Stop The Vaccine Passport

Stop The Vaccine Passport / Announcements / Christmas Update - Stop the Vaccine Passport Petition / Comments



2021-12-24 03:20

After Christmas, I'll consider tweeting this and putting it up on Facebook. You can join with other groups that are also doing petitions to stop the vaccine passports like Rebel News. Surely there are a lot more than 500 people who want to sign this. There's a Facebook site called Stop the Vaccine Passports. I can post it there now. I'm not sure what to say, people are really duped on this whole issue of Covid and the vaccine, even though facts are staring us in the face.


2021-12-24 03:26

Yes it's our duty as it'sour obligation that we have to literally read between the lies, deception, the tyranny, the simple irrational & illogical demeanor & actions of those perpetrating the illusive conduct resulting in a the sabotage of a sustainable & healthy living to the people & the habitat, that we must take serious action to break from such entities, empires, authoritarianism, agencies, offices, headquarters, departments, et cetera & restore the justice where its fit for the rights of the general population, NOT THE CORPORATE enterprices nor the secret societies, secret oaths, small or big HAS NO NATURAL LAW to invade the general population of their Natural giving rights!!! WE OWE IT for the sake of humanity to MAKE THE FIRM STAND TO UPHOLD the Natural Laws & Rights to NEVER BE overtaken away for ANY REASON WHATSOEVER!!! If Authorities shall not stand for the Oath they sworn in on Protecting & Serving its general populous, it's OUR FULL DUTY AS A Stand up citizen to JUSTIFY its Tyrannical heathens!!!! We Are The Backbone Of The World NOT THE CORPORATIONS!!! We Break Our Arses keeping what is to its optimum, we are the laborers, the employees, the machinist, the environment, the Atmosphere, we are the ones at front lines,, at war or at battle,, or at rescue or medical attention, WE ARE THE ONE'S that get caught up in the natural disasters,, the PLANdemics, WE ARE THE TAX PAYERS, we are the capitalists, the consumers, We are the ones STICKING OUT OUR NECKS to maintain the everyday fundamentals of our world!!! we are the players that keeps the teams in in play, we are the 98% WITHOUT US THEY WONT HAVE their big accounts, they won't have the riches WE WORK HARD FOR THEM!! And this is the thanks & appreciation we get from these HQ Execs??? YEAH OK!!!  #RiseUp #GlobalRebellion4Freedom #HumanityFIRST #SaveHumanity #FightForOurRights #EndTyranny #EndCorruption #UnitedWeStand #PowerOfThePeople #UnifyHumanity #Solidarity #Sovereignty #NeighborlyLove DOESNT MATTER HOW DIFFERENT ONE IS FROM THE NEXT #WeAreInThisTogether AGREED or NOT, WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER!!! We need to STAND UP for each other in this oppressive state & rule!!!!

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