Re-instate the Halstead Essex Street Lights

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Re-instate the Halstead Essex Street Lights.



2016-06-14 06:05

There is now clear evidence with the growing number of burglaries taking place that lack of street lighting and police is having a detrimental effect on Halstead.



2016-06-14 06:11

I'm so worried about the recent rise in burglaries in the town. Surely it's just common sense to switch them back on before more families lives are affected. You do not recover from burgarly overnight, it takes months sometimes longer so we need to try and do as much as possible to avoid these happening in the first place.



2016-06-14 06:45

The number of burglaries in this town is becoming out of hand, with no one caught, no policing and no street lighting!! .... The culprits are having a field day!! .... My 19 year old son also says it feels really unsafe and dangerous walking home in the pitch black after an evening out!! ..... For a 19 year old to say that, shows how bad the older generation must feel ..... Off putting to venture out for most I should suspect!



2016-06-14 06:58

Because of the increase in burglaries in the area.
I also believe we should be demanding the reopening of a fully manned police station. Halstesd is a big town and a police presence is a necessity.



2016-06-14 07:44

Sick of all the houses being broken into and safety reasons.



2016-06-14 09:32

Scared of all the burglaries.



2016-06-14 09:38

Has always been a worry since lights go out . Especially for people walking home. There must be other ways to save money with out risking people's safety. Well done to who set this up.



2016-06-14 10:26

People should feel safe in their homes. Lack of the street lights caused enough problems in Halstead. Criminals are terrorizing residents, they know that they can get away with everything, no lights, no police... No more comments.



2016-06-14 18:07

Halstead Branch Labour Party has been at the forefront of the campaign to get Halstead's street lights turned back on at night ever since they were turned off. As Secretary of the Branch I am therefore very happy to sign this petition.



2016-06-14 19:14

Because I leave for work between 2am and 3am in the morning and it's scary walking to your car not being able to see what's around, especially with all the burglaries recently!



2016-06-14 19:16

Because it's dangerous and my girlfriend leaves for work in the hours of darkness and it's not safe!



2016-06-15 20:21

Be seen, be safe.



2016-06-16 08:52

Halstead is suffering with break ins and people feel unsafe in their own homes. Community pays their way so we should have same given back. This isn't right this is happening



2016-06-16 12:40

The lights need to go back on not just in Halstead but the surrounding villages. It may help as a deterrent against the scum breaking into cars and houses.



2016-06-17 06:38

Lamps can be low energy now and the minor amount of saving made in electricity costs is totally outweighed by the safety aspect and increased burglary risks

#41 scared

2016-06-17 10:54

I do not feel safe in this town anymore. I work late shifts and don't feel safe. Something needs to be done put street lights back on and protect us all



2016-06-17 15:37

increased break-ins overnight. increased anti-social behaviour.



2016-06-17 15:44

Too easy for burglars to commit crime, along with local hooligans causing criminal damage.



2016-06-17 16:11

Fed up with the Burglaries, vandelism to cars by known people which the authorities seem unenthusiastic to resolve. With CCTV, the ir light isn't powerful enough to illuminate the street. The filth on the streets causing and committing these offences have more chance of being caught with the lights ON.



2016-06-17 17:15

The sooner we get the lights back on the safer we will all feel! Hurry up Essex county council this needs sorting now!!



2016-06-17 17:27

Turning on the street lights again will hopefully reduce the amount of break ins



2016-06-17 18:34

Hopefully to lighten up out streets again and help to stop the recent break ins



2016-06-17 22:13

The robberies are frequent and unnerving residents of all ages



2016-06-18 00:40

Because of all the burglars happening in halstead Essex. And it's dangerous walking about in the dark expecially for the older people. And young girls



2016-06-18 07:35

It is ridiculous that lights are turned off in our towns. It is a recipe for disaster and gives criminals freedom to move around in complete darkness. No chance to identify or catch them- and now local people are being burgled and cars damaged at an alarming rate. We pay our taxes, yet have no local Police presence, we elect local politicians to do the right thing - not act like power crazy fools - PUT THE LIGHTS BACK ON AT NIGHT!!