Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools
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#27 Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb2012-01-11 06:04#15: Drop the issue - Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb The so called "balanced calendar" is a disaster for students who have difficulty with focus or are trying to improve grade deficits. The choppiness of the calendar is not conducive to steady cumulative learning. It is nice when families have second homes or the ability to spend large amounts of money to take off for a vacation during the break.....of course that is fun for the kids and the parents...but does that help learning? What about the families where both parents work or particularly in the case of single parents? Children not able to go on extra vacations are at home with no activities while parents are working. How anyone can see this as a positive environment for learning is beyond comprehension. As for keeping August as part of the summer should there be any problem with that. Of course it is not all about 6 flags! It is about students who have jobs or have special academic or sports activities which take place on a normal summer schedule. Camps are valuable for a child's overall education. Summer should be long enough for these experiences. Some students need the income during the summer. Internships and the work experience can enhance learning. The so-called balanced calendars prevents students from participating in programs and work that other students from other counties and states can freely be involved with. Rather than turn the academic year into a series of choppy weeks rarely having a 5 day full day week of study....lets keep a reasonable calendar that promotes education. This years calendar has had a much better flow than last years, however, the holiday break should begin earlier and end at the beginning of January rather than yet another week where our students are the only ones out and the wealthier families can take a vacation while single moms go back to work with their students sitting around that first week of the new year. Single mom in Cobb, M.Ed. School Psychology |
cookie |
#282012-01-11 10:55Honestly I want school to begin after Labor day and end at Memorial day. I don't care when the breaks are during the year. The winter break was a little long and would rather the spring break be longer than winter break. |
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#29 Re: consider this2012-01-11 14:50It's not about tax money... it's about "bribes" aka Campaign Donations from Six Flags/other summer venues to get these idiots on the school board re-elected. It has nothing to do with your kids, your family, the county or anything except greed. |
Guest |
#30 Re: Re: Tax revenues from small breaks?2012-01-11 15:36#24: MomO3 - Re: Tax revenues from small breaks? I would, but I have two kids in kindergarten, a full-time student wife, and I work full time already! I doubt I could find the time... ;-) |
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#31 Re: MomO32012-01-11 15:41I'm concerned less with "getting kids out of my hair" (e.g. long breaks) than I am with less time being spent in the classroom. When I was a kid, we didn't get nearly this much time out of school (and we walked uphill in the snow both ways, etc etc). The problem with the current calendar is that there is too. much. time. off. We are just getting off of a two week+ break, and now there is ANOTHER day off? After being back 4 days? Where is the sense in this?
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#32 Christmas Break2012-01-11 15:52I find it ironic that they don't believe the smaller more spread out weekly breaks are good for our kids but they believe the 18 days at Christmas is good for them. It is all a complete mess because they tried to hurriedly pass a calendar that didn't make sense. |
Guest |
#34 Your understanding....2012-01-11 16:21... is just wrong. The amount of taxes collected at sumer venues in 2 weeks would be a small amount. Additionally, those taxes would not go towards schools as we fund schools with property taxes. Only a small portion of the taxes collected in those two weeks would go to the county anyway. Most winds up in the states coffers. Now, I wouldn't put it past those venues to pressure the board to alter the calendar so that they have those 2 additional weeks of revenue coming in. Some of these places only open 3-4 months so those 2 weeks make a big dent in their revenues. But no one has shown me any evidence this occurred. The fact of the matter is that WE elected 3 new board members who pledged to implement the traditioanal calendar. Regardless of their motives, it is WE who selected them to serve and they've done exactly what they pledged. A pitifully low turnout lets these kinds of shenanigans happen:
So all 3 of these board members came in with less than 20,000 citizens of Cobb voting on the matter. Signing petitions is great and all..... but how about some of you show up at the polls next time! Educate yourself on when these elections are and exercise your civic duty EVERY TIME. |
The Free Lance |
#35 The Current Calendar is Perfect2012-01-11 16:35Two almost equal semesters broken up by a long holiday break. I don't want time off in the fall or February. |
PArent of 6th and 10th graders (and college freshman) |
#36 AGAINST; where is the petition for THAT?2012-01-11 16:47Stops and starts are NOT good for learning, especially since teachers can't give projects or hw and want to wrap up units before each break. moreover, kids are distracted days before and after each lengthy break. As for teacher absenteeism dropping during that one year -- ummm...there wasn't a big flu outbreak like the year before. Why don't we do what I've encountered in the private sector? No sick days allowed on Mondays or Fridays without a doctor's notes. Maybe that'll dissuade teachers looking to take off whenever they feel like it... |
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#37 decide2012-01-11 17:01We all have our own opinions about the calendar. I know what I want. Can we at least agree that a decision has to be made and stuck to for 3-5 years to give it a try? It is changing the calendar every year that is anoying. I want to look at the school calendar the spring before so I can start planning my days off from work, vacations, and child care and not have it change |
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#382012-01-11 17:54I like having the extra breaks, but feel that the beginning of August is too early to begin. I think it would be better to have school start in late August, or after Labor day and end in June. Other idea is add a break in October or February, but make Winter break only 1 week. |
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#392012-01-11 18:42The Board should do what a majority of the Public wants and stick by the three year rule not just their interests! |
MT |
#40 Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb2012-01-11 21:51#15: Drop the issue - Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb First and foremost, the majority of Cobb students are not Boy Scouts, or baseball players or Six Flags attendees. The calendar needs to address what is academically best for ALL of its students, not just the ones who need time off in August to participate in a Boy Scout Jamboree, baseball tourney or hit a struggling theme park. If that is a priority for you, then by all means, take your kids out of school the time they need. Additionally, not every resident of Cobb County went to FL or skiing during the breaks. Where is your actual data to prove that those 2 weeks of break during this economy were the cause of a loss of tax revenue? We support the balanced calendar for more than the timing of vacations. The more frequent breaks allows students and teachers to rest and regroup during the year. School is considerably more stressful and rigorous than back in the days when most of us went to school. Students are stressed out. Teachers, who are in the classrooms EVERYDAY with our kids tell us that students performed better during the year of the balanced calendar. Why is this being ignored? Shouldn't we be trying to provide the best possible environment for them to learn and excel? Bring back the balanced calendar. |
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#41 Memorial Day to Labor Day is IMPOSSIBLE2012-01-11 22:29I just have to point this out. People keep saying that they want to be out from Memorial Day to Labor Day, "like it used to be". I don't know how old you are; but I'm coming up on 40 and have never heard of anyone being out that long. To go back after Labor Day means you have to go to school through June. It just isn't possible to do it otherwise. Well... it is possible; but it means that the kids would only have NINE days off during the year. I guess we could have a week for winter break and 4 days for spring break. No teacher work days or any other 3 day weekends. Is that what you guys are proposing? Because the kids are supposed to be in school for 180 days per year. For the 2012 - 2013 calendar there are 189 week days in between those holidays. |
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#42 Reality Check2012-01-12 03:23Taxes? Cobb county has a tax exemption for citizens 62 and the portion of the tax bill that is exempt is "surprise" the portion that goes to education. Why? Is it because once you turn 62 you stop contributing to your community? Good schools are a driver when people buy houses and if you don't contribute then you can't complain about the neighbors you get. So are we raising the next generation of coddled kids? What happens when they go to college, will Johnny be able to handle a school year with out as many breaks? Then when Johnny get's into the real world and is offered a job with only one weeks vacation is he gonna say "no I'm used to having more time off then that". There were some post's that neede to be able to schedule vacations, REALLY!? Maybe that is why Georgia is at the bottom for national ranking of it's education system. The balanced calendar should be called the distraction calander because that is what the kids focus on, that next break. It breaks any momentum the kids have and if there are no activities planned (due to working parents)then they are bored. Kids belong in school, teachers belong at work (but the unions make sure they don't have to be). If I ask my employer to give me a couple extra weeks off so I can "reenergize", can you guess his reply? |
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#43 Equal Time2012-01-12 03:31Link for the Traditional Calendar |
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#44 Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb2012-01-12 03:40#15: Drop the issue - Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb Should it be about the National Boy Scout Jamboree or should it be about what is best for your child's EDUCATION? Give me a break--it's not about summer activites--it's about EDUCATION!!!! |
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#45 Re: Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb2012-01-12 03:43#44: - Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb You cannot go to school from Labor Day to Memorial Day--there is not enough time to fit in the necessary days unless we have no breaks. Check other states calendars. If you begin school after Labor Day, then you go to school well into the month of June. You cannot have your cake and eat it too! And, by the way the reason summer vacation ever existed was so the children could work in the fields. The last time I checked, we were no longer an agricultural society!!!! |
Tired |
#46 Here's my 2 cents2012-01-12 04:01Im a MS teacher. I felt that the more "balanced" calendar was nice. I do feel that it gave the kids time to mentally rest and come back to school with a refreshed perspective. Teachers do not need to be "dissuaded" from taking a day off. Please understand that teachers have families, appointments and errands to do as everyone else. We do not have telephones on our desks to make necessary phone calls, coffee breaks or a free lunch hour. I can't even go to the restroom without notifying at least two other adults to watch the kids. We get to work before anything is open and we leave when many offices are closed. I'm not complaining. I'm just explaining. There are days teachers need to take off. I assure you on our salaries we are not off on a trip around the world. None of this is a reason to change a school calendar. I've read many of the postings here and it sounds just like the students, and they are 12 years old. There needs to be data to show benefits of any schedule. There must be other counties in the U.S. that have been on various schedules and have available data to support or negate any change. Whining will not help the cause. Do I think the Board acted horribly? Yes. Do I think they could care less what Cobb families want? Yes. Will I vote them out as soon as possible? Yes. But, proof is needed. Frankly, I don't even think they will care about cold hard facts either. I do not care which schedule is put in place. It really has little effect on my job or the amount of care and effort I put into my profession. I love teaching my students, and in my 20+ years experience there are good days and bad days no matter what schedule we are using. I do my civic duty,and I encourage other residents of Cobb to do theirs. |
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#472012-01-12 04:12Did we not vote on this twice already and and the board ignored the vote ? |
This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)
2012-01-12 15:55- Date of removal: 2012-01-12
- Reason for removal: Blah
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#492012-01-12 17:05I for one want the breaks back in. My oldest did GREAT the first quarter. His grades might not even be passing this second quarter. He was EXHAUSTED without any time off.... I am exhausted working in a private school that follows Cobbs calendar... His CRCT scores from 2nd-3rd grade SOARED with the days off. He exceeded the standard in 2 subjects and more than met the standard in all in 3rd and BARELY passed in 2nd with the LONGER calendar and less breaks. I can tell you he won't pass this year. He's burnt out already |
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#502012-01-12 18:11The people have spoken AGAIN!!! Cobb County taxpayers, citizens, CCSD parents, CCSD teachers, and students the like have overwhelmingly supported and voted on the Balanced Calendar, but several members of the Board chose not to listen and chose to honor political favors called in by various groups. Stop the politics, as usual...and LISTEN to your CONSTITUENTS, your STUDENTS, your TEACHERS, and the CCSD PARENTS!!!!!! |
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