New Zealand Flower Farmers deserve fairer treatment and consideration. Support contactless deliveries for cut flowers through level 3 and 4 Delta lockdown.

New Zealand Flower Farmers deserve fairer treatment and consideration. Support contactless deliveries for cut flowers through level 3 and 4 Delta lockdown. / Announcements / The reply from the Government is in and it was unfavourable for growers in Auckland / Comments



2021-09-17 07:56

This absolutely SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



2021-09-17 07:59

Thats so unfair

#3 Re: what a load of rubbish

2021-09-17 08:01

#1: -  



#4 Flower Decision

2021-09-17 08:02

One word for this decision "Ridiculous".  Am very sorry to hear your news, please know that you have the NZ public's support on this, flowers are essential to a human's wellbeing and we thank you for being there for us during this difficult time, I am sorry that we couldn't be there for you.


#5 Contactless delivery

2021-09-17 08:26

At the very least you should be able to operate with contactless delivery .. I do understand this may not be viable - but you have a community behind you! 



2021-09-17 08:34

Sick! No cut flowers but I can order an 'essential' Bed and Mattress from Harvey Norman or an 'essential' Kettle from Briscoes (all imported)! How about this for a clear cut decision - "Unfortunately, we have not concluded that your application for cut flower operators to sell and distribute stock at Alert Level 4 does not meet these requirements". God protect us from the Steves of this world!! Perhaps you should seek a Maori veto over this ridiculous decision?



2021-09-17 09:05

Disappointed to say the least. Its more than odd that alcohol can be distributed in L4 door to door but flowers cannot.


#8 Try another Minister?

2021-09-17 09:58

Is it worth appealing to the Minister of Finance or the Minister for the COVID response? The Health Ministry only values issues connected with its own sphere - it has a narrow view - and will have little sympathy for the unnecessary waste and loss going on for the industry right now. At least the other two Ministers might have a broader, and more pragmatic, view?


#9 Re:

2021-09-17 10:19

#1: -  




2021-09-17 11:28

Really disappointing! Why is baking fancy pastries/bread/doughnuts and distributing them more important the flowers! Alcohol & sex toys even can still deliver in Level 4! Ridiculous!! As someone who recently wanted to send flowers due to a family death, I couldn’t get my hands on any! They need to review that list!!



2021-09-18 01:46

Disappointed??!! I'm afraid yet another example of totally unnecessary paranoia and lack of compassion on the part of "Those who must be obeyed". Why on earth can a van load of flowers from Waiheke not be delivered to a food shop in St Heliers which usually retails flowers. Queueing there to gain access the other day I saw at least 3 people come to the store looking for flowers and walk away. At a time when flowers would bring joy and pleasure to people and homes and a sign of Spring on its way, and one weekly van load would give a business a little revenue to help pay bills this seems so so harsh.


#13 Re:

2021-09-18 08:33

#1: -  

 this decision DOES NOT resonate with me....historically flowers have been and still are an absolute necessity for humans in so many ways.  Grrrrrr