Hands Off Hartlebury Common
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Hands Off Hartlebury Common.
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#51 Hartlebury Common2011-06-12 21:55I lived by Hartlebury Common as a child and the diversity of woodland, heathland and manmade plantations should be maintained not changed to reflect the current ideas of one organisation. |
Guest |
#522011-06-12 22:35i grew up just down the road from the common in mill road.my parents still live nearby and often visit the common with my children. |
steve mccarron The author of this petition |
#53 Re: Hartlebury Common2011-06-13 23:41I believe in conservation, true conservation, you are quite right, the common should be maintained the way it is.
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2011-06-14 01:22- Date of removal: 2011-07-02
- Reason for removal:
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2011-06-14 13:20- Date of removal: 2011-06-14
- Reason for removal: I spelt glad wrong, ho hum.
steve mccarron The author of this petition |
#56 Re:2011-06-14 19:37Can you tell me why you are glad it is going to be "Managed and Restored" as you call it. I think you are in the clear minority on that one. The heath as you call Hartlebury Common, will disappear but under a blanket of flame and smoke. Even after the recent rains it is as dry as a crisp. leave it alone, fewer fires. Increase the heath and lose the trees, you have the potential for distaster. Just one of many reasons why this balmy artificial scheme should not go on. If you had read my petition, there are a few more. Can you do me a favour, can you fill in with some detail as to my objections, its the one thing in commom with comments like yours, they do not address mine and other peoples concerns but generalise. Natural England and WCC are the same. |
Steve McCarron |
#57 BBC Interview2011-06-14 23:49I'm looking forward to my interview, BBC 10.00 am Thursday main Hartlebury road car park. I have just come back from the common, "A wonderful, beautiful,place" I met a chap and as usual I handed him a leaflet and asked his opinion. Restoring the common to heathland was in his opinion perfectly fitting. I asked him "Why?" He said "Because it needed to be managed." I asked him "Why?" He said "Because we would lose the heath." I answered, "We are told by Natural England and WCC that it has not been managed for 100yrs. Has it not done a good job of managing itself". "If it is not managed, there will be no heath." "Ok" I said "But how come there is plenty of area not colonised by either trees or heather. Wouldn't the heather have colonised these areas by now.80% of the common is without tree cover anyway" We moved onto the cattle and fire risk at the common. I asked him what he thought the cattle would do if there were raging fires. "They will do what any wild animal would do" and what would that be I asked. Not answering he stated "The fire was put out pretty damn quick anyway and it was only restricted to one spot and it burnt itself out". Really I said, I told him that, "The fire burnt for 5 hours before it was brought under control, the flames were over a 100 ft high It took 6 appliances and 50 firefighters. It was only because of the actions of the firefighters and staff that curtailed further disaster. "Well they did it" was his reply I explained about the drier nature of the common and it's greater potential for fire because of the felling of trees and scrub but to no avail. "Anyway" he said brightley, "The fencing is good for dog walkers" The thing is, like Natural England, WCC, he could not muster a single reasoned substantive point of view or argument and seemed to feel as if my arguments were heretical without knowing why. As time goes by, I am begining to believe more, that the title, "Heathland Madness, the Juggernaut of Nature Conservation" could not be more relevant to Hartlebury. It's as if common sense has become mesmerised and transfixed. The success of authoritive bodies is to win at all costs, the public are to be quashed, opinion ignored, the end game more important than any thing else. |
Choose a nickname |
#58 Fire risk2011-06-15 00:11It is perverse to suggest that managed heathland and scrub poses a greater fire risk than unmanaged Heath and scrub, when in fact the opposite in true! Areas of continuous gorse and scrub pose a much more serious threat than open well managed heathland. As has been highlighted in the recent fire at Hartlebury Common which was in an area of almost pure gorse and scrub. The very habitat that you seek to increase! |
steve mccarron The author of this petition |
#59 Re: Fire risk2011-06-15 00:57#58: Choose a nickname - Fire risk You see, it's easy to get your argument wrong if you do not read clearly what I have said which is; That by REDUCING scrub and tree cover and Widening the cover of heath and reducing natural fire breaks by installing heath do add up to an increased risk of fire. You WILL create a drier more fire prone enviroment because the trees and scrub create shade and lock moisture into the ground, Green ground cover and wet or damp mulch underneath juvenile trees is not particulary flamable. There were no trees at the site of the fire, just gorse which had become flamable because we are experiencing the driest spring since 1910. Therefore, expanding heath area, climate change, windier weather, site on top of a hill, drier heath for longer periods, lack of natural firebreaks and the historic tendacy for the heath to be arsoned. What makes you think I want an increase in scrub and gorse? Do you think felling the pine plantation and the two adjacent decidious plantations will make the common less prone to fire? Well managed heath eh, like this, the future of hartlebury Common?
"The Dorset Heathland Project was set up in 1989 in order to offset continuing losses of lowland heathland and to reduce fragmentation, through a programme of land management advice and habitat restoration. The Project ran two teams, restoring heaths in the Avon Valley and Purbeck, mainly by removing invading trees. In 2003, the Project celebrated the milestone achievement of restoring over 1,000 hectares of lowland heath, successfully demonstrating that large-scale lowland heath restoration is a viable proposition."
And then this happens http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-13716970
Manage the site, conserve what is there by all means, but in 1976, these fires were a daily occurence throughout the land. Increasing fire risk by disregarding common sense in favour of rote arguments is not good enough. I am not in favour of a preponderence of anything, is that so wrong when 80% of the common is open space and heath anyway? Is that really perverse?, I don't think so and most people agree. You cannot fathom the land and the way man and nature can interact from text books.
Steve McCarron |
#60 Re: Hartlebury Common2011-06-15 01:07Exactly, the common reflects it's current circumstances and has always done so. It should not be a ludricous artificial wildlife theme park. |
Steve McCarron |
#61 Re: Fire risk2011-06-15 11:59#58: Choose a nickname - Fire risk In response again to you Fire risk comments. What is more likeley to catch fire, trees and woodland and heath, or heath. Historically, fires have always started on the unwooded areas and always will. The fires will always choose the areas you want to expand, heath. The Dorset fires followed on from exactly the same scheme as is being carried out at Hartlebury Common.
steve mccarron The author of this petition |
#62 CONservation MADness2011-06-16 21:31BBC meeting Jun 16, 2011, 15:43 Thanks to everybody who came to the meeting today. I think Ben was impressed by the level of knowlege and insight shown by everybody. This campaign has not been running that long and yet you showed great support, he was impressed. I need to think a while about what to do next. I think there are a number of avenues but the most important thing is to maintain your support and for you to comunicate this campaign to as many people as you can. I know a petition on it's own is not a powerful tool but it brings people together and enables them to see the neccesary facts as pointed out in this campaign. I understand that you need to have a point of focus and a means of contact so therefore My E-mail is steve@stevemccarron.co.uk Tel 01299 251 497 I can then reply and summarise with all of you, as I hope to establish a much more cohesive, and unified campaign in the future. I have met and talked to some great people so far, i'm sure I will meet some more in the future. People who make there own minds up, do note speak by rote and have an intelligent point of view. thanks, keep signing Steve McCarron steve mccarron |
Guest |
#632011-06-16 22:20my wife & I & others have fought this subject before very publicly & with results that were favourable, but time moves on & now another generation fights the same battle, best of luck, at least we won at the time. |
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2011-06-16 22:36- Date of removal: 2011-07-02
- Reason for removal:
steve mccarron The author of this petition |
#65 Legality of Enclosure2011-06-17 12:47I have been asked to clarify the situation regarding the fencing. These two links will help you to understand the current position. http://www.self-willed-land.org.uk/articles/rare_precious.htm http://www.self-willed-land.org.uk/heath_madness.htm Dig around, see what you can come up with Steve |
Dingle |
#66 Re: hands off hartlebury common2011-06-18 15:26I would advise you all to research the biodiversity of heathland. Heathland is one of the worlrds rarest environments - even more rare than rainforest. The fact that Hartlebury is isolated makes it even more important that the habitat is maintained as heath and that succession is arrested and preferably reversed. I suggest research includes visits to Highgate Common, where lots of work has been carried out to restore the heatland & its very rare flora & fauna. The soil scraping so deriided by the action group is not to check on the progress as has been suggested, but the scrapes are to assist the survival of the many [ more than 100] varieties of solitary & mining bees that heathland supports. I am a dog owner & will point out that we have choices about where we exercise our pets, unfortunately, heathland species can only exist on heathland. Scrub destroys the habitat & must be controlled, or do the present users of the Common want their children to be denied the opportunity to do likewise?
Steve McCarron |
#67 Re: Re: hands off hartlebury common2011-06-18 20:12#66: Dingle - Re: hands off hartlebury common To say that heathland is rarer than rain forest is purely a cheap imotive comment and does not really mean anything. The Rain forest is under threat becuase of tree felling and land clearence. Critisism of course is selctive. Heathland is rare because our NATURAL countryside heals itself wherever it can and has. With reference to Highgate, again you miss the point, the flora and fauna are rare beacause this habitat is not natural, a case of the horse driving the cart on policy. The fact that Hartlebury is isolated shows what a insignificant anomally it is. It's a joke, on the WCC website they seriously claim that "Malvern Hills is the only place where this moth exists. Wyre forest is the only place to find this butterfly" It is an insult to peoples intteligence and misleading. It is this sort of nonsense that exposes the barefaced deceptions and lack of common sense. These species exist also in pockets of countryside not accessible to anyone. I have a friend a farmer. He has the biggest herd of rare breeds cattle in the midlnds 600. He has created pools, marsh and bog on land around his farm. He is a keen naturalist and unsung hero. There are a lot of farmers like him and land owners. There are also areas of farm land and countryside that are inaccesible. Efforts should be concentrated on areas which have an natural inclination to be heath, if there are any. You make the succession by trees sound as if it is toxic algae bloom, or some freak of nature taking place. With a population of over 100 species of bees, does it not strike you as something of a success since the common has been so woefully neglected. Work that is being carried out is already damaging. The extremeley unstable sand - soil is being eroded by rains and wind. An area adjacent to Pooland Nursery was cleared of trees in an experiment orchestrated by Liz Nether of WCC to show how heather would colonise the area. The trouble was that it also an area which had a large number of common lizards. I know because I would sit with my children and photograph them. Since the clearing work, no heather and the lizards have dissapeared. The common exists as a diverse, interdependent ecosystem, the argument is that the nunbers of the rare so called heathland species can be scaled up by orchestrated enviroment bias. This justifies this carnage This work is carried out beacuse of the money on offer from the goverment who in turn recieve it from Life+ nature, the cash clearing house working within the framework of the The Rio de Janeiro Convention on biological diversity. You can read the wording of the document here http://www.cbd.int/convention/text/ The Rio conference dealt mostly with the burden placed on nature by extraction of natural resourses and humankinds imposition generally creating monosystems. So therefore, the aim of restoration to re-inhabite and restore enviroments and to maintain bio diversity is subsequent to the above. Reading the document, whilst it does not specifically prohibit what is being done to places like Hartlebury Common, I can see with all the incentives on offer, why a goverment could be keen to exploit loopholes. I believe that the true spirit of the Rio accord has been deliberatley misinterpretated and the whole case for creating an unatural enviroment is stretching the imagination somewhat. I beleive it is a cynical excercise where the welfare of the whole mechanism is more cared for than the countryside it is supposed to protect. I belive that money and jobs are the reason for this work and that people have become mesmerised by this "Fashion" Apart from that, the enclosure IS illegal, but dont take my word for it, have a look at this but I suspect you already have
http://www.self-willed-land.org.uk/articles/rare_precious.htm I believe the literal wording of the statement means bio diversity as indiginous to our countries and NATURAL to those places.
Steve McCarron |
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2011-06-18 21:39- Date of removal: 2011-06-18
- Reason for removal: This comment was irrelevant twaddle masquerading as informed debate. It is offensive for no particular reason and makes the poster look stupid, you know who you are.
steve mccarron The author of this petition |
#692011-06-18 22:08This camaign is not affliated to any particular group or section of the population. eg, dog walkers, dog haters, angry grannys, tree huggers, nimby,s, people who like cattle, people who hate fences, people who think their grandchildren will get eaten by dogs, people who like fences, worcester county council, people who hate cattle, hartlebury common group, people who like moths, people who like butterflys, people who like solitary bees, people who think that the fencing is great because their dogs will be safe in the common. etc, etc.
However it is affiliated to the welfare of Hartlebury Common and the preservation of our common land, without interference, a jewel in the crown of our society, a natural space, everybody can enjoy |
steve mccarron The author of this petition |
#70 Re:2011-06-21 18:12Will you please leave some more comments, I could do with a good laugh. |
steve mccarron The author of this petition |
#71 group meetings2011-06-22 02:19For this site and petition to really achieve anything, we need to coordinate our efforts, It's not enough now for people to stand back from involvement. Together we are stronger than individuals. Contact me, Thanks, Steve. |
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2011-06-22 15:30- Date of removal: 2011-06-24
- Reason for removal: Completeley off topic, goodbye
Tracy Guest |
#732011-06-22 20:49I have used Hartlebury Common as it is 'common land' for over ten years to walk my dog (and yes, I do clear up the dog mess to those ' do do sprayers'!) and I now have MS which gives me limited mobility. I feel that the current council and its followers are vastly underestimating the damage to our local environment with the destruction of some beautiful trees on the site, which lets face it have only improved the experience of walking and habitation for birds and creatures on the common. By imposing 'cattle and their do do' on the site, I feel that they are infringing my human rights to walk the common unrestricted, safely and without having to have my dog on his lead, which due to my mobility problems I can no longer do! I hope that the cost of fencing this common land and keeping these cows pays for itself by putting back money into the public purse, afterall I expect our council tax has paid for this wretched project! |
Guest |
#742011-06-22 20:56nearly 70 years ago as a child I spent many happy hours playing & walking on Hartlebury Common, what a joy it used to be, no restrictions,completely natural,only the gipsies horses galloping over the top. Also rare flowers were growing there too. Sacrilige, what is happening now. |
steve mccarron The author of this petition |
#75 Re: Time to grow up2011-06-22 21:07Spraying trees with orange paint?, what trees what paint? I thought that was the councils job. As for NO COWS on the car park, not me I'm afraid. I have told the council exactly what I am intending to do and that is a reversal of their work, especially the fencing. They were notified as were the police prior to me taking action, to redress an offence committed by the council. CRIMINAL DAMAGE, has been carried out by the council who have no ownership of Hartlebury Common. If they OWNED the common, then they could have demonstrated that clearly then and I would have and will be arrested for criminal damage.They CANNOT demonstrate ownership and therefore are guilty of criminal acts which I have the right to rectify. The damage which is being done to the common is far greater than anything I could achieve and it's a shame that people find it difficult to search further for truth, than what they are being told by idiots. I suggest that you read what I have written on this site and do not let yoursel be led along by corrupt officials. Oh yes, I worry about the cattle as well, espeacially when they are enclosed in a burning heathland surrounded by smoke and flame.
As for growing up, I have, which is why I am doing this. I have thirty years experience in conservation and restoration industries also.
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