Friends of Thorpe Woodlands - petition against proposal to build 300 houses over this Wildlife Site

Friends of Thorpe Woodlands - petition against proposal to build 300 houses over this Wildlife Site / Announcements / Thorpe Woods - only 7 days to say NO to devastating planning application / Comments



2016-12-03 14:14

They need to stop thinking about making the rich kids even richer by selling out to housings developers. The areas infrastructure couldn't cope. Instead turn it into one of the most beautiful managed woodlands in north Norfolk. Attracting lots of business for this dying part of the city



2016-12-03 14:15

This has been objected to before and the council upheld the wishes of local people. This damaging proposal MUST be thrown out yet again if we are to retain this, the largest woods in the greater Norwich area, as a signifiant haven for wildlife.



2016-12-03 15:14

I grew up in Thorpe St Andrew and am totally opposed to building on the woodland. Not only is it pictureque but it also inhabits many animals and this would destroy them and their homes. It is just greed by the landowners and thinking £££s. Keep this beautiful and don't turn it into another housing estate.



2016-12-03 21:18

I oppose this proposed development in Thorpe woods as we need to keep the woodlands for the ecological future of our children and the benefit of this generation.
We need to keep the trees

Tina entwisle