"Clayton Luclay Misoya" ROBBED OF VICTORY
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Danny |
#13512011-08-13 15:01It is time Big Brother Nigeria goes to lagos, I even cancelled my DStv contract due to this shit |
![]() Anonymous |
#13522011-08-13 16:15I also want BB to investigate votes and BB didn't do anything about this BBA must burn in South Africa |
Guest |
#1353 Am still angry too guys,what are they doing about this shit? Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2011-08-13 18:16 |
glory |
#1354 Re:2011-08-13 18:18Mnet S.A 's suppose to say something,aren't they people? |
Guest |
#13552011-08-13 23:09Whatever is said,the crooks show is no more welcome in our country.This is not a country for corrupt business shows. |
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#13562011-08-14 01:09Yes the votes to be recounted but the show cannot be burned please in sma |
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#13572011-08-14 15:42Mzansi pls stop d vote recounting thing, it is not worth it let's move on, where money is involved with a Nigerian involved, forget about winning, hence they run d show. How much can u trust Ernest & young? Forget about d prize guys, let Biola Alabi just take her corrupt show 2 another country. U using SA 2 shine & 2 enrich Nigeria. Go run ur business in another country not here. |
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#13582011-08-14 17:09Its hard to get over this even to dis day,i dnt knw if ima enjoy bigbrother like i used to...... |
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#13592011-08-14 21:25Luclay a proud South African was day light robbed by the nigerian production show big brother give Luclay what he deserves then get out of our country go empower yourselves in your poor country!! |
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#13602011-08-15 03:19It is very selfish 4 those Africans who hate South Africans, bcause of d past, xenophobia as somebody said that is why they hate us. What about South africans who put their feet down & said no 2 xenophobia. This stupid excuse makes me angry bcause, some of us even took it 2 d streets 2 march against xenophobia. I refuse 2 allow ppl 2 make me feel guilty bcause of d past, when majority of SAfcns fought vocally, wrote 2 news papers & acted against xenophobia. Just like, we cant hate whites bcause of d past apartheid, bcause some of d white ppl stood up against apartheid. So how do u hate us unfairly like that, or if u include all of us. Why use us & then spit on our faces? remember u cant hate us in our own country n expect 2 b treated with kindness, hating just incite more violence. Like Ik, Biola & d crew, have taken things too far.Treating SAfricans like trash, yet they host their scam here. U have used d wrong way 2 get back at us, bcause putting us down as Ik does in our own country is really provoking us. Now it is backfiring bcause, we are now fighting nobody, but for our rights. We can't sit back & allow another apartheid take place here. We refuse 2 suffer at d hands of other ppl again after 6 years of hosting rubbish BBA. enough is enough, Take ur show 2 another country, u abuse our hospitality. How much must a south african do 2 b accepted, we work with u guys, make friends with u, some of us marry u, but u still treat us like outcasts. We respect & love ppl but unfortunately we dont bow down 2 worship ppl 4 money.Our worship belongs 2 God.U wont get a South African that will allow anybody 2 use them as puppets, 2 win dollars. Our history has taught us 2 know who we are. We just cant help it, we very diplomatic & transparent with ppl, we generally dont pretend. So for that reoson we no longer going 2 participate in this corrupt game & we ask that u take it 2 another country, mainly bcause it only empowers only one particular west African country, Nigeria. |
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#1361 Re:2011-08-15 09:47Well said, I am sick of these people they must just take their trashy show to Nigeria and stop messing with us. There must be a Consumer watch dog or some agency that we can complain to, because our rights as consumers of this show have been infringed on. Multichoice must also be held accountable they cannot expect us to continue making business with them while they are allowing crooks to take advantage of us. If we cancel our subscribtions do they really believe that those 150million or so nigerians are going to keep their business going ( seeing that everything is about numbers these days)? They must own up and say something or do something. A recount is not going to make a difference, we want this show to be canned because it is doing nothing to help our fragile relationship with the foreign nationals instead it is creating divisions and animosity among Africans. I have really had it with this show no matter which way I look at this thing it still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. No matter how hard you can try to accomodate these Nigerians they will always find a way to screw you over. I am talking from experience. |
Guest |
#13622011-08-15 09:52Vokken donners!!! hulle maak my so die moer in. Hulle is regte robbish (e) |
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#13632011-08-15 11:16It is scary how full of prejudice & discriminative IK & BIOLA ALABI are. It started manifesting during eviction shows with IK clearly turning Africa against Luclay with his comments. On BB forum Nigerians go on & on about why Luclay didn't win: bcause of d mistakes he made.This is 1 of d reason why SA has 2 stop hosting d show, bcause their reasons are pathetic. Karen also did a lot of horrible things in d house, fighting with all housemates, throwing Luclay's clothes outside, worse cause she provoked Luclay,calling other housemates sluts etc. But being Nigerian, her faults are looked at OVALLY, while Luclay is judged SQUARELY. The 2 were both, crazy, entertaining & daring.they were not afraid 2 show their true colours. D world would b a better place if all ppl were TRANSPARENT like Luclay & karen, no pretence. behind all d flaws n imperfactions we saw in them, we all have also witnessed their good softer sides. e.g, d Lotus excuse that haters are using 2 bring Clay down, one day Luclay spoke from his heart & apologised 2 Lotus, her family n Tanzania in d chatroom. If God forgives a person who are u 2 hold things against d person who said sorry. I dont care who says what but Luclay has an amazing heart inspite of those flaws, just like Karen. No one is perfect. The only down fall 4 Clay is that BIOLA ALABI, IK & them are not SOUTH AFRICANS. If u know wht I mean, bcause if mistakes are d issue here, then Karen was not supposed 2 b given d prize, her prize should have bn given 2 HANNI. U know what, Nigerians have made a point, that they are GREEDY, SELFISH & CUNNING. (BIOLA & her crew).there's a lot 2 say about d unfairness of this scam, but let me end by saying BBA is not worth being hosted by our country. |
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#1364 Re:2011-08-15 11:46Sana that is so true and now that you mention this an incident comes to mind where Karen was acting all crazy one afternoon and she even broke plates and started pushing Sharon O & Millicent around insulting them nothing was done about it, Luclay on the other hand a few weeks earlier goes into a screaming match with Mumba and what happens they get punished for it. There are many inconsistencies in this show that one can mention, in my opion the only reason why they did not let Luclay go earlier is because of the ratings that show would have been dead without Luclay and they know it. I do not even want to talk about that IK, I hated the comments he used to make about Luclay, it just goes to show how unproffessional they are, because as a host of a show like that you have to be impartial. If they know whats good for them they must just cut their losses and forget about this show, but then again we are dealing with thick skinned people here who have no conscience. |
Guest |
#13652011-08-15 12:29If they are thick skinned,they have come to the right place to be sorted out.They must just go before it gets hot for them.Bloody xenophobic crooks.We will not allow a few employees of MNET to get away with xenophobia against our youth in our own country any longer.We gave them more than enough time to play fair and they thought that we are fools.They are taking big chances.Now another one from coke has joined them.All S.A. participants have expressed love for their country and they got victimised for that,now we cant also let them down in the hands of biased unscrupulous mis-managers and crew. |
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#13662011-08-15 12:38They pressed the wrong button & if they think we are going to stand by idly while they take advantage of our brothers and sisters (black or white & green for that matter, I will be damned)All they want to do is fuck our beautiful country up and then leave to Europe like they always do, and business South Africa is just as greedy, the only reason they hiring these Nigerians here is because of their big population, they know they can make bigger profits if they are allowed into the Nigerian market we are not fools we know whats up. |
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#13672011-08-15 12:42I am not impressed @ all, this show must be banned here in South Africa. Relations between us and them has been strained to a point of no return. |
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#13682011-08-15 12:43It has always been that the moment a S.A. participant says something good about his/her country,they automatically become targeted by most participants and their supporters for being proud and arrogant while in the meantime,the others can brag about their countries as much as they like without consequence. Stupid, prejudiced,low esteemed individuals are using the corrupt show to make themselves feel better than S.A. perticipants. This stupid show allows manipulative crooks to spread negative energy around Africa and simply needs to vammoose from our country.We will accept nothing else. |
Guest |
#1369 Re:2011-08-15 12:51I do not even want to talk about them forcing their music and their dj's down our throats. Even that stupid slogan whatever the hell that is "Naija no dey carry last" shit of theirs (Nigerians will never come last) not here in South Africa maybe there in Nigeria, I liked what Luclay said towards the end of the show, " hire me because I am good at what I do, and not because I come from a poor background", I think he was referring to Karen who was always blaming her upbringing and trying to gain sympathy from Africa. People must be rewarded for real and not perceived excellence. Yhu zi crooks ezine cracks ezi. |
Guest |
#13702011-08-15 13:16You can imagine how they pat each other's backs and shake hands everytime they hand another win to their so called chosen ones.Not according to any votes. The congratulatory messages from back home for promoting their home country e.t.c. Our spirit of unbiased fairness and impartiality has been abused for too long now they must be thinking that we are blind fools. |
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#13722011-08-15 13:32Promoting their home country @ who's expense? If they are so patriotic why the hell don't they build their country from within, why must they do it in our country? This is something that I have never been able to wrap my head around ( why can't these people stay home and sort their shit out internally like normal people do) The shit they get up to is beyond me. I had a phone call the other morning from one of these crooks telling me that I won some stupid holiday, and I came down on them like a ton of bricks, do they really think we are that gullible. I blame the cell phone service providers for giving out information about people to these creeps.
Guest |
#1373 Re:2011-08-15 13:42I do not even want to imagine that, such things just takes my heart far from God's grace. I will rather not think about it. |
Guest |
#13742011-08-15 14:32SA why you never throw a party for Luclay? Why are you not celebrating him, instead of being celebrated in nigeria? I think you are hypocrates. You are an embarassment. |
Guest |
#1375 Re:2011-08-15 14:34Karen was angry with Luclay because he would not give in to her advances, the same thing she was doing to Zeus & of course Luclay being a South African (we do not fuck around kaloku thina sana) told her to go to hell in such a way that she actually looked forward to the trip unlike Zeus who was sugarcoating the whole saga and ended up being miserable. Only a man with homosexual tendencies would fall for a woman like Karen. Rather than spreading kak stories on their BB forum they should talk about their horny skanks and teach them how to behave. I watched this season of BBA with keen interest because I wanted to satify myself with certain things that I was concerned about in previous seasons guess what I was right, it was not just a case of me being paranoid. It is the same shit they tried with Liz when they started talking shit about her saying that she thinks she is better than the rest of them and she also just like our Luclay, Lerato had a mouth on her. South Africans are vocal, we do not bottle shit up we tell it like it is, that is why they hate us so much. |
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