Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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#8151 Devamrita Swami2012-12-02 14:11http://www.iskcon.org.au/notpoisoned/intro.htm Introduction You shouldn't need to read this book. In 1977 the resplendent truth shone with blazing clarity. Now, more than two decades later, the same priceless treasure still radiates its perfection. We have read and reread the Lilamrita, meditated upon the diaries, studied the folio, and dabbled in the video-taped memoirs. Film captured "The Final Lesson" -at least once a year many senior devotees struggle to watch it. As old age nears, the therapy of reliving those painful yet sweet days diminishes any lingering hopes for material enjoyment. Reminding us that we will have our own appointment with death, Srila Prabhupada said, "Don't think this isn't going to happen to you." The transcendental and pure departure of Prabhupada is a divine monument for ISKCON. He displayed for us a disappearance equal to the greatest passings in Bhagavata history. Bhismadeva, of course, is the ideal. Surrounded by interplanetary sages, earthly elites, and Lord Krishna Himself, Grandfather Bhisma powerfully reciprocated the Pandava's love. Overwhelmed by affection, the peerless general cried, remembering the ordeals of the five brothers, their mother, and their wife. In perfect consciousness and mental clarity, he instructed raja-dharma to Yudhisthira, and offered wondrous prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Then he left the world with eyes fixed on the four-handed form of Krishna, with eyes red like the rising sun. "Knowing that Bhismadeva had merged into the unlimited eternity of the Supreme Absolute, all present there became silent like birds at the end of the day." The passing of Haridasa Thakura wrings the heart of even stonelike readers of Caitanya-lila. With Mahaprabhu seated before him, Haridas focused his eyes on the Lord's lotus face. Placing the Lord's lotus feet on his heart, Haridas then reached for the dust of all the assembled Vaisnavas, to adorn his head. Chanting "Sri Krishna Chaitanya," drinking the beauty of the Lord's face, the namacarya left. His passing set off a marvelous festival of Vaisnava reciprocation. The loving exchanges erupted so intensely that afterwards Lord Chaitanya Himself decreed: "Anyone who has seen the festival of Sri Haridas Thakura's passing away, anyone who has chanted and danced here, anyone who has offered sand on the body of Haridasa Thakura, and anyone who has joined this festival to partake of the prasadam will achieve the favor of Krishna very soon. There is such wonderful power in seeing Haridas Thakura." The fortunate devotees who personally tended Srila Prabhupada in his last days, as well as those who prayed for his health from afar, would never claim parity with the personalities who surrounded Bhismadeva and Thakura Haridasa. Yet, any nonenvious devotee who sincerely meditates on accounts of Prabhupada's passing cannot deny a transcendental fact: extraordinary rivers of loving reciprocation overflowed. Prabhupada's leaving this world was a rare pool of bhakti, into which Krishna, Prabhupada, and the devotees dived together. The depths of that reciprocal nectar still astonish humble readers today. Because of Prabhupada, even the lowest could taste the highest. Isn't that the mission of Mahaprabhu? By Srila Prabhupada's choosing to depart in such a heart-wringing way, he so mercifully bequeathed to us a legacy of divine love. The months leading up to his passing gave us a taste of the perfect reciprocation available on the pure spiritual plane. But nothing is too sacred for Kali's fiendish schemes. Into this cherished sanctum of Prabhupada's pastimes, the bold darkness of Kali seeks access. Now the Age of Quarrel wants us to believe that Prabhupada's servants - hankering for his post - killed him with poison. The concoction is that although Prabhupada knew the awful secret, he kept silent. Externally he submitted to the murder, while internally he remained transcendentally fixed in his service to Krishna. A few times, according to the tale, he gave verbal hints: "someone is poisoning me." The Internet and a home-published book have spread this fetid brew around the ISKCON world. As Satsvarupa das Goswami eloquently writes in the Lilamrita: "Prabhupada knew, even better than his disciples, that there was much he could do if he remained in the world, but he simply wanted to see what Krishna desired. He saw strong evidence, however, that his life was about to end, at least according to the condition of his physical body, and this in itself indicated that Krishna's desire was that he soon leave this world." Often during the months preceding his departure, Prabhupada would point out the unavoidable symptoms of the end. One instance: "Krishna can accomplish anything, but from the physical condition there is no hope." A devotee protested that Krishna is the supreme controller. Prabhupada acknowledged the almighty role of the Supreme, but pointed out the routine medical fact: "The brain is working, but the body is not allowing. Don't worry. Everyone will die today or tomorrow. I am also an old man. There is nothing to be regretted. It is up to Krishna." Other times, regardless of his physical condition, Prabhupada would intensely spotlight the transcendent will of Krishna. He said devotees could daily pray: "If You want him to stay, please cure him, and if not, please take him away. We are fully surrendered to You. Now it depends on Your desire to keep him alive or let him leave this world." Later Prabhupada allowed a simplified version of this prayer. It shortened into the famous mantra that pervaded ISKCON temples during those intense months: "My dear Lord Krishna, if You desire, please cure Srila Prabhupada." Who can forget the ninth day of October, 1977. Suddenly Krishna placed the decision in Prabhupada's hands. Opening his eyes, Prabhupada said, "Krishna wants me to do as I like. The choice is mine. Krishna has given me full freedom." We all know the pastime. The devotees huddled, and then tearfully returned to Prabhupada, desperately begging him to stay. After deep consideration, followed by a noncommittal yawn, Prabhupada replied, "All right" - as if concluding an insignificant topic. Devotees have crowned this moment as history's most casual decision on life or death. And Prabhupada did stay, for another month of the most profound loving exchanges. The poison people think they can destroy this legacy of divine love. True, some poison adherents are just misguided and befuddled - temporarily overcome by the toxic fumes of propaganda so thick in the air these days. Others, however, suffer much more sinister afflictions. Their devilish tactics have made countering the absurd charges a trip into the heart of darkness. The Arsenic Ruse: First, the poison folks mislead you about the test they had run on hair said to be from Prabhupada. Arsenic level 3.0 ppm - poison for sure! "Undoubtedly Srila Prabhupadamaliciously poisoned," their poison book declared. Really? Actually the laboratory test they themselves sponsored gave only 2.6 as the highest reading. Upping it, they obviously thought, would serve their nefarious purpose well. What's worse, though, is the utter ridiculousness of the entire arsenic ploy. The average reader trembles to hear the word arsenic, the famous deadly poison that shows up more frequently in Hollywood murder mysteries than in real life. Few realize that arsenic is the twentieth most common element in the earth's crust. It's almost everywhere, in pesticides, underground water, smelting processes, Oriental medicines, and even in our bodies. Now what about arsenic levels and Prabhupada? Even taking the fudged figure of 3.0 ppm, have we uncovered clues to a heinous crime? Should we immediately call for Batman and Robin? How many of us know that scientists specializing in toxin analysis agree that even arsenic levels up to 10 ppm can be considered normal? For example in Mexico City and Glasgow, scientific studies have clearly shown that hair of the normal population averages an arsenic content of 4.8 ppm and 3 ppm respectively. Larry Kovar from General Activation Analysis, one of the preeminent labs in the world, wryly nailed the coffin shut for the arsenic idiocy: "For your information, my hair has about 3 ppm arsenic - the last time I tested it (I'm still alive, I hope)." The Whispers Time-Waster: Here the imagination finds no reins. Listen carefully and speculate. You, in your own home, can play FBI and catch the bumbling killers surrounding Prabhupada. Hear them blurt out their evil deed on tape. Next, you can jump on the Internet and vilify the ISKCON leader of your choice. Let's get right to the core of the whispers ploy. By comprehending the whole situation, anyone can see that Prabhupada, whether speaking Hindi or English - either to the kaviraj or his disciples - gave the same purport. Crystal clear, he said, "Not that I am poisoned." When referring to poison, Prabhupada was merely hypothesizing about the possible effects of improper medicine. The symptoms could resemble poisoning, he noted. Consequently, along with the arsenic, we can also toss out another paranoia. Forget the foolishness that Prabhupada revealed the supposed horrible cause of his death to Hindi speakers like the kaviraj, while mercifully hiding this dark truth from his innocent disciples. What about those startling tapes said to contain whispers of the word "poison" in the background? Relax. They are from the very same day that the bad medicine was publicly discussed by Prabhupada and the devotees. Naturally the devotees, among themselves, were quietly trying to piece together the exact purport of what the founder-acarya was conveying. The whisper-wallahs allege they've heard other fragments denoting foul play. On the same tape containing the alleged poison fragments, the following whispers were also allegedly found: "He's gonna die" "Listen, he's sayingÉgoing to die." "Yes, a heart attack time." Nimble-minded devotees will notice that this recording comes from the same day that the kaviraj issued a solemn warning: if Prabhupada were allowed to do Govardhana-parikrama on a bullock cart, he would suffer a heart attack almost immediately and die. Hence, even if indeed the whispers are what some claim, still there is a one-hundred-percent logical explanation. Naturally, the devotees, once again, were discussing the latest developments, following the lead of their spiritual master. Advanced Diabetes, Plain and Simple: The poison folk like to play doctor. After they scare you with arsenic and whispers, then what comes next? Amateur, almost childish medical claims comprise the remainder of their campaign. Try this one for size, from the poison book: "Not one doctor or kaviraj even mentioned diabetes as a factor in His Divine Grace's health." Obviously, diagnosis is best left to medical experts - not do-it-yourself dabblers, with an overt agenda. For those readers with time, this book gives the details that completely deflate the poison balloon of its hot air. Probably most of us will just turn to the official statement by Doctor Andrew McIrvine. He was the surgeon who operated on Srila Prabhupada in England, September 8, 1977. By physical examination, he had immediately perceived that Prabhupada's dangerous state of health came from advanced diabetes, resulting in severe damage to the kidneys and other systemic problems. Upon running a laboratory analysis of blood and urine, the doctor found the obvious completely verified. He then operated on Prabhupada and saw him at the Manor the next day. His final judgment: Prabhupada's physical demise was 'irreversible'. McIrvine was the last Western doctor to examine Prabhupada. His professional analysis stands on its own. Yet, if we combine it with the symptoms described in TKG's Diary and other recollections, the picture becomes even fuller - vivid to the point of pain. Moreover, we should not fail to note that just two months later, in November, the British surgeon's prognosis of 'irreversible' came to its momentous culmination. The shameless, grasping for straws, may try to cast doubt upon this doctor's expertise. After all, Prabhupada was famous for branding doctors and lawyers as the greatest cheaters. Therefore, let us recall Prabhupada's own evaluation of McIrvine, published in TKG's Diary - long before the doctor's statement emerged: "We came out of the hospital and returned by ambulance to the Manor. To everybody's satisfaction, Prabhupada passed urine without difficulty. Prabhupada said, "He is a very good doctor. Had we been in India, in Vrindavana, this could never have been performed." The Reverse Speech Travesty: What happens when bunglers try their hand at a hot new investigative tool? Reverse Speeech Technology, while certainly not fully validated, has been known to generate intriguing insights. The poison people took to it, obviously hoping for a crowd pleaser. Perhaps the esoterica-prone devotees would lap it up. The supporters of Reverse Speech are convinced it's a new form of communication, with the ability to uncover a deeper truth and meaning behind our words. The theory is that as we speak consciously, the brain sends out messages from the unconscious. These messages, said to occur constantly throughout language, are considered clearly audible about every 10 seconds, when a recording of normal speech is played in reverse. David Oates, the dean of Reverse Speech, is an Australian. You'll read how Australian devotees ingeniously contacted him, and how he quickly exposed the sham. The poison advocates had sought his blessings for their Reverse Speech rendition of Prabhupada's poisoning. The e-mail sent to him tells the story: "Of course I also wanted to know if you would give an endorsement for my work, and if we can do a radio show on the subject." Oates handed over to the Australian devotees both the request and his fiery reply: "I cannot and I will NOT endorse your work . . . Do me one final favor and stop doing Reverse Speech and stop representing yourself as representing me. You are dishonest and a sleaze!" Oates and his staff analyzed the Reverse Speech projections that supposedly revealed the murderous intent of Prabhupada's disciples. The analysts were angered to find that of the seventeen reversals documented, only seven were accurate. But these did not refer to death or murder. "Bogus," was Oates' conclusion. Three other Reverse Speech analysts concurred. If you do read this whole book, you'll certainly become indignant, to varying degrees. Acaryas such as Narottama das Thakur instruct that we should indeed feel disarying degrees. Acaryas such as Narottama das Thakur instruct that we should indeed feel disturbed when witnessing offenses to the Lord and his devotees. Krodha bhakta-dveni jane. In this way, even anger can be perfectly employed, in Krishna's service. Naturally we will question: how could someone concoct this poison madness! How many of our dear fellow devotees temporarily fell victim to this smut campaign? And why so much time and energy wasted, out of necessity, debating this crazy idea? While praying for the rectification of those struck down by this epidemic, we should help them to recover. How can we soothe the dear disciples of Prabhupada who cared for him with such love in his last days? Study the film "The Final Lesson." What do you see in their faces then? Certainly the slanderous poison campaign - specifically directed at them - has brought them anguish. Importantly, what about the pain borne by their sincere followers? Can we stop despicable nonsense like this from breaking out in ISKCON again? Undeniably, the deadly toxin played a significant role in a worldwide decline of enthusiasm and trust. "Just see - even Prabhupada's departure is now suspect!" ISKCON's unity even in cherishing Prabhupada's Final Lesson was broken. Assuredly, most devotees did not swallow the scam entirely. Nevertheless, forced to cope with the poison mongers' agenda, we have all suffered an immeasurable loss: we've had to dare entertain the unthinkable, about a Prabhupada-lila so crucial and precious for us. The solution is not to harry and hound the original perpetrators of this madness. Those who fermented this potion know their motives. For some insight, this book presents the testimony of Jagannatha das, AKA Jeffery Juliano, who defected from the poison brewery. The correspondence with David Oates also sheds light. For ISKCON as a whole, the best response is that we look deeply within ourselves. How much do I harbor within myself the potential for malicious envy and ill will toward other devotees of the Lord? For how many vaisnava-aparadhas am I responsible? Looking outward to discover the germs of contamination is a protective necessity. But our major work should be within. What tendencies for rancor do I harbor in my own heart? The farce, 'the poisoning of Prabhupada', has dramatized the effects of rampant vaisnava aparadha that periodically plagues our society. Thanks to the Internet, just one click of a mouse button, and your offenses multiply a thousand times. Ruining your spiritual life was never easier. One single e-mail text, copied and forwarded, can immediately inundate the entire devotee-world with deadly offenses, instead of nectarean krsna-katha. Srila Prabhupada has explained that the first offense to the holy name applies not just to those we may agree are pure devotees. No. He says that to blaspheme any devotee who has dedicated his life to preaching the glories of the Lord is injurious. Furthermore, sastra does not allow us to take comfort in the thought that "It's him or her they're offending - not me." If Vaisnavas, either individually or as a society, remain silent when offenses are perpetrated, their spiritual standing will wane. The silence that often greets the mass distribution of offenses is a sad indicator of a worrisome plight: we may have become desensitized to vaisnava-aparadha. This affliction, if not checked, can single-handedly rend the devotional fabric of ISKCON. Finally, let us meditate on how to access that wondrous reciprocal love so evident between the devotees and Prabhupada in his final months. In the triad of divine love, the disciples also possessed influence - not just the Supreme Lord and Prabhupada. This three-way tug of love unleashed a torrent of spiritual emotion. Remember Prabhupada in July 1977, voice choked with deep emotion, saying: "Oh, your intense love for me. I am living for you. . . . I am so much indebted, taking so much service." Never forget Prabhupada's declaration in November, 1977 - the very last few days of his stay in this world. Devotees told him he was about to drive them mad from attachment steeped in anxiety. Prabhupada turned to his Godbrother Niskincana Krsnadasa Babaji and said, "just see how much affection they have for me." We will never allow conniving minds to sully the effulgence of this divine passing. The pastime of Krishna's sena-pati bhakta departing will always remain our fountain of spiritual vitality and determination. And most importantly, it will always shine as our final lesson in the nectar of real love. Prabhupada is dearest to Krishna, and we pray to remain dear to Prabhupada, by revering his devotees. Lord Krishna Himelf personally instructed Durvasa Muni how He sees His bhaktas, after the volatile sage offended Ambarisa Maharaja: aham bhakta-paradhino hy asvatantra iva dvija sadhubhir grasta-hrdayo bhaktair bhakta-jana-priyah "I am completely under the control of My devotees. Indeed, I am not at all independent. Because My devotees are completely devoid of material desires, I sit only within the cores of their hearts. What to speak of My devotee, even those who are devotees of My devotee are very dear to Me." (S.B. 9:4:63) Devamrita Swami February 5, 2000 HOME |
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#8152 Jayadvaita Swami2012-12-02 14:11http://www.iskcon.org.au/notpoisoned/testimonies/Jayadwaita.htm Jayadvaita Swami As much as I dislike feeling obliged to respond to garbage, I think that I too ought to comment on the scuttlebutt that Srila Prabhupada, by a conspiracy of disciples, was poisoned. I was present in Vrindavan in the last weeks of Srila Prabhupada's physical presence. Much of that time I spent with Srila Prabhupada in his own room. I saw how Srila Prabhupada dealt with the devotees caring for him, and how they dealt with him. Sometimes I was with Srila Prabhupada alone, reading to him late at night. More often I was with Srila Prabhupada as he lay surrounded by his devotees. I saw the sublime and profound and inspiring. And sometimes the foolish, the egotistical, the petty. Somehow, by the grace of Krsna, I had the good fortune to observe and sometimes take part in Srila Prabhupada's final days on earth. It pains me, therefore, when I hear those deep, multi-faceted, and precious times reduced to the level of tabloid journalism and pulp fiction. It pains me when those I saw serving His Divine Grace with extraordinary devotion and love are made out to be devious killers. It pains me that now, when we ought to be drinking the nectar of Krishna that Srila Prabhupada came to let us share, Maya has us gnawing instead on the poison of theories about poison. I've read the transcripts and listened to the enhanced audiotapes that supposedly reveal it all. I've had the Hindi explained to me word by word by a native Hindi speaker. I've listened patiently to the arguments mapped out for me by close friends who believe it's all true. And nothing they've shown or told me has even begun to persuade me that what took place in Vrindavan was something other than what I directly heard and felt and saw-Krishna's beloved pure devotee spending his final days in this world under the tender, loving, and affectionate care of his own beloved disciples. Thank you. Hare Krishna. Your servant, Jayadvaita Swami HOME |
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#8153 Drutakarma Dasa2012-12-02 14:13Drutakarma Dasa I have trained myself to keep an open mind about even the most outlandish theories, because that is what I am asking scientists to do - to keep an open mind about ideas that might seem outlandish to them (such as the idea that Darwinism might be wrong). So although my initial reaction was to consider accusations of poisoning Srila Prabhupada too outlandish to bother with, I decided that to be consistent, I should consider the various reports and evidences put forward by supporters and promoters of that theory. After all, although the idea of Prabhupada's disciples poisoning him is outlandish, many outlandish things have happened in ISKCON. So perhaps this would be one more thing, the most outlandish yet. Up to this point, however, nothing I have seen or heard convinces me that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned by a clique of his leading disciples, as the poison theorists maintain. The so-called "whisper" tapes are not convincing to me. Furthermore, it is hard to believe that this imagined clique of murderers would be discussing their plans, even in whispers, in the presence of devotees with tape recorders running. Reverse speech evidence is even less convincing. When speech experts play supposed reversal messages to test groups, they do not hear the same things that the advocates hear. Even if, for the sake of argument, we admit that there are unambiguous messages to be found in reverse speech, they reveal only attitude and not action. Concerning Prabhupada's own statements, I do not see that he anywhere indicated his disciples were poisoning him. Finally, the physical evidence, in the form of hair samples and Prabhupada's general condition, is not consistent with arsenic poisoning or any other kind of intentional poisoning. HOME http://www.iskcon.org.au/notpoisoned/testimonies/Drutakarma.htm |
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#8154 Tamal Krishna Goswami2012-12-02 14:18Tamal Krishna Goswami Dear Readers, Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. For quite some time rumors have been circulating that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned, murdered by his own disciples. I as his secretary have been the chief accused. Many of you might have wondered why I have not denied this charge if there is no truth to it. The reason is quite simple: I felt the most appropriate and beneficial way to do so was to publish my diary, "TKG's Diary," both in book form and electronically in the Supplementary VedaBase. This allows everyone the chance to judge for themselves what went on during Prabhupada's final pastimes. I also did not want to be drawn into endless debate with persons who are not actually interested in hearing facts that contradict their spurious theories. Still, friends have urged me to at least make one statement, and having read HH Bhakti Caru Swami's, I now am doing the same. It is not meant to be a comprehensive response to each and every allegation but a simple statement of fact. I did not poison Prabhupada. In fact, nobody poisoned Prabhupada. There were many dozens of devotees surrounding Srila Prabhupada in his final pastimes. Their only concern was to see Srila Prabhupada continue to live with us. Especially those serving him personally were attentive to detail and every word His Divine Grace spoke. Do you think that we could be so callous as to have heard Prabhupada say "I have been poisoned," and not be concerned? Of course we were concerned. We discussed the matter with Prabhupada and among ourselves, as anyone can read in "TKG's Diary." We did not go searching for a murderer because we concluded there was no murder. Some have suggested that even if no one intentionally poisoned Prabhupada, the medicine he was given acted as "poison." I can well imagine some will hold me responsible as Prabhupada's secretary for giving him this medicine. But I was not engaged, nor were any of his servants, because of our expertise in medical knowledge. All of us together did not even know one percent of what Prabhupada knew of Ayurvedic medicine. It was His Divine Grace who had a dream about a Kaviraja preparing a particular medicine, and it was His Divine Grace who reviewed each and every type of medicine that he was administered. Still, no medicine "killed" Srila Prabhupada. His Divine Grace said that Krishna had given him the decision whether to stay or not. It is most unfair to say that any one of us who were serving him was praying for his untimely departure (what to speak of orchestrating it). Again and again we begged Prabhupada to stay with us, even offered our life in exchange for his, as any good disciple would do. Prabhupada repeatedly said that he was living simply due to our love and affection. He said that his Guru Maharaja passed away dissatisfied, but that he was completely satisfied. No one, he said, could ever hope to have such loving sons and daughters as he had. He left us because he chose to leave. He left because Krishna called him back. That is the plain truth and anything else is a concoction. Prabhupada's servants dedicated the better part of their lives to serving Srila Prabhupada. We served him during his manifest pastimes right up until the end. It was not easy to serve His Divine Grace during the last year of his failing health. It was not easy to see his body wither, his resolve to continue on, wane. By his mercy alone we stayed by him throughout this difficult time and performed every possible service, collecting his urine, removing his stool, bathing him, changing his clothes and bedding, but most of all encouraging him to continue on. It has come as a most cruel blow to be suspected of having been moved by any other motive than love in serving our dear most spiritual master. The facts will speak for themselves. In the coming days and months all the allegations of poisoning will be shown to be allegations and nothing more. Then I hope that those who have falsely accused others and me will have the decency to admit that they were wrong and beg forgiveness, not from us, but from Srila Prabhupada, whose sublime final pastimes they have attempted to tarnish. Begging to always be a servant of the Vaisnavas, Tamal Krishna Goswami HOME http://www.iskcon.org.au/notpoisoned/testimonies/Tamal%20Krishna.htm |
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#8155 Bhavananda2012-12-02 14:20Bhavananda das To all the devotees of ISKCON Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I have been most apprehensive about becoming involved in what I saw to be an "endless debate" on the Internet over the poison issue, but then Hari Sauri prabhu made the point that many innocent devotees were becoming bewildered by all this. I therefore felt duty bound to make a statement - and one statement only - for the record. I did not poison Srila Prabhupada nor was I involved in a conspiracy to poison Srila Prabhupada. Absolutely none of my Godbrothers poisoned Srila Prabhupada. The entire poison issue is ludicrous and beyond absurd. Anyone who was present in Vrindavana at that time could not deny that every attempt both material and spiritual was made in an effort to keep Srila Prabhupada with us all as long as possible. Srila Prabhupada departed by his own sweet will and by the desire of his beloved Lords, Krishna and Balarama. Those were extremely difficult times not only for those of us who were nursing him but also for all his disciples around the world. I don't know where Nityananda das was at that time but his assistance in caring for Srila Prabhupada would have been greatly appreciated by his Godbrothers. Srila Prabhupada was certainly never more approachable by all the devotees regardless of sannyasa, grhastha, male, female or even child. I remember thinking Srila Prabhupada would want some privacy from the video camera of Yadubara prabhu but he told me Yadubara should be allowed to film whatever he wanted. So you can understand that an atmosphere of openness prevailed, not one of secrecy and whispers as the real poison conspirators are implying. Doubtless there is much work to be done for Srila Prabhupada to save the conditioned souls from the horrendous onslaught of maya. Let us all at least put this particular lunacy to rest to allow us to get on with the serious work at hand. I remain the most lowly and unqualified servant of all the Vaisnavas of ISKCON. Bhavananda das HOME http://www.iskcon.org.au/notpoisoned/testimonies/Bhavananda.htm |
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#8156 Bhakti Tirtha2012-12-02 14:23Bhakti Tirtha Swami The leaders who have been accused of being involved in the conspiracy (so called) to poison Srila Prabhupada, I mean they were beyond a doubt some of his most loyal servants. Each devotee is different and a few may have had some different problems at some point, or they may have very distinct personalities. Some others may not have always appreciated their mood on certain issues, but they were so distinctly loyal to Srila Prabhupada and he was so appreciative of them. So it really shows to the degree that Kali has entered our society, that the greatest attack - it's like in warfare -it's not the enemy which is so obviously different, antagonistic, keeps their distance, but the greatest enemies in warfare are those who do espionage. They are the most trained, the most powerful and the most dangerous because they enter into an environment with the idea of being like that, supporting it, while they have a hidden agenda. So beyond a doubt some of the major agents who are pushing this issue have been highly influenced by Kali. But we also have to appreciate that when devotees get so wounded, so disappointed with the institution, and most importantly with themselves, then the tendency is to overreact or the tendency is to scapegoat and try to find some easy justification for often their own failure or some ways to deal with the void they may experience in different ways. So I think we have to look at it in both of those aspects, in that Kali has definitely entered, and entered insuch a way to try to affect the actual nucleus, the heart of what our society actually is - the disciple's relationship to the Founder-Acarya, and this can cause people to question every aspect of Krishna Consciousness. Now, taking a whole different look at this, we can say unequivocally, categorically, Srila Prabhupada was poisoned, and is still being poisoned, by our lack of dedication to his mission. We're poisoning him especially by our aparadhas and offences to each other and we're poisoning him by our perhaps lack of realising just how potent, or just how powerful this mission is if we allow Lord Caitanya, allow Srila Prabhupada to work through us, if we allow the parampara to do the driving. If we try to drive ourselves, try to do most things based on our intelligence, then there will always be some shortcomings. There is a tendency these days that people are trying to fall back on doing things based on their intelligence. And the intelligence has the ability to rationalise and justify all kinds of things, especially when the mind is weak. When the senses are weak, they demand to the mind, and the mind that is more powerful than spiritualised intelligence, contaminates the intelligence. So we find that a lot of people who are ready to accept this theory, or what to say of those who propagate it, we'll see that in many cases the intelligence has become covered over, because they're not regulating the senses. So the mind has become king of the conditioned soul. So we can use this as a time for all of us in this society, to look closer, to see what role we have played that has added in creating an environment where there is so much in-house confusion. We all have to look at ourselves to see what we can do to be able to make a difference. Because where there is ambiguity, there is maya. Wherever there's lack of clarity in major areas, then maya finds a way to sneak in. So we have to see how we can function in such a way that doesn't cause people to experience this ambiguity, doesn't cause people to overreact. Some people who are embracing this, they have some issues that are genuine about other things, then they stretch it to this and they overreact. We have to look and see how we as individuals and as an institution, all different generations, and of course all different ashrams, we have to see what we can do to stop the present poisoning, and I mentioned those things that distract from our spiritual acceleration and the successful propagation of the ISKCON movement. So I've tried to take it personally in that way and though I'm highly accepting that it's absurd to think that such things, or believe that such things could happen, especially with these loyal servants, and even thinking that Krishna would let his great devotee leave in such a way, but I'm taking it to heart and trying to see what things need to be done to be able to solidify our devotional culture so that Kali doesn't find so many ways to be able to come in. As I've said, I've eagerly kept a certain amount of distance because of the, what I feel is, the absurdity and the pain of even thinking about such a thing and then reflecting on those who have been willing to embrace this idea. You see there's something about our consciousness that can allow us to accept something that is improper. There's a certain kind of consciousness that is eager to embrace such things and I mean, not to be offensive to Vaisnavas in general, whatever their position may be, but it obvious that the rat, you know, goes for the trash, or the roach it goes for the trash. So it's a tendency like that. When there's proper cleanliness then we find that these species have no desire to hang around in such an environment, so similarly, too much of this kind of Kali aspect has entered, and we have to look close about keeping the house clean, so we don't attract or reinforce that. It's just a general issue in our movement at this time, that people having been so disappointed in many ways; by leadership, people so dissatisfied by some of the weaknesses in the movement, child abuse, disappointment in their own lives, divorced, or haven't come up to the standards that they should, so in that disappointment and frustration, the people deal with their wounds and their pains in different ways, and in some ways it increases the problems rather than eradicates such problems. So I think that there is those that really do have good intent and are concerned as much as anyone about Srila Prabhupada and the movement, who have accepted this conspiracy or this theory, this idea that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned, but due to some genuine pain and therefore they are responding in this way. But I also feel that there are others who have been empowered by Kali, and so their mentality, their perceptions and their actions, the kind of chaos that it is bringing into the movement is beyond just normal deviation, its actually like an empowerment for destruction. Hare Krishna. HOME http://www.iskcon.org.au/notpoisoned/testimonies/Bhakti%20Tirtha.htm |
Sulocana |
#8157 Bhakti Caru Swami.2012-12-02 14:35Bhakti Caru Swami Recently one of our god-brothers, Nityananda das adhikari, wrote a book called, "Someone has Poisoned Me" and alleged that the cause of Srila Prabhupada's disappearance from this planet is arsenic poisoning, and the ones who were serving His Divine Grace at that time administered him that poison. Since I was one of Srila Prabhupada's personal servants at that time, taking care of his food and medicines, according to that book, I am naturally a suspect. When I first heard about this allegation I considered it to be so absurd that I did not think it deserved any response. I could not even imagine that anyone with a rational mind would give any credence to such an allegation. However, yesterday I received a COM message from Hari Sauri prabhu, one of Srila Prabhupada's personal servants and the author of "The Transcendental Diary", saying, " The (poison) issue must be dealt with directly. That must include direct statements from yourself (Tamal Krishna Goswami), Bhakti Caru, Bhavananda, Jayapataka et. al. When the persons that were there present their experiences collectively it makes a very powerful statement. I want to repeat, it MUST be done." Therefore, I felt somewhat compelled to write this statement. Just in case you do not know me and wondering why Hari Sauri Prabhu is asking me to address this issue, I will give a brief introduction about myself - I am one of the last disciples of Srila Prabhupada. I met His Divine Grace in January of 1977. In March, during the Gaura-Purnima Festival, in Mayapur, he gave me first and second initiations. He personally appointed me as his secretary for Indian affairs. Once he instructed me not to get involved with any woman and offer this life completely to Krsna, and soon after that, in May, he gave me sannyasa in Sridham Vrindavan. I had the good fortune to serve His Divine Grace's transcendental body until his disappearance pastime from this planet. From Srila Prabhupada we learned that a vaisnava does not defend himself. Therefore, in this response to Nityananda dasa's allegation I will not try to defend myself, however I feel it is my solemn duty to defend those who are innocent, with my honest testimony. The author of the book is accusing Tamal Krishna Goswami as the main suspect. I do not know how well Nityananda dasa knows Tamal Krsna Maharaj and how closely he associated with him, but while serving Srila Prabhupada I had the opportunity to associate with him very closely and lived with him in the same room for about seven months. During those days I saw what a deep love and respect he had for Srila Prabhupada, and I also saw what a deep confidence His Divine Grace had in him. Tamal Krsna Maharaj has a very heavy side but one should not judge him only from that point of view. He has a very soft side as well. Anyone who knows him knows well how aggressive and demanding he can be and to live with him for seven months was not always easy for me, to say the least. Yet I will honestly admit that I have seen his other side also and I have many sweet memories of my days with him. I have received elder brotherly affection and care from him that created a deep bond between us. Although from time to time we experienced our differences yet our relationship remained intact. I decided to mention about this perception of mine because I have seen many a times some devotees carry an inaccurate image of other devotees that obscure their perception. It is quite interesting to note that although Nityananda dasa wrote one whole book based on some whispers and an incorrect and dubious analysis of some hairs, he was nowhere near Srila Prabhupada in those days in Vrindavan. If he was then he would have seen how absurd his suspicion and accusation is. If he was present then he would have seen, what to speak of poisoning Srila Prabhupada, the devotees around Srila Prabhupada were praying to Krsna to let Srila Prabhupada stay on this planet in exchange of their lives. It is extremely unfortunate that Nityananda dasa is so obsessed with some whispers, but he is not listening to the exchanges that are so loud and clear. If he was present there then he would have seen that just a couple of days before Srila Prabhupada left this planet he told his very intimate god-brother, Srila Krsnadasa Babaji Maharaj, with tears rolling down from his eyes, "See, how much they love me!" If he were attending Srila Prabhupada in the early hours in Vrindavan, he would have heard Srila Prabhupada as soon as his Divine Grace woke up, "Where is Tamal? Ask him to come to me." And then he would have seen a very sweet loving exchange between them. Srila Prabhupada talking to him about the affairs of the movement, his various concerns about the future of this movement and what should be done to protect this movement. If Nityananda dasa was present there then he would have also seen that there were hundreds of devotees whose hearts were so full with their love for Srila Prabhupada that they were prepared to do anything for him. There were personalities like Gurukripa, who used to attend Srila Prabhupada everyday from 12 midnight to 2 in the morning. If Srila Prabhupada really suspected that someone had poisoned him, then all he had to do is just tell Gurukripa. Anyone who knows Gurukripa knows what would have happened then. And it is not only Gurukripa, Srila Prabhupada had to just tell any one of the few hundred devotees that were there, and one can only imagine what the reaction would have been like. Those who are suspecting that Srila Prabhupada has been poisoned by some of his disciples, I will request them to go deep within their hearts and ask whether it is at all possible for a Vaisnava, who does not even kill an ant, to murder his spiritual master. One evening I was with Tamal Krishna Maharaj in our room in Vrindavan. A mosquito was sucking his blood sitting on his leg. It had become quite bloated with the blood that it sucked from his body. A sudden pain from the bite made Tamal Krishna Maharaj aware of that mosquito. His hand rose in a natural reflex to strike that little creature, but stopped all of a sudden, and then it came down slowly and flicked the mosquito away from his leg. The person who would not even kill the mosquito that was sucking his blood, how can anyone think that he gave poison to his spiritual master. Srila Prabhupada went to Vrindavan in May from Hrisikesa to leave his body. Everyone present there was aware of that. The conspiracy to eliminate him was not the reality rather the reality was intense prayer to Krsna not to let Srila Prabhupada go away from their midst. I personally learned a wonderful lesson from this allegation. I must have developed some pride due to my good fortune in serving Srila Prabhupada those days. Now Krsna, the destroyer of pride, is mercifully taking care of that. While I, due to my false ego, was feeling proud that I served Krsna's pure devotee, the world is seeing me as the one who gave him poison. It is indeed Krsna's causeless mercy. I used to feel very impressed by one statement of Srila Prabodhananda Saraswati, a very intimate associate of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and the uncle of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami, "If the whole world glorifies me but Krsna does not recognize me then what is the use of that glorification. If the whole world spits at me but Krsna recognises me then who cares about that spitting." Very mercifully Krsna is giving me the opportunity to apply this wonderful instruction in my own life. This allegation is making me aware about the futility of mundane adoration and importance of Krsna's recognition. No matter what the world thinks, Krsna knows everything. Therefore what is the use of worrying about my image in this world? After all, sitting in my heart Krsna knows about all that do and I think. The conditioned souls of this material world may make mistakes in their judgement, but Krsna will never make any mistake. I have taken shelter of Him and surrendered myself unto Him; now let Him decide what I deserve. To this world I will declare clear and loudly, "IT IS AN ABSOLUTELY ABSURD ALLEGATION THAT SRILA PRABHUPADA HAS BEEN POISONED BY HIS DISCIPLES. IF ANYONE INTENTIONALLY POISONED SRILA PRABHUPADA, THEN IT MUST BE ME BECAUSE THOSE DAYS I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO USED TO GIVE PRASAD AND MEDICINE TO HIS DIVINE GRACE. WHATEVER HE ATE AND DRANK WENT THROUGH MY HAND." Let the omniscient, omnipotent Supreme Personality of Godhead judge me. If I committed such a heinous crime towards the dearest devotee of the Lord, to whom I owe everything, including my very existence, then let me suffer eternally in the darkest region of the hell. If any of Srila Prabhupada's disciples, whose heart is steeped with his love for Srila Prabhupada, wants to take the law in his hand and judge me, I will welcome that also. I give him full freedom to judge and do whatever he wants to do with me. I can assure him that I will accept that judgment without any protest. If someone wants to take me to the mundane court also, he can do so. There also I will give the same testimony, "IT IS AN ABSOLUTELY ABSURD ALLEGATION THAT SRILA PRABHUPADA HAS BEEN POISONED BY HIS DISCIPLES. IF ANYONE INTENTIONALLY POISONED SRILA PRABHUPADA, THEN IT MUST BE ME BECAUSE THOSE DAYS I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO USED TO GIVE PRASAD AND MEDICINE TO HIS DIVINE GRACE. WHATEVER HE ATE AND DRANK WENT THROUGH MY HAND." Waiting to receive your judgment and aspiring to remain a servant of the Vaisnavas, Bhakti Caru Swami. P.S. If you have any question, please feel free to write to me. HOME |
Sulocana |
#8158 Jashomatinandan2012-12-02 14:56Jashomatinandan Das Dear Maharajas and Prabhus, Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I am really glad the poison controversy is dying its natural death. From the very beginning, there were only two possibilities by which it could lead to any other direction. 1. If Srila Prabhupada directly named or indicated who the poison giver was. 2. If the poison giver himself came forward and confessed he did it. Srila Prabhupada eliminated the first possibility by not naming anyone. Surely Srila Prabhupada wasn't going to leave Lord Caitanya's sankirtana movement in the hands of a poison giver. If he suspected anyone, he would have surely told us. He would have revealed it to someone. Even though it is a fact he was fairly disturbed over the idea that he had the symptom of someone poisoned, we have to accept this statement very seriously: "I look like I am poisoned, not that I am poisoned." I did hear the tape containing some of the most significant Hindi statements he made. When the kaviraj asked who said he was poisoned, he said, "Yei sab friend," meaning "Oh, some friend [said it]." Some people have foolishly interpreted this to say, "Oh, these friends have poisoned me." But I heard the Hindi conversation clearly. The question was, How did he know he was poisoned? And the answer was, "Some friend told me." Another Hindi conversation was after Bhavananda suggested that Srila Prabhupada was disturbed. (In the conversation book, it is reported as a conversation after the above statement - Not that I am poisoned.) Then Kaviraj asked why he felt disturbed. When everyone asked several times, Srila Prabhupada said, "Ei ye poison wali baat" ("This thing about the poison.") Now indeed if this conversation took place after the above statement, that means even after saying "Not that I am poisoned," he still felt very disturbed. And it supercedes "I am not poisoned." But even then there is no indication that any devotee or devotees were ever doubted by Srila Prabhupada. In the absence of a clearcut proof, it would be very unfair, in fact heinous, to accuse someone of the most heinous activity of poisoning the most powerful saintly mahabhagavat spiritual master. It would be very unfair to even think that way. No one is admitting it, so it is just one more mystery underlining the limitation of human existence. I tried to hear whispers, but couldn't hear the word "poison" anywhere. Maybe my mind is prejudiced because I never believed in the conspiracy theory. My real concern is that if it is declared that the world's greatest preacher of sanatan dharma, the most saintly, pure devotee of the Lord was killed by poisoning, it would add a grossly mundane element to his brilliant and effulgent character. From the preaching point of view, it would certainly create a negative effect. Srila Prabhupada said there was a possibility of his Guru Maharaj's having been poisoned. But he never went out of his way to investigate anything. He depended on Krishna. So we should follow in his footsteps and go on with our service. Hari Hari bol. Your servant, Jashomatinandan Das http://www.iskcon.org.au/notpoisoned/testimonies/Jashomatinandan.htm |
jai |
#81592012-12-09 08:48people should be able to think freely. Gita and it's true representatives will help facilitate that |
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sokol |
#81622012-12-15 14:08идиотизм не добрых людей, судить книгу которая учит добру и развития разума. |
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2012-12-20 11:29- Date of removal: 2010-05-29
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#8169 парам виджайате шри-криша-санкиртанам2012-12-23 01:28http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjVWrYwHXCw Siksastaka Kirtan by Dravida Prabhu чето-дарпана-марджанам бхава-маха-давагни-нирвапанам шрейах-каирава-чандрика-витаранам видйа-вадху-дживанам анандамбудхи-вардханам прати-падам пурнамртасваданам сарватма-снапанам парам виджайате шри-криша-санкиртанам четах – сердца; дарпана – зеркало; марджанам – очищая; бхава – материального существования; маха-давагни – бушующий лесной пожар; нирвапанам – гася; шрейах – благословенный; каирава – белый лотос; чандрика – лунный свет; витаранам – излучая; видйа – всего знания; вадху – супруга; дживанам – жизнь; ананда – блаженства; амбудхи – океан; вардханам – углубляя; прати-падам – на каждом шагу; пурна-амрта – полный нектара; асваданам – позволяя ощутить вкус; сарва – каждому; атма-снапанам – омывая душу; парам – трансцендентный; виджайате – да увенчается победой; шри-кршна-санкиртанам – совместное пение святого имени Кришны. Слава шри-кришна-санкиртане, очищающей сердце от грязи, скопившейся в нем за долгие годы, и гасящей пожар обусловленного существования и повторяющихся рождений и смертей. Это движение санкиртаны несет величайшее благословение человечеству, ибо излучает сияние, подобное благодатному сиянию луны. Оно – душа всего трансцендентного знания. Оно углубляет океан трансцендентного блаженства и дает нам возможность насладиться нектаром, которого мы всегда жаждем. |
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guest |
#8172 Iskcon Krishna temple in Moscow is facing closure by the Russian government. By January 15, 20132012-12-24 12:36Iskcon Krishna temple in Moscow is facing closure by the Russian government. By January 15, 2013 The Indian ambassador to Russia has asked the Moscow authorities to give an extension to a temporary temple which is set to expire on December 31, 2012, until they complete the construction of a Vedic cultural centre. NEW DELHI: A year after Russia sought to ban the Bhagavad Gita, the Iskcon Krishna temple in Moscow is facing closure by the Russian government. By January 15, 2013, Iskcon monks said their Moscow temple, the only Hindu temple in Russia, would be demolished by the city authorities. As Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives on Monday for a day of talks with the Indian government, the temple issue is likely to figure in the discussions, not least because the issue has been pursued by the foreign ministry. Indian ambassador to Russia Ajai Malhotra has asked the Moscow authorities to give an extension to a temporary temple which is set to expire on December 31, 2012, until they complete the construction of a Vedic cultural centre. Asked about the proposed demolition, Russian ambassador to India Alexander Kadakin dismissed fears of demolition. However, Iskcon monk Madanmohan Das said the demolition order has not been revoked, so the temple is due to come down in January, because the authorities said it "violates the urban building code" and has no legal grounds for existence. In a statement, the temple officials said they feared that even the permanent temple would face the axe. "A source in the Moscow mayor's office said on condition of anonymity that Mayor Sergey Sobyanin also ordered to axe the permanent temple project, which Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit and previous Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov had included in a joint declaration in 2006 as a symbol of cultural cooperation between the cities. Following the declaration, Indian ambassador Ajai Malhotra laid the cornerstone for the new project earlier this year," the statement said. This year, Russia plans to push for land from the Indian government for a Russian orthodox church in Delhi. In 2004, Moscow's Iskcon temple was demolished and the Iskcon group was offered another plot to build a temple. Reports said the offer was withdrawn after Russian orthodox church members protested against the temple building plans. Last year's Bhagavad Gita trial had brought Lok Sabha to its feet and in a rare move, Parliament had collectively asked Russia to prevent the ban. The latest issue of demolition promises to put another wrinkle in the bilateral relations. |
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