvia and deported thousands citizen. Those guys were heroes that fought for independence of Latvia.

Latvian history without comunist propaganda

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2012-02-29 23:44


#898 Re:

2012-02-29 23:50

#896: Guy from Latvia -

Many Latvians believe that the Latvian Waffen SS legion could not have played a
role in the Holocaust as it was not officially formed until 1943 when nearly all
of Latvian Jewry had already been murdered. However, a substantial amount of
evidence including a series of personal accounts and confirmation received from
the trial of German Nazi Adolph Eichmann, supports that unknown numbers of
Latvian Waffen SS soldiers had indeed been previously involved in the murder of
Jews as auxiliary police between 1941 and 1942. 90 percent of Latvia’s pre-war
Jewish population, were killed in 1941-42, only one in ten survived.
Approximately 67,000 Jews were living in Latvia at the time of the Nazi invasion
in July 1941. Approximately 62,000 of them were killed during the Nazi
occupation. About 30,000 Jews were killed already by mid-August 1941. The main
agents of this murder were small German military units joined by the so-called
Arājs Commando and assisted by Latvian auxiliary police, which consisted mainly
of volunteers. In late 1941 approximately an additional 30,000 Latvian Jews were
killed in a carefully organised execution also aided by Latvian police and Arājs
Commando in Rumbula forest, just outside the capital city of Rīga. After this,
about 25,000 European Jews were brought to the Riga Ghetto by train and at least
half of them were murdered by mid-1942.



2012-03-01 11:27

tupogolovie nacisti

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2012-03-01 11:47

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