Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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#65282011-12-22 12:59prabhupada is pure soul so you are offending a pure soul you will suffer in same way as you say that if you do not listen to jejus for what he says.... |
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#65302011-12-22 13:01This is to request each and every Russian who feels the same love and emotional attachment with India and Indians. We share a long and very good friendly relations. But if few people who has little or no clear knowledge about Lord Krishna and about the real practical relevant meaning of The Great Holy Book Of India Bhagwat Geeta , will execute something which hurts the emotional sentiments of a Billion Population , Then it will break the age old good relations bridge between 2 countries. No matter today world is going towards the west -America or China or Uk etc but core of the heart every India Knows that the only and the original Friend of India is Only Russia and for the sake of this attachment and respect for all the Russians. We request to Stop this negative approach for our Precious Book. It has nothing to do with violence. It just preaches all human beings to stand up for work and with full commitment irrespective you get the reword or not. God is every where and in every living-being and he will not let you down if you really deserve the best. Hail Russia and its true sprits , which pave the way for the World to became Great. Please Please don't Insult Us. Jai Shri Krishna. May Lord Krishna Bless You All. |
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#65312011-12-22 13:03i will say that we should not bother much of barking dog on big elephent when he walks in market, dogs keep on barking but elephent for him it doen not matter what dog does...... |
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#65332011-12-22 13:07Save the BHAGVATGITA...Who the hell are they to ban this holy book..Its a gateway to live life happily. |
jai Guest |
#65382011-12-22 13:12priest Maxim Stepanenko......read Srila Prabhupad Leelamruta at once....shure you can get mercy of a pure devotee and by his grace you gain a chance to know about Supreme Porsonality of Godhead...... |
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#65392011-12-22 13:16I understand Russia is becoming a country that embraces freedom of speach and Human rights. So how can they Ban a Book That has been read and taught for centuries? Where is the freedom and how do we expand on our knowledge if such impositions are allowd? It is a regretable to note this situation. |
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#65402011-12-22 13:20Political unity over Gita: A historic day in our times Dec 20, 2011, 03.42pm IST By: Tarun Vijay When I congratulated Lalu ji, Mulayam Singh ji, Sharad Yadav ji, Mahtab ji along with the Congress leaders Arun Kumar ji and Pawan Bansal ji with our stalwarts like Joshi ji and hokum Dev Narayan ji, in a media briefing in Parliament yesterday media persons were surprised. Thery all spoke in one voce against ban on Gita in Russia and I said that such national issues should not be a matter of concern for any single party or organization.It involves us all Indians and it's a great day for us that Gita issue was taken up so vigorously by all, cutting across the party lines with the sole exception of the Left. It was not just a Hindu issue. The honour of the nation and her people, the civilizational heritage of India and the cultural ethos that gave the world its best gift in the form of Gita , the ultimate message of karma, pluralism and universal values for a noble society, was at stake. And hence it was a day when India rose in one voice, as one people and one culture. Let the chroniclers write this day as a golden day in our history when all differences were deleted to express solidarity for Gita, the book of India. The anguish and the angst of the people of India on the move to ban Gita in Russia was best expressed by Lalu Prasad, Sharad Yadav , Mulayam Singh and Arun Kumar Vundavalli in the Loksabha on 19th December. It was such a historical occasion that the entire house immediately took up the issue raised by a senior BJD leader Bhartruhari Mahtab. He said through a special mention that 'the religious rights of the Hindus in Russia should be protected. Curiously, the State Prosecutor had referred the scripture to Tomsk State University for an expert examination. This university is not qualified as it lacks Indologists who study history, culture, language and literature of the Indian subcontinent. As this case is inspired by religious bias and intolerance from a majority religious group in Russia, I would like to urge upon the Government to impress upon their Russian counterpart so that their right to practice their religion and belief is upheld. Gita does not preach hatred. Indian Embassy in Moscow should intervene through diplomatic channels immediately.' Lalu Yadav demanded a discussion and stern action against the Russian authorities. Dr Murli Manohar Joshi and Dr Harin Pathak supported and voiced serious concern. The uproarious scenes followed when members demande a discussion and the speaker had to adjourn the house till 2 pm with a promise to allow the discussion. Mulayam Singh was first to rise to the occasion brilliantly and he said-Gita is a universal book accepted by the world which guides to be a better human being and work for the good of the society. It's a classic that teaches honesty and how to lead a sacred life. Gandhi ji used to read Gita daily and most of his speeches were based on the teachings of Gita. He wanted to build our nation on the message of Gita. But the government has not taken Gita seriously and all parties will accept this fact. Government has not taken any step to propagate Giya amongst the people of the nation. I request the Parliamentary Affairs Minister to make this government take steps to so that teaching Gita from the primary classes to the University level in this country becomes a possibility. Chairperson madam, please do something so that he students of our country begin studying Gita. Once this happens, the dream of Gandhi ji would be realized and the people would understand the core message of Gita making a better nation. All should condemn whatever the attorney in Siberia has said about Gita. I appeal that the entire House must condemn that statement (against (Gita). The inimitable Lalu Prasad said-Insulting Gita is insulting Krishna. A big conspiracy is being hatched against Lrd Krishna. Politicians base their life inspired with themesage of Gita.The Parliament is on and still no word has come from the government on the issue of banning Gita in Russia. Government is keeping a silence. We wouldn't tolerate this. We condemn this incident on behalf of the whole House. We will not tolerate this(ban on Gita). We will take revenge of this insult and punish (the govt) too if they don't take any action. Recently prime Minister had gone on a Russia tour. Did he speak to them about this matter? All that we want to say is that we wont tolerate the insults to Lord Krishna. Bol Shri Krishna Bhagwan ki jai- Hail the glory of Lord Krishna).The entire House cheered him. ( I am quoting them as I heard them or got uncorrected copies, hence I stand for corrections if anyone brings to my notice ). Sharad Yadav eloquently said-the issue affects millions of people. The government must take some immediate action to change the illogical decision (of banning Gita). This is the wish of the people of this nation. http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2011-12-20/news/30538027_1_gita-ji-sharad-yadav Political unity over Gita: A historic day in our times Dec 20, 2011, 03.42pm IST Arun Kumar Vundavalli (Congress, Andhra) gave a scholarly speech on the importance and the universal message of Gita for the good of entire mankind. He quoted many shlokas of Gita in chaste Sanskrit to th delight of all. Shri Satpal Maharaj (Congress, Uttarakhand) was chairing the proceedings and he also , from his chair, quoted many Gita shlokas to drive home the message of humanity as described in the Gita. Hukum Dev Narayan (BJP) in his impressive presentation demanded that the House must pass a unanimous resolution condemning the Russian decision to ban Gita. Pawan Kumar Bansal, Minister of parliamentary affairs rose to assure the House that Foreign Minister S M Krishna will give a statement on the issue tomorrow. He agrees entirely with the feelings of the House. The stunned and speechless Talibanised seculars saw this unity with awe and would like to see some politics in it. Some even floated the idea that it's the Yadav unity taking over Hindu solidarity. I beg to differ strongly. It's the quintessential Hindu spirit, the Indian core values that cannot submerged under any tsunami. Why should any single organization or ideology be allowed to speak and act singlehandedly on such issues? Let us differ on thousand issues, on policies, programmes and actions, but there must remain some issue that binds is all as Indians and that factor would be the defining one for our Tricolour and the Constitution. If any classic can be truly termed as the best gift of India to the world, it's Gita. Vinoba Bhave wrote a wonderful book on Gita in Marathi, called Geetai meaning Mother Gita, and its as popular in every Maharashtrian household as Tulasi's Ramcharitmanas is amongst the Hindi world. Its ironical that when the controversy was making headlines all over, our Prime minister was in Moscow and he didn't broach the subject with the highest authorities there. Millions across the globe, all religionists and races, have read Gita. The greatest minds ever borne on this planet were inspired by its contents and have commented on its message. I am quoting only a very few here |
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#65412011-12-22 13:22Krishna seen as demon by church Dvorkin A.L. Sektovedenie Chapter 9. 1. Between India ours krishnaitov and real India the same difference, as between a powder "Zuko" and juice of a live fruit Lord Jesus says that he is a son of God. It not God, and His son... Between God And quarrels can't be the son of God. Jesus spoke: “love God”, and Krishna, The Supreme Person of God, speaks: “love Me”. This same. [1] Shrila Prabhupada [2] I the Hole, God of death... I all-devouring death... I am time, great The destroyer of the worlds, and I has come here to destroy all people. Words of Krishna about in “Bhagavad-Gite as it are” [3] “The international Society of consciousness of Krishna” (MOCK) [4] very actively operates in modern Russia. The Russian branch of sect is called “the Center of societies of consciousness of Krishna in Russia”. MOCK it is possible to characterize as psevdoinduistskuju syncretic prozelitstvujushchuju postmodernist neopagan totalitarian sect. очень активно действует в современной России. Российское отделение секты называется “Центр обществ сознания Кришны в России”. MOCK можно охарактеризовать как псевдоиндуистскую синкретическую прозелитствующую постмодернистскую неоязыческую тоталитарную секту. Popular belief that krishnaity — good, open children. Certainly, strange: shave heads, leaving Zaporozhye "oseledets" on a nape, go in orange curtains and too stick in the street with the books, obsequiously looking in eyes, but they vegetarians and flies won't offend. What on all of them so "run"? Besides they are martyrs: at the Soviet power them put, and they suffer only for the pacifism. Each of you saw krishnaitov in streets of cities, on television, they became for a long time a habitual part of our life. Them like to remove, they are exotic and "decorate" itself our gray validity. And truth if to talk to these children many of them make impression of pure and sincere people. I do not doubt that many of private soldiers krishnaitov such and are. But a question, as always, not in personal qualities of this or that sectarian, because these people — a victim, and in principles of the doctrine. And, of course, in the people these children, and also in founders of the doctrine became which victims: the history has shown that by order of the heads private soldiers krishnaity, without reflecting, went on crimes. Krishnaitsky book sellers whom you meet in streets, — a victim of a deceit, but they (it is free or involuntarily) aspire to deceive and you. The deceit consists, for example, that krishnaity are represented as followers of ancient (5-thousand-year) Vedic tradition, and also as members 500-million (or 700-million, or even milliard — the hand the lord) Hinduism armies. But, first, the Vedic writing has started to develop about 1500 to X., that is only about 3500 years ago. Secondly, induistsky the sacred text to which they refer, — "Bhagavadgita" — at all doesn't belong to vedam.“ The Mahabharata ”which part is"Bhagavadgita", is the rather new Indian epos which has definitively developed only to the middle of the first millenium on X., but also, krishnaitskaja the book“ Bhagavad-Gita as it is ”— no more than the adapted Americanized retelling of the original with comments to it. And thirdly, western krishnaity have no more relations to traditional Hinduism, than the boy, thrust to itself in hair feathers and painted the person a water color paint, to the present apaches and Mohicans. The known Russian indianist Irina Glushkov, the employee of the Center of the Indian researches of Institute of oriental studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, wrote about it:“ Between India ours krishnaitov and real India the same difference, as between a powder "Zuko" and juice of a live fruit ”. [5] Receptions with which help krishnaity which you saw in streets, extend the literature aren't too clean also. Their tested method: “Hello! You very much were pleasant to me, at you very intelligent person — or:“ you to me seem very reasonable person. We want to offer you a gift ”. Also give the book in tsvetastoj to a cover. The person takes the book in hands. It is very touched that to it personally give a gift, moreover such book attractive by sight! He thanks the generous and very friendly stranger who has shown to him, apparently, genuine interest. And here to it speak: “you couldn't make a donation on our charitable society?” The person asks: “What donation?” To it speak: “Well, 200 roubles”. — “As, this book costs 200 roubles?” — “isn't present, we to you have presented the book, but you make a donation on the good purposes”. Here already it is available the moment of psychological violence: it is impossible to refuse, after all the gift is already accepted. And rigidly to return it like inconvenient: “After all the stranger was such polite, moreover named me clever and intelligent! I can't arrive now unintelligently!” So the person pays 200 roubles for the book which he and for the five wouldn't buy. These lovely and sincere children train, that they a deceit and unscrupulous psychological blackmail compelled people to give them money. OSK publishes special magazines, which learn "distributors" to every possible ways how not to lag behind the person, while it won't give money; for "nice" street knigonosh special seminars are held on methods of aggressive trade. Between individual distributors, between groups sankirtana [6] in one city and between various cities there is constant and very rigid competition: who will extend more books who will bring more money. And a grief what will appear among losing... To Krishna and a society of its consciousness are always necessary "lakshmi" (money). And the more the person will bring money, the more he loves Krishna and trusts in it. No other circumstances the essential can be [7]. To us messages arrived that krishnaity go on the Moscow apartments and ask to offer on a theological seminary, without warning thus that this seminary krishnaitskaja. And it still their most innocent features. After all founder MOCK “the great guru” Prabhupada learned that for the sake of Krishna permissibly “transtsendentalnoe slyness”. And it justifies any deceit and any swindle, in particular and about what it is told above. It is interesting that if at conversation krishnait learns that you orthodox first of all he will start you to reproach with non-observance of bible precepts. “At you, say, it is told:" not uby ", and you kill animals and eat them”. And here it is possible to explain long that this precept doesn't concern animals that in the Jewish language in general two various words mean “to pin up animals” and “to kill people”, — anything from this won't be heard: after all this argument was resulted by Prabhupada, and he never was mistaken, because the person who has reached of such high spiritual level, basically can't be mistaken sense of its any phrase is absolute. However, the main thing at all in it. It is paradoxical that if, under the doctrine of Krishna, it is impossible to kill animals, people can be killed, and happens, as it is necessary [8] especially if they belong to breed of demons hating Krishna. And if to force the person while him kill, to read a mantra to "Jara Krishna" then its further destiny, its karma will be strongly improved. 2. The occurrence history krishnaitov in the USSR in 1971 is rather suspicious Let's consider history mosk. It has begun In 1966 with arrival in New York elderly monk-Hindu by name of Abhaj Charan De (1896-1977). Krishnaity assure that belong to ancient Indian tradition. Actually the beginning of their tradition was necessary in 1966 this monk-sanjasinom "modestly calling:“ Its Divine Favour ”Shri Shrimad Svami Bhaktivedanta Shrila Prabhupada [9]. In dosektantskoj Prabhupada's biographies will be episodes, comparable on scandalousness with Hubbard, Moon or Joseph Smith's life a little. Outwardly all was more or less decently. But all life of the founder of the sect which have got for 35 years of the existence one of the most criminal reputations, is an illustration of one universal passion absorbing it — the irrepressible ambition following from unrestrained, truly of devil arrogance. It is enough to look at its photo (it can be found in any krishnaitskom the edition) that it became obvious. According to Prabhupada, its guru for broadcast to it to preach the doctrine of Krishna in the West. However in youth of Abhaj Charan didn't aspire to realize a precept of the teacher at once; it was the businessman, the direct-sales representative, the dealer pharmacological preparations. He has devoted to these employment the life most part. He very much hoped to grow rich — but all its financial enterprises came to an end crash. Having convinced that business won't lead to its desired purpose, Abhaj has remembered a precept of the teacher and already has in the evening of life started to publish in English magazine about krishnaizme which was called “Back to God”. Prabhupada belonged to generation to the current of Hinduism worshipping to uniform god to Krishna. Krishnaity name itself monotheists, but it is possible to agree with it only at very passing on them — and that only partly. They worship to god whom name Krishna (on a Sanskrit "black", "dark" or "dark blue" — a speaking name). [10] Movement of worship it as to the Supreme deity of the beginnings in India in XVI century preacher Chajtanja. Followers of Chajtani walked the streets the Indian cities, beat in tambourines, ran into orgiastic ecstasy — and all urged to worship to god to Krishna. Prabhupada declares that it occurs from that line of teachers which directly go back to this mystic of XVI century. More low we will see, such statement is how much proved. CHajtanja declared what to avoid fatal influences of the physical world it is possible, having received blessing of Krishna. Chajtanja is considered krishnaitami as a joint embodiment of their god of Krishna and its favourite mistress Radhi: Krishna it has decided to be embodied in Radhu to comprehend all force of its love fidelity to itself, and this embodiment was Chajtanja. The Main objective of beloved of Krishna as learned Chajtanja, — to love it as its uncountable mistresses-shepherdesses loved Krishna. Krishna is pastushesky god which cult has got popularity in the south of India in VI-IX centuries on R X. On lines of the character it more all reminds the Greek god Hermes — prokazlivogo, the playful and roguish shepherd: From moshennichestv I — gambling, I — shine shining, I — a victory, I — an adventure, I — force strong. The COMMENT: In the Universe there is a set of swindlers of different type. From all kinds of swindle gambling costs above all and consequently represents Krishna. Krishna, being Supreme, there can be more perfidious, than any simple person. If Krishna decides to deceive the person nobody can surpass Him in insidiousness [11]. About the Lord, nobody can understand Your transcendental games, which... Are capable to mislead everybody [12]. Often Krishna represent in the form of cyanotic puhljavogo the effeminate young man (truth, krishnaity are assured that is more beautiful than it anybody isn't present: “Casually having seen reflection of the fine body in jewels on a floor, Krishna has exclaimed:“ I could to see finer than anything! ”) [13]. He indulged in love joys with uncountable set of shepherdesses, and the problem betrayed — to fall in love with it in the same way. Then they leave a wheel of a sansara of eternal transformations, will enter into heavenly halls of Krishna on planets of Vaikunitihi [14] and will indulge with it in eternal love joys in heavenly woods. As it is written under an illustration in the book “fidelity Nectar”: “Developing in itself matrimonial love to Krishna, devoted can get in Dvaraku where becomes one of wives of the Lord”. Some from gurulinii, begun Chajtanej, are considered as an embodiment of numerous beloved of Krishna, these shepherdesses. It is special honor: they come back to the earth and are embodied in this or that bearded or beardless guru. In 60th years Neohinduism becomes popular in the West, and many gurus adapt to the western way of life: start to eat meat, to wear the western clothes, after all differently as it seemed to them, in the West many adherents you will not get. But Prabhupada was the person in own way ascetic: it was guided by other, much stronger passion. He has strictly declared to the pupils: any western clothes, any meat — it is necessary to observe all Indian household instructions completely. It replaced outer side of the Indian life to the western soil, asserting that only such way the corrupted West can escape. [15] its favourite metaphor was that the West — blind (meant spiritually), and the East — lame (that is it is financially poor). And here having incorporated, they it is reached perfection. A picture of the legless blind man — anything to itself perfection! Prabhupada was married and had children, but at some instant, already being elderly, it has left the wife and became sanjasinom, that is has completely devoted itself to god. In spite of the fact that the monk shouldn't have physical relations with the woman, induistskaja practice supposes joint residing with a family in one house. Prabhupada also any time didn't leave the family. Somehow he has told that once when he deeply indulged in god thought, its wife who very much loved tea (to him as sanjasinu this drink has been forbidden as raising), has sold one of its sacred books to buy something sweet to tea (Prabhupada's next financial scheme came to an end with crash, and money at a family was a little). It so has taken offense that has thrown it and children, has for ever left the house and since then has never taken an interest that to them has occurred. Dedication of to god at mature age typically for the Hindus considering the life as consecutive change of four stages: an apprenticeship, home life, and in an old age — asceticism and then wandering. So Prabhupada's act was quite usual for its age and culture. But after all thanks to activity of this person in the West ten thousand young men, and at all old men, the families left, close and native and gave itself to slavery eaten by a demon of arrogance to the Indian ambitious man and the totalitarian organization created by it! Prabhupada hoped to base the sect in India, but at it left nothing — the competition was too great. It intrigued, tried to find to itself patrons in the higher echelons of power [16], but has not reached desirable result. And then he has decided to try to achieve the in America as second-hand east spirituality there became more and more marketable goods. In 69 years it, it agree krishnaitskoj to a legend, with several dollars in a pocket, with a set of pans (despising all material guru couldn't present itself life without Indian cuisine) and with an umbrella of villages a cargo Indian vessel on which it have transported through ocean free of charge. Thus it has arrived to port of New York. Having typed on acquaintances of a few money, Prabhupada rented a premise of the former shop in one of poor disctricts of the city and has hung up the announcement that will give lectures about "Bhagavadgite" on its show-window. I will remind that "Bhagavadgita" is one of books of the Indian epos in which Krishna learns to wisdom of follower Ardzhunu. Affairs at first didn't go. There was a moment when Prabhupada has despaired as money all didn't come, and already was going to leave, as suddenly it, as they say, has swum with the current: it was decline time bitnichestva and a start of motion of hippie. All of them very much were interested in the Indian knowledge. Some of the first pupils who have joined Prabhupada, have appeared rather active and influential in bohemian circles, therefore business has somehow moved off dead center. The young pacifists protesting against war in Vietnam began to join group. The youth was involved especially with east exotic. Besides, the new teacher has obliged them to observe extremely rigoristic moral charter which too seemed something to the new and freshening people who were satiated with various excesses. Hippies aspired to be allocated with something from gray crowd of capitalist establishment, and the smoothfaced head with a bunch of hair is allocated even much more, than long hair. Indian saffron-yellow dhoti for men or multi-colored sari for women too are more appreciable, than the embroidered jeans and the painted T-shirts. Besides dances in streets, atmosphere heppeninga with tambourines, with kimvalami, so uncompromising call to a consumer society — all it was very unusual and interesting. In 1968 Prabhupada has opened own printing house. The poet, the representative of beatniks Alain Ginzberg who was interested in the East has got acquainted with it popular then in America. It has come to Prabhupada and began to help to "wise man" to extend its doctrine. Soon krishnaitam it was possible to interest in itself "Beatles", and those have allowed sect to use the name. George Harrison, one of four participants of the glorified group, has helped krishnaitam to let out a plate with a singsong of their mantra, and then and itself has let out a song in which there was krishnaitskaja a melody. After disintegration "Beatles" it even has let out the whole plate which is called “Life in a material world” and is devoted Krishna. It gave all to popularity sect. Harrison also supported MOCK money and even has presented to Prabhupada the lock in vicinities of London which has bought earlier for itself. Till now this lock is headquarters OSK in England. Prabhupada developed mad activity; though it has begun the sermon in the Western world in 70 years and by sight was rather elderly and sickly, energy at it was enough. In 1971 it even has arrived to Soviet Union. In general krishnaity very much like to refer that they (besides iegovistov) unique of all newly appeared sects which had time to suffer from the Soviet power, but occurrence krishnaitov in the USSR very suspiciously. Prabhupada has arrived in 1971 as the leader of the religious movement which have already received scandalous popularity. It have let in the country, he walked the streets, some persons have turned, have based the organization, and all it has occurred, as to us speak, without the knowledge of KGB and remains as though not noticed by "bodies". I remind what to put and pursue krishnaitov have begun only at the very end of 70th years, that is it is quite natural to assume that certain hopes which they why that haven't justified were rested upon them. [17] Years through three after Prabhupada's arrival krishnaitov have let in again the USSR — this time the whole landing. They have arrived to Moscow on the International book fair where to them have given completely the stand. To difficultly itself to present that in 1971 of KGB has missed and has let in the USSR Prabhupada, and in three years "has not noticed" the whole group of representatives of foreign religious movement. All it looks mysteriously enough. Anyway, such rather suspicious image krishnaizm has appeared in the USSR. 3. Krishnaity have developed set of tactics of extortion of money Gradually movement grew and kreplo, and has soon begun to smell very big money extracted by means of the most various kinds sankirtany.“ Betrayed ”exercised the wit, trying to get as much as possible money and by that to please the strict teacher. Prabhupada has understood that it has based not only sect, but also rich transnational corporation. Having started this car, it has moved to India where has lodged on the legendary native land of Krishna, in Vrindavane, whence an iron hand supervised over movement and with pleasure as due, accepted divine honors done to its and worship. Its each word registered in the tape recorder, its each desire immediately and was implicitly carried out. Some times in day pupils with awe decorated an enormous wreath from natural flowers its dried up and wrinkled senile body. And on places its appointees finding all new and new ways of extortion of money at people ordered. In the beginning got used to beg the former hippies-krishnaity begged in streets, but soon their heads have developed set of much more effective tactics. For example, krishnaitsky furgonchik with an inscription "Radio station" stops on parking place at a supermarket in small American small town. Therefrom there is a dazzling blonde with a microphone the cord from which lasts in furgonchik, calls up the passer-by and speaks; “Hello! We on the air, what is your name? We spend now a marathon for the aid to homeless children. Whether you love children? And your remarkable spouse? I remind you that we on the air. You can transfer it greetings. How many you can offer to the aid of homeless children?” It is natural, under such pressure — after all the sum declared “on the air” — people gave the last. And meanwhile, no radio existed, and a wire from a microphone to what hasn't been connected. But it were still florets. About MOCK that time the set of the criminal facts is known. For example, mission krishnaitov in Japan was engaged in a robbery of jewelry stores. They had a developed system on which all stolen was brought and on sale in India, and money developed at Prabhupada's feet. In California the local management of movement traded in drugs. As we know, sect has entered many hippie among whom the narcotism has been rather extended. The first krishnaity which have guessed drug traffic, argued approximately on such logic: you were the addict, I was the addict, we became krishnaitami, have devoted myself to Krishna, it is more we drugs we do not use. So, the more will be temples of Krishna, the will be addicts less. People will come there, to address and throw drugs, means, if we trade in drugs, and on this money to build temples of Krishna, maybe, in immediate prospects of addicts becomes more, but eventually them becomes much less. This history custom-made murder of the competitor (the president krishnaitskogo a temple was the customer) and arrest of all local top mosk has come to an end. Is that proof that Prabhupada knew all, because to it letters with complaints to a perversion of initial ideals arrived, but he answered nothing, but only demanded more and more money. [18] money never was enough, and he demanded more and more and thus hypocritically complained that its followers can't enter into the present consciousness of Krishna and are the fallen people. Thus, in a track record Krishnaitov which “and flies won't offend”, is both robberies, and drug traffic and the weapon, a number of murders and is a lot of that another. 4. In "gurukulah" terrible operation, the most severe punishments, sexual violence over children reigned. Prabhupada has died in 1977, and for a year before there was an order that will be after his death. The Ruling committee (Governing Body Commission — GBC) from 29 members has been appointed. But soon the old man has understood that it is too much people, and in 1977, shortly before death, it has appointed 11 gurus of successors from among the most favourite and promising pupils and ordered to divide it among themselves the world. Prabhupada has decided that they will compete on number new turned, by quantity of money which they will get, and thus movement will grow and spread. There is a description of this sharing of the world between gurus-successors, it is very similar to “the Suharevsky convention” children of lieutenant Schmidt from the novel of Ilfa and Petrov, dividing among themselves territory of Soviet Union. Eventually the world has been divided, and gurus-successors have gone on the won territories to create new life in glory of Krishna. Having established in the specific princedoms, gurus began to be at war among themselves: they expelled agents each other from the limits and endlessly sorted out relations on a theme who at whom has stolen "betrayed" and who has called in with the sankirtanovoj a command on another's territory. In some years, after many perturbations, from 11 gurus-successors on former places there were only two: someone has gone to prison, someone has stayed and left, but to movement hasn't returned, someone has been killed, someone has kept communication with movement, but has flied from a supervising post. Krishnaity at conversation on this theme start to assure with great feeling that MOCK — the crystal-clear organization, simply separate former members have pumped up. Here the CPSU in which there was no criminal — any person who has broken the Criminal code is involuntarily remembered, to court expelled from the party, therefore any member of Communist Party hasn't been condemned. Here as and when one of gurus-successors arrested or became clearly that arrest not to avoid, it there and then excluded from movement of Krishna, and sect numbers remained crystal-clear. The world has been shaken, when the plural facts from life "gurukul" — boarding schools where parents handed over children that these “body by-products” (Prabhupada's expression) [19] didn't prevent to comprehend it consciousness of Krishna became known. There mass cases of mockeries at children, beatings and rapes were observed. Here the citation from the letter of the boy who has grown in OSK: Attempt to remind again of nightmares gurukuly is the most cruel thing which can be made to the teenager. I try to forget all horrors to which we were exposed for the sake of God, physical beatings, psychological prosecution, constant rapes... I was raped by that teacher who also has raped my brother in France, my sister on mother have forced to drink its own urine in Dallas, my stepfather transported money from sale of drugs from Las Vegas to Los Angeles. My mother have forced to marry against its will. The guru of my younger brother has been killed by the world leader sankirtana. And you want, that I continued in the same spirit? Or you will simply place me in the list of inevitable losses...? Actually, if you don't know, such, as I, thousand worldwide [20]. Prabhupada Kirtanananda's favourite pupil (Kijt the Boor) hoped subsequently to head movement. During lifetime of the teacher it has quarreled with it and has broken away from movement. It has located in the remote area of the State of West Virginia. The colony based by it he named Nju (New) Vrindavanom. In its center, on money, which have been collected in the unimaginable ways (basically illegal), has constructed the huge temple named it “a gold palace”, and suited at it the present concentration camp. Its followers worked on construction of it of "a gold palace” in which the inconceivable quantity of money has been enclosed: in work the Italian marble was used, all has been covered by gold sheet, and inside there were improbably expensive statues. The temple became a place for visiting of tourists from which took money. But among inhabitants something was created dreadful: Terrible operation of people, the most severe punishments practised a community (and even murders), sexual violence over children in "gurukulah". Nevertheless Prabhupada has reconciled with the Boor, has accepted it back in movement (as was to miss from MOCK such tidbit) and constantly held up as an example to other pupils. After Prabhupada Kirtanananda's death (by then naming Maharajas of Bhaktipada Svami) became one of gurus-successors. Certainly, crimes in New Vrindavane continued to be multiplied. New custom-made murders have been made. Krishnait, tried to expose them, has been killed by a shot in a nape. He was killed consisting on the salary at Kirtananandy by the krishnait-killer. The information on it has filtered outside; with the big delay these crimes have been opened, and some persons have been condemned for life without the right conditionally-early release. The most part of criminals ran to India and till now is is in hiding. Kirtanananda employed the most expensive lawyers, and it was possible to it to prove any time that all, say, occurred without his permission. It couldn't catch for a hand. But when eventually it became clear that to it not otvertetsja, management MOCK has decided to refuse it and has excluded it from movement. Kirtanananda pulled a consequence, how many could, and only in 1996 justice at last has triumphed: it has received 20 years of prison. After it has sat down, the rests of its group have reunited again with mosk. The London guru-successor Dzhejatirta (James Himmeln) has got scandalous popularity that made kirtany (the dances devoted to Krishna) with application an acid and “departed to other worlds”. It too eventually has broken away from movement, has got a harem. And it in group had murders: at least one person, threatening to expose it, it has drowned in lake. All has come to an end that one of its pupils, having taken offense at it, has pinned up its knife, and then has beheaded a corpse. In the book about “the International Society of consciousness of Krishna” “Monkey on a Stick” (“the Monkey on a stick”) all 500 pages of the text narrate about the criminal facts from history krishnaitskogo movements. From this book obviously follows that all it not accident, and a basis of existence of sect. These crimes incontestably follow from the doctrine and structure MOCK, developed by the pathological ambitious man and the arrogant man. [21] Presence guruizma, that is on the substance of the divine indisputable power given to the ordinary guilty person [22], corrupts his soul and leads to terrible falling. We will remember Churchill's words that the power corrupts, and the absolute power corrupts absolutely. In a case with MOCK we deal with this phenomenon when yesterday's outcasts and the losers embittered on rejected them on a roadside the world, have suddenly received in the order absolute, nothing the limited power over lives and destinies of thousand people. And it is unconditional, finally for all their crimes bears responsibility Prabhupada who ennobled them and has put them on a position by nothing limited power. 5. Idols awake, it brush teeth, them dress, them wash — wash a mix from milk, pink water and the cow urine So, krishnaity believe in uniform, personal god whom they name Supreme, Supreme, Absolute, True from which in the world all has occurred. At this god set of names, according to set of its actions. The main his name — Krishna which krishnaity contrary to any etymology interpret as "vseprivlekajushchy". [23] God is eternal and we will not create, has set of aspects, possesses two kinds of energy — the higher (spiritual) and the lowest (material), creating the world and all live beings. Krishna was also veins on the earth 5 thousand years ago. Since then has occurred 29 its new phenomena - an avatar. But only the first phenomenon of Krishna was full, the others — more or less partial. In each new phenomenon ever less percent from original Krishna. Prabhupada names the first phenomenon of Krishna “the Supreme Person” deity. And besides this god there is a set of other deities (as induistskoj literatures, and other religious systems) about which Prabhupada says that they, basically, too can worship. But they only avatars (phenomena) of Krishna or demigods, and Krishna — god of gods, the reason and the founder of all other gods. And consequently, according to Prabhupada, those who doesn't worship to Krishna, — the fools similar to donkeys, pigs and other malosimpatichnym an animal. In the avatars Krishna ostensibly was and as god of Buddhists, and as god of Christians, and as god of Islam (! — And. D) . That is, as consider krishnaity, our Lord Jesus Christ was only one of very incomplete phenomena of Krishna. Krishnaity carry out even the linguistic analysis and prove that the word the Christ (Krist - Kristna and etc.) means the same that Krishna [24]. Certainly, from the linguistic point of view it is the statement doesn't maintain any criticism because the Christ is Greek translation of the Jewish word meshiah that "Messiah" means. And Krishna — a Sanskrit word which as we remember, “the dark spiritual essence” means "black", "dark", that is. Doctrine OSK as if is based on "Bhagavadgite" who is a part of the Old Indian epos. But actually we pseudo-krishnaity study not actually "Bhagavadgitu", and its transposition on English language which has been made by Prabhupada and is supplied by its comments. As to comments it is a special theme, but serious scientists-indologi specify that issued from the pen of Prabhupada “Bhagavad-Gita as it is” is not transfer, and quite modern (it is possible to tell postmodernist) the retelling of original "Bhagavadgity" diluted with terms and concepts of the western pop culture and pop philosophy. To Prabhupada's lecture (in particular, expressed by it in the multivolume retelling of "ShrimadBhagavatam" supplied with enormous comments on volume), Krishna loves fun, jokes, entertainment (lily — divine games), at it 16108 wives, at each of which are a palace, on 10 children and enormous quantity of grandsons. In a word, it not god, and the playful superman. In krishnaitskoj to the literature the erotic symbolics is excessive a lot of. Krishnaity can object that in the Bible, say, too there is a Song of Songs. But in sect business is nevertheless differently because god indulging in erotic pleasures Krishna is a central episode of their doctrine, on it all is constructed, round it all spins, while the Song of Songs — only one (and it is far not central) of bible books. And in our tradition anywhere it is not offered to take this symbolical book literally. If you can talk with krishnaitami try to ask them about the relation to the Christ. They will tell that very much Him respect — It was an avatar of Krishna. And then it is possible to ask, who was earlier who was embodied earlier — Krishna or the Christ? They will tell that Krishna went by the ground and played pranks 5000 years ago, hence, it was embodied earlier. After that it was embodied again and again, vtom number, partially, in “great teacher Jesus”. And then give of a word of the Savior: “Everything, how many they came predo Me, an essence thieves and robbers” (In. 10,8). Also look at reaction of your interlocutors. As learn sectarians, the word of Krishna is the same, as he. And as it is considered that "Bhagavadgita" has been dictated by Krishna each word in it and is itself Krishna, — let not completely, not absolute, but so Krishna, how much each word can contain it. Differently, their sacred book — too god and to worship to it it is necessary as to god. Still Prabhupada says that so-called induistskaja the Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) is too the phenomenon of Krishna and too partial. Each of them played the role in world creation, but Krishna — Supreme and not born, it differs from all other world the transcendence, that is it is absolute out of a material world. Krishna proves in three modusah, or aspects, first of which is Paramatma — the localized supersoul in which quality the particle of Krishna lives in heart of each person. Perhaps, someone from you saw extended krishnaitskuju a picture “a life Wheel” where the baby, then the boy, then the young man, then the mature husband, then elderly, then the aged man, then a corpse falling in a tomb, and then again the baby is drawn. In the middle of a breast at everyone — a bright shone point. It just that soul of Krishna which lives in each person along with its individual soul — dzhivoj, and then moves in each of its consecutive bodies. Of the Second modus — the Brahman is a bright personal light which is the internal engine of all Universe. It impersonalnyj aspect, vsepronikajushchaja absolute true, incomprehensible, beskachestvennaja force, radiation transtsendentalnogo bodies of the person of god. The third modus — Bhagavan is the Supreme person Krishna, possessing the incomprehensible qualities, all riches, power, glory, beauty. Let's repeat. Three aspects it is supersoul, light, or an emanation of Krishna, and the Supreme person Krishna. Also, as the localized soul of Krishna lives in a shower of each person so created all Universe Krishna in the form of the light or radiation is present in everything including in idols — images of deities, but in them it is present more than somewhere (why at a statue of its Krishna more than, say, in its picturesque image, from krishnaitov it is not possible to receive satisfactory answer any in the slightest degree). It is necessary to concern statues, as to to Krishna. For this reason in krishnaitskih temples there is a morning ceremony of care by idols. Them awake, it brush teeth, them dress, them wash-wash a mix of milk, pink water and the cow urine. After gods wash, this precious nectar is drunk by followers of Krishna: the cow is a sacred animal in Hinduism, and everything that starts with a cow, too is sacred. Some times in day of idols feed, and for the night put to bed. Krishna, being the Supreme deity, itself accepts this worship. Worship avatars of Krishna basically also concerns it and consequently if you the Christian and worship to the Christ actually you, at all without knowing that, all the same worship to Krishna. Though, as Prabhupada reminds, very silly to honor other gods if it is possible to address to god directly. As it is written in "Shrimad-Bhagavatam": “doing not believe in Krishna actually worship only to demigods and can receive only illusory and passing blessings”. In the comment to "Bhagavadgite" Prabhupada says that all people fools and all sufferings of mankind occur from ignorance (“99,9 % concern to naradhama... Naradhama is the lowest form of human life” [25]), but the society which will develop in itself consciousness of Krishna, would be remarkable and prospering. So, the ordinary person deprived of spiritual knowledge, "Shrimad Bhagavatam" it at all ranks as a category of dogs, pigs, camels and donkeys, and exaggeration. Leaders of such ignorant people very much are proud of that such quantity of dogs and pigs admires them, but actually in it there is nothing flatter for them, "Bhagavatam" openly proclaims that the one who doesn't show desire to comprehend a science about Krishna — be it even the great leader of humanoid dogs and pigs, — as a matter of fact is an animal. It can be a powerful, strong or big animal, but, from the point of view of "Shrimad Bhagavatam", owing to an atheistic warehouse of its mind of such leader it is impossible to consider as the person. In other words, similar to dogs and pigs leaders-atheists — only larger animals at whom animal qualities [26] are only more brightly expressed. "External" krishnaity with pleasure will inform that God was in many forms and to worship to it it is possible differently. But nevertheless for themselves admirers of Krishna after the founder consider that any person, preferring to worship to someone else except Krishna, — the atheist, a fool, a humanoid, a pig, a dog, a crocodile and all other inhabitants of a zoo. Only krishnaity are on the top of a pyramid, and at them incomparably the greatest chance for rescue. 6. “I — all-devouring death” One image of Krishna — the chubby, effeminate dark blue young man — to us is already known. But Krishna has also other faces more corresponding to its nature. It, for example, multiarmed, surrounded with cobras ruthless and blood-thirsty chelovekolev Narasimha gnawing blood-stained human necks and hanging on a body human interiors. “... The nails has in two broken off a mighty body of atheist Hiranjakashipu” [27]. But it yet a real face of Krishna. Here that in "Bhagavad-Gite" it is told about its original kind: I see in Your body many hands, bellies, mouths, the eyes stretched everywhere without a limit... I see, how You vomit a flame and burn all installed by own light... All planets and their demigods vvergnuty in confusion a kind of Your great form with its many faces, eyes, hands, hips, feet, bellies and many frightening teeth... Your gaping mouths... All people will direct in Your pharynxes, like the moths flying on fire to be lost in it... I See, how You absorb people from different directions the flaring mouths... I can't keep balance at the sight of Your burning killing faces... Our main soldiers direct in Your frightening pharynxes. And I see, how heads of some, jamming between Your teeth, are distressed them. [28] And here words “merciful and loveful” Krishna about itself: I the Hole, God of death... I all-devouring death... I am time, the great destroyer of the worlds, and I have come here to destroy all people. [29] And, at last, the main characteristic: “... The death is A Supreme Person of God” [30]. How here not to remember a word of the Savior about a devil which was the murderer from the beginning. 7. “Krishna has filled on the earth six-monthly night and was engaged during its love with hundred women, and their husbands of it haven't noticed” Prabhupada names Krishna “world Light”, “the world reason”, “a source, spirit and energy of the world”. Thus before founder MOCK there was a problem "vrabotat" rather new deity Krishna in more ancient Indian legends about creation of the world. According to the cosmology developed by Prabhupada, the creation of the world has begun with the primary phenomenon Vishnu. Vishnu, confirms Prabhupada, is almost absolute avatar of Krishna. Vishnu created the world a sight, breath and a sweating. To these three signs all differs created Vishnu. Brahma is a first deity in already created world, in it of 75 % from Krishna, and Brahma has accepted the female form. Krishna has impregnated Brahma, and Brahma has started to give birth to various forms, including people. “The Lord Brahma stayed in confusion, without knowing, with what to begin creation of the material Universe. Trying to find out it, it has run into meditation, and the sound of a flute of Krishna has entered into his ear. So Brahma has received dedication from the Supreme Lord and became the primary spiritual teacher of the Universe” [31]. As we occur from Brahma, at us of 75 % of properties of Krishna, but to be proud there is especially nothing, as these of 75 % are present at us in very small quantity. From here a conclusion that to us is necessary to increase in Krishna. As to Shivy, in it of 50 % of Krishna and it the destroyer. The Whole world keeps on the constant contradiction of creation and destruction. What is the person, under the doctrine krishnaitov? It first of all soul (a spiritual body), and our physical bodies for our person have no value. Such sight is typical for any religion of east origin. But Prabhupada goes further. According to its doctrine, our spiritual bodies occur from Krishna and correspond with it, as the son with the father (obvious loan from Christianity). By itself, krishnaity the doctrine about reincarnation — resettlement of souls which is considered as angrily adhere also. It is necessary to aspire to reach clearings of body fetters. It is terrible illusion of the stray people, Prabhupada learns that the material body is the person. This ignorance, and with it it is necessary to struggle, it needs to be eradicated. Our individual soul (it is false, atma) — a particle of the Supreme soul (Paramatma, the Brahman). The Sphere of action for dzhivy is the body which smothering receives according to the desires. Having abused the freedom, dzhiva gets to a material world, where is under the power of three gun (conditions, modusov, attachments) — ignorances, passions, clemencies. In a material world dzhiva forgets about the divine essence and it is given to the karma power, that is relationship of cause and effect. In an inner world there are three levels of planets. The highest level is populated with demigods, what dzhiva is in moduse clemencies, virtues. Here concern krishnaity, brahmen, Vedic scientists, Vedic philosophers and cows. The average level — including the Earth — includes bodies, dzhiva which in moduse passions. The passion is an aspiration to honor, a family, the house. The person here is compelled to work heavy. On planets of the lowest level are dzhivy in moduse ignorances (laziness, madness), for what poluchajuttela animals. Depending on our behavior our soul can move either in the person, or in an animal, or to become an insect or even a mineral. How to avoid such sad fate? It is necessary to find true meaning of the life which will release you from the further resettlements and in general from any communication with a material world, — Prabhupada answers. Such meaning of the life is finding of consciousness of Krishna. It also is that “opening - which was made by Prabhupada, — a method which he has invented. It means to learn to understand Krishna, to restore the lost relations with it. For this purpose it is necessary to focus all consciousness on Krishna, to love Krishna above all, all heart, with all the heart, all understanding. If we don't do it, our soul can be embodied next time in any of 8400000 kinds of life which are totaled by Prabhupada, that is to be installed in an insect, a mineral or something else. “All on different planets of the Universe 8400000 forms of life are, and the live being incessantly moves from one body in another depending on what pleasures searches”. [32] We should recognize that we not only not entirely a body, but also at all a body. Each of us is smothering. We shouldn't trust any our feeling and desire. It is necessary to realize it and completely them to refuse. On the one hand it is, already enough, that we were embodied in people, means, we not bad behaved in antecedents, and after all could be embodied in insects. But on the other hand, there is especially nothing to be proud too because if we really were good and obedient now already would be shades that for us it would be incomparable better. Finding the human form, dzhiva has chance to be released from a sansara and to come back back to god. Clearing dzhivy from a material world probably only on a development way to itself of consciousness of Krishna. If we find consciousness of Krishna in this life, we provide to ourselves on the future life an embodiment in a human image. There is a real chance that we again can become krishnaitom and all will come to an end well. The ideal is to become heavenly soul and to merge with Krishna in love ecstasy (Krishna is esteemed by its admirers as lurusha — a machismo. Experts krishnaity, servants of Krishna, consider themselves as prakriti — a feminine). If we for two lives find true sense in consciousness of Krishna then we leave a sansara wheel successively, razvoplotimsja and we will leave in groves of a heavenly nirvana where on a planet of Vaikunitihi we will become playful shepherdesses and we will start to spend eternity in love embraces of Krishna. Differently, to find such enviable future, it is necessary to hold on only two lives successively. Our relations with Krishna shouldn't remain for ever relations of the father with the son: after all the son can elicit only tips at the father, and it is humiliating. Relations of the son and the father need to be changed to sensual erotic relations of two parties. It is necessary to love Krishna more than we love the father, mother or children. It is necessary to wish it as the mistress longs for affinity with the beloved [33]. In this connection the history from "Shrimad Bhagavatam" where it is told is interesting how Krishna has filled on the earth six-monthly night and was engaged during its love with hundred women, and their husbands of it haven't noticed. There it is in detail described, what Krishna beautiful and irresistible and as any woman can't resist it. In the same way and we should aspire to forget about all in embraces dark blue Krishna. Only this way we can find rescue. Here so, having borrowed idea in Christianity, Prabhupada then refuses it, — as Satanists take a prayer “our Otche” to read it on the contrary, or steal in a temple a crucifixion that then to hang up it headfirst. Rescue is made at the expense of the higher energy of Krishna which streams from it on us. This process results from sensual desire of Krishna: he wants to enjoy shepherdesses. But the aspiration to pleasure "adheres" omnipotent Krishna to the loved shepherdesses not only in portable, but also literally: they are equally obliged by the pleasure each other. From fertile love freedom disappears, and the love turns to relations of the debtor and the creditor. We should develop relations with Krishna to the same high sensual level when for the sake of love merge to it we will forget about all the rest, about all our attachments, debts and obligations in this world. The higher condition in many induistskih sects (especially in tantricheskih) considers erotic feeling. In hierarchy of relations with Krishna also more all is appreciated pleasure by Krishna as the beloved. It is quite natural, because such feeling was tested to the lover to Krishna by shepherdesses-gopi. In "Shrimad-Bhagavatam" the instructions contain that these mistresses-shepherdesses have directed to Krishna, having forgotten about the lawful husbands. Therefore, it agree induistskoj to ethics, they are another's wives humouring the lover (at least in this case the lover divine). Here infringement of all basic moral laws by Krishna, not only induistskih, but also universal is obvious. 8. The main service to Krishna — to keep fidelity of the guru As Prabhupada assures, the material world can become spiritual, keeping the material characteristics. Spiritual is everything that is connected with Krishna. Material assets turn in spiritual by their use in service to Krishna that is if to give the most part of income OSK. To be released from a material world full of sufferings and develop in itself(himself) consciousness of Krishna everyone can, even the person from the untouchables if it with all fidelity serves Krishna. Prabhupada lists 64 services to Krishna the main thing from which is under all circumstances to keep fidelity of the guru. We will remember that totalitarianism first sign is guruizm. In krishnaizme the role of the guru it is necessary for them to submit, is underlined and rises on extraordinary height. Therefore, first, it is necessary to find at first the correct guru who will correctly conduct you to Krishna. Secondly, Prabhupada says that the finishing correct guru who goes on a long line of continuity, is he. It is necessary to give up thought that you submit to a material world, it is necessary to subordinate yourself to this guru and to serve it that to as though it is itself Krishna. However, for you it that also is. You serve it and study at it. I will repeat the above-stated citation how it is necessary to esteem and worship to the guru. Here that the pupil (shishja) which lies at feet of the guru says, having buried the person in its foot: You my spiritual sun, and I — an insignificant spark of Your light. You my Lord, and I are Your servant forever. Nectar of Yours lotosnyh stop intoxicates all my feelings, I rely only on boundless sweet of Your sacred name. What I, the fallen, can tell on the understanding? I here only to carry out Your will. I test deep satisfaction, saying words which You will enclose to me in lips, thus I won't think at all of that, correct they or not [34]. Domestic krishnaity like to compare guruizm with orthodox starchestvom. But any obedience to the aged man comes to an end, if the aged man preaches heresy or a sin. At krishnaitov such question it is not put. We see not obedience, and absolute reckless blind obedience. And the second key moment of the text (as, however, and in general spiritual life under Prabhupada's recipe) is an intoxication to which we oppose trezvenie as the main necessary element of healthy spiritual life. So, for rescue it is necessary to obey the guru as though it is itself Krishna. Here that recently main leader modern krishnaizma writes about it still Harikesha Svami (about it see more low): Manuals of the guru in accuracy, for all hundred percent correspond to manuals of Krishna... To Indulge in the guru and to indulge in Krishna is one and too... The Spiritual teacher is an embodiment of energy of Krishna... We should give to the spiritual teacher everything that at us is, and to be thus very restrained... The Spiritual teacher is compelled to take a stick and to beat it tupogolovogo the pupil... The Spiritual teacher connects us with Krishna and if we break link with the spiritual teacher we lose also communication with Krishna [35]. To glorify betrayed the Lord is all the same what to glorify the Lord. In any sense to glorify betrayed even it is more important... “The pupil should want only one — to satisfy the spiritual teacher”, — Harikeshe its pupils [36] echo. And further: “The pupil shouldn't consider the spiritual teacher as the ordinary person at all, and the Deity in a temple — made of a stone. Any who so thinks, is the inhabitant of a hell” (Bhag., 4.21.12). The one who doesn't possess spiritual vision, considers the Deity of Krishna material, though actually It spiritually. And in the same way it seems to us, as if the spiritual teacher, like ordinary souls, suffers from karma consequences. However it not so. A body of the guru too spiritually... “As soon as the person indulges in Krishna, Krishna takes away all its sins. Like it, the representative of Krishna, Its external display, bears to live beings favor of the Supreme Person of God, giving to pupils spiritual dedication, therefore it too takes up all consequences of last sinful activity of the pupils” (Bhag., 4.21.31, komm.). [37] The guru initiates adherents (it is possible correspondence initsiatsija), incurs a karma of the pupil, gives a confidential "protective" mantra from which the pupil can address to Krishna in extreme situations. The guru helps shishe to transform the inner world, to develop a special is blissful-enthusiastic world view in which betrayed to Krishna tries to see in all causeless favor of god. Thirdly, it is necessary to develop installation to look at the world eyes, “greased with love to Krishna”. The love to it is extremely shown in achievement of religious ecstasy through meditation, collective and individual. Individual meditation (dzhapa) and collective (kirtan) — the joint carolling of mantras accompanied by game on musical instruments and dances. The exclusive role belongs a move-mantra:“ To Jara Krishna, Jara Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Jara, Jara, Jara Rama, Jara Rama, the Frame, the Frame, Jara, Jara ”. It is necessary to repeat it at least 1728 times a day. In a mantra as you heard, only three words: Krishna, the Frame (deity names) and a mug — in interpretation krishnaitov — a vocative case from a mug word that“ energy of a deity ”, and actually one of names of properties Vishnu, meaning“ yellowy-brown "," is dirty-brown ”means. That is in essence only the name of Krishna besides repeats. But it is unimportant, understand or you don't understand these words. The main thing — to start to sing a mantra, and further these words will do for you cleaning work, having cleared in you consciousness of Krishna and developing it. Repeating these words, that is this name, endlessly, you enter personal contact with Krishna which contains in his name; thus, each time, saying a mantra, you taste Krishna. Fourthly, it is necessary to serve Krishna. But the best service to Krishna is to renounce the whole world, to become the sanjasinom-monk and to live in a temple. Sanjasin, by itself, refuses any sexual relations [38]. If you can't make it you marry but then the physical affinity between the man and the woman to you will be resolved only for sort prolongation, and it is once a month that day, when at the woman the greatest probability to become pregnant. And before these relations each of spouses needs to read the big circle of a move-mantra, that is 50 circles on beads, in which 108 beads (each bead is a full mantra), and only after that to try to conceive the child with consciousness, zatsiklennym on Krishna. But if you want to conduct perfect life it is necessary to refuse the wife, to move in a temple and to live so that completely to give yourselves to Krishna. Further, it is necessary to refuse taste of any forbidden food. The diet for all members of sect is provided one. Into forbidden products enter meat, fish, eggs, an onions, garlic, mushrooms, tea, coffee, etc. All krishnaitam it is necessary to eat only that food which is devoted Krishna. All food shares on 4 grades. 1st group — forbidden; 2nd group is a food passionate, that is very nourishing, with a considerable quantity of spices and spices; 3rd group is a food kind (basically vegetables and milk); 4th group is a food pure, that is that kind food which has been devoted Krishna during its preparation, then at once after preparation Krishna with it have fed, and to eat it it is desirable within three hours. The food devoted to Krishna, is called prasadom. Krishna, having tried it, enters into it and after that she becomes Krishna, loses the material properties and becomes food spiritual. Tasting it, you prichashchaetes to Krishna. When krishnaity distribute the prasad in streets it is necessary to remember that, eating it, we thus prichashchaemsja to Krishna, that is break a precept forbidding to Christians is idolozhertvennoe (Dejan. 15,29). Here it is possible to remind that krishnaity for what our food won't is, it is strictly forbidden. Krishnaity like to speak about the charity: they, say, and in Abkhazia people fed, and in Grozny they had a kitchen. They have a whole program, so-called “life Food”. They not simply feed — they prepare only prasad, forcing not knowing hungry people prichashchatsja to Krishna. It — not charity, and the certificate of distribution of their belief through distribution of ritual food. In the beginning of 1997 on TV there was a transfer in which advertized krishnaitov; what they remarkable heroes as they endow themselves and feed people in Grozny. And meanwhile, this food they were given by the Petersburg government, they haven't spent the money at all. Gave to them and other state money received including from orthodox tax bearers. In essence this money transferred to pagans who used them in the advertizing purposes for distribution of the organization, that is for opposition to Orthodoxy. 9. Signs of ecstatic love to Krishna: driving by the ground, loud shouts, zevota, salivation, a mad laughter, heavy breath, an eructation... For finding of consciousness of Krishna it is necessary to learn to leave own body and to run into ecstasy at mantra pronouncing, and for this purpose timpany, tambourines, drums and joint ecstatic dances under mantra singing just practise. After that you cease to feel own body, “leave in an astral” and merge in ecstasy with Krishna. Having reached such condition, the person becomes “the realized soul”. Signs of ecstatic love to Krishna — driving by the ground, loud shouts, zevota, salivation, a mad laughter, heavy breath, an eructation, etc. On Prabhupada, the person running into an ecstatic condition, endures eight conditions: 1 — there comes catalepsy and feeling opustoshennosti; — наступает оцепенение и чувство опустошенности; 2 — you are broken through by sweat; — вас прошибает пот; 3 — hair on a body become on end; — волосы на теле становятся дыбом; 4 — the voice starts to shiver and vanishes; — голос начинает дрожать и пропадает; 5 — you start to shiver and shiver; — вы начинаете дрожать и трястись; 6 — your skin changes color; — ваша кожа меняет цвет; 7 — you start to cry and writhe in hysterics; — вы начинаете плакать и биться в истерике; 8 — you run into a cataleptic trance. [39] — вы впадаете в каталептический транс. [39] All it is very similar to how demons enter into the person, that is on obsession. It is clear, as all these "conditions" operate on human reason. 10. It is necessary to refuse from in total the property, from the body So, when people settle in krishnaitskom an ashram (community), they should start to follow strict induistskomu (in Prabhupada's understanding), and actually to typically sectarian household code of behavior. It is necessary to refuse all: not only from the property, but also from the body. Thinking more ordered about the body still it is unworthy Krishna, thoughts on a body prevent to develop in themselves consciousness of Krishna. It is necessary not to throw out and not to distribute naturally, property poor, and to give to "the Society of consciousness of Krishna”. At all personal asceticism and the insistent requirement to adopt in the life the Indian life, Prabhupada for the sake of increase have arrived after initial interdictions has blessed all the same the followers to raise money in streets in suits and wigs (now it already norm). I will remind that, most likely, he knew and about made crimes and nevertheless if it brought money, was ready to close on all eyes. Prabhupada has left instructions for all occasions. For example, how to look after the body, as it to wash, as it to clean how to wash, as well as how many to sleep, as well as of what to think. Any freedom at the person doesn't remain — all is solved for it. The adherent gets to absolute slavery. Life in a community very strict, doesn't leave the schedule minutes of free time. In ritualizirovannoj lives it is allocated nine basic employment: hearing about Krishna, mantra repetition, memoirs, service, divine service, a prayer, obedience, maintenance of friendship with Krishna and return of everything that at you is. It is too much dream it is very bad, therefore it is necessary to rise at three o'clock or at half past three (lay down krishnaity after ten evenings) then ceremony at once begins. It is necessary to bypass all idols, to wake, wash, clean it teeth, to dress, feed. Then mantra reading on beads follows. It occupies not less than two hours. Then the whole hour obeys a material prepared under the direction of Prabhupada, and the sermon. After that work and at 9 o'clock — a breakfast. The food is already prepared and devoted by then Krishna. After a breakfast street work on a whip-round and those employment which bring money, so-called sankirtan begins. Women krishnaity treat badly, because women — beings less worthy, than men. If in antecedents they behaved well they would be embodied in man's, instead of in a female body. Therefore the woman should obey the man entirely. Usually it manages the dirtiest and a hard work. 11. Traditional Hindus concern to krishnaitam enough with watchfulness Krishnaity like to identify itself with Hinduism (“us of 500 million, 800 million, billion, and at us ancient Vedic tradition”). It is very favourable to sectarians to expose itself “for external” traditional Indian religion. Actually that preaches OSK, is pseudo-Hinduism strongly adapted under the western tastes. Prabhupada liked to erect itself in finishing link of a chain of the Indian mystics which begins in XVI century. But only this statement is based on its own words, by nothing supported. Let's spend such analogy. We will tell, Lutherans erect themselves to Luther too living in XVI century. Their statement proves to be true at least that in any Lutheran library you by all means will |
Guest |
#65422011-12-22 13:26Alexander Leonidovich Dvorkin, a sectologist, linked to Russian Orthodox Church http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Dvorkin Alexander Dvorkin From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Alexander Leonidovich Dvorkin (Russian: Александр Леонидович Дворкин; 20 August 1955, Moscow) is a Russian-American anti-cult activist and president of the Saint Ireneus of Lyons Informational Consultative Center,[1] an anti-cult organisation affiliated to the Russian Orthodox Church.[2] Dvorkin graduated Doctor of Philosophy in 1983 at the Saint Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Crestwood, New York. He has appeared on Russian television.[3] Dvorkin is a critic of Scientology, which he regards as a dangerous cult. Church of Scientology-affiliated organizations describe him as an "anti-religious extremist," and compile negative information about him on their websites. In 1997, Scientology and several other new religious movements sued Dvorkin and the Russian Orthodox Church for defamation, but their case was dismissed.[4] References ^ Steinberg, Mark D.; Catherine Wanner (2008). Religion, morality, and community in post-Soviet societies. Indiana University Press. p. 300. ISBN 9780253220387. ^ Lucas, Phillip Charles; Thomas Robbins (2004). New religious movements in the twenty-first century: legal, political, and social challenges in global perspective. Routledge. p. 106. ISBN 9780415965774. ^ For example his appearance in TV-program "National Interest" (http://rutube.ru/tracks/1848731.html) ^ Côté, Pauline (2001). Chercheurs de dieux dans l'espace public. University of Ottawa Press. pp. 157–158. ISBN 9782760305359. External links (Russian language) Russian Association of Centers for Religious and Sectarian Studies (http://iriney.ru/) Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Alexander_Dvorkin&oldid=408080246" Categories: Critics of Scientology Russian theologians Living people Anti-cult organizations and individuals This page was last modified on 15 January 2011 at 20:42. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of use for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization. |
jai Guest |
#65432011-12-22 13:26Russians are Indians good frends.... |
Guest |
#65442011-12-22 13:32Dvorkin is responsible for offending Krishna and Prabhupada. He calls Prabhupada as demon, and Krishna as demon. That means he is not even true christian, but just a sectologist linked to church. He introduced word 'sect', 'totalitarian sect', 'destructive sect' into Russian Church sectology, - and that word 'sect' is taken from Communist Manifesto of Marx and Engels. Dvorkin is not a theologist at all, he has just a very little faith in Christ, and offends all other religions, even christian religions if they are not Russian Orthodox Church. |
Guest |
#65472011-12-22 13:49Bhagavad Gita is like a sun light, don't stop it and don't make Russians life like dark. it taches us how we can make our life perfect as a human. |
Guest |
#65492011-12-22 14:05i love the bhagavat gita as it is, it is not a religious book it is a wonderful way of life,bringing together all the people from all races,walks,cultures,traditions,traits, promoting peace wisdom.love. its the real united nations which has united the world together. hare krishna kaustubh |
jai |
#65502011-12-22 14:12DEMON.Dvorkin A.L. Srimad Bhagavat gita only for sri Krishna devotees.....not for DEMONS like you...if you really want to know Supreme personality of Godhead then surrender to krishna and serve his devotee then sure he will teach you.......only then you will understand Srimad Bhagavat gita and Krishna and his devotee.....otherwise you .....in....HELL.(for your offenses) "A pure devotee has no plans other than those for the Lord’s service. He is not interested in attaining success in mundane activities. He simply wants success in the progress of devotional service" |
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