skinney school trousers

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition skinney school trousers.


#26 Re:

2016-01-07 19:18

#24: -  

 I agree with that also but what difference does it make in the inch of trousers . And both my kids go 2 this school in full uniform and right eqipment everyday and if a child needs punishment then fair 2 it. Black trousers not leggings r black trousers 


#27 Re: Re:

2016-01-07 19:24

#26: - Re:  

 if the ones in leggings wore trousers then the school probably wouldn't have had to go this far. 



2016-01-07 20:34

Signed even tho my children don't go to that school it's pathetic it doesn't effect there learning and skinny trousers are actually sold in the school shop think they need to get a grip



2016-01-07 20:52

Due to the rules the school is trying to enforce. It's gone on for may years but I feel students should be allowed some individuality rather than being made to conform. We are supposed to live in world that encourages free will. A students learning has no bearing on the style of trousers they wear providing the colour matches the uniform requirements to enable students to be recognised.


#30 Re:

2016-01-07 21:05

#29: -  

But the uniform requirement is black tailored trousers not leggings so really the school is just following the rules in place.

Laura P

#31 Re:

2016-01-07 21:09

#24: -  

 I totally agree and it's interesting how the better educated parents seem to as well. If you value education and want your child to succeed you recognise that sometimes you have to do things you do not want to. The petitions is barely literate so we can see how well the originator has been educated, maybe you don't see the point but others do.





2016-01-07 22:12

This school needs to concentrate on lessons and the education of the pupils not their uniform. There are excellent pupils being sent to isolation due to uniform, hair colour, nail varnish why don't they deal with bad behaviour and pupils disrupting lessons, smoking, bullying and fighting it's a complete joke.

#33 Jamal

2016-01-07 22:15

What a scumbag


#34 LoL

2016-01-07 22:19

She has a pointy nose - Jamal



2016-01-07 22:51

Because I think that wearing any trousers as long as they are black should be doesn't affect their school why???



2016-01-07 23:21

As long as kids learn what difference does it make what they wear!

#37 Re: Re: Re:

2016-01-07 23:25

#27: - Re: Re:  

 Then the school should deal with the ones wearing leggings  , my daughter is in the top 40 at that school and wears black skinny SCHOOL trouser,  obviously they don't  stop her learning .


#38 Re: Re:

2016-01-07 23:28

#30: - Re:  

 Legging  fine .. but they are picking on students who have skinny  SCHOOL trousers on .


#39 Re: Re:

2016-01-07 23:31

#31: Laura P - Re:  

 I am very educated thank you and so is my child  , I usually support the school,  but I can not agree with this, we are not a nanny state  . And our children are not robots  , they are individuals . 


#40 Re:

2016-01-08 00:27

#7: -  

 well said. 



2016-01-08 00:33

Because I think it's so wrong what they are doing towards girls at school. What about they confidence and feelings don't they count. Stop been stupid and concentrate on they education.


#42 Re: Re: Re: i agree

2016-01-08 07:57

#39: - Re: Re:  

 Yes im the originator and educated if u dont agree thats yr opinion but dont start slating other peoples opinions either . The school should have stopped these trousers from day 1 not half way through a term or after a few years . And its what retailers are selling at the moment because its whats selling off the rail . Thanku 



#43 Re: Re: Re: Re:

2016-01-08 07:59

#37: Me! - Re: Re: Re:  

 No but if put in isolation or expelled would and its not fair . Just for sake of trousers x


#44 Re:

2016-01-08 09:03

#19: -  

 I agree 100%



2016-01-08 11:12

When schools decide to change rules which is going to cost parents extra cash , the rule should take effect at the beginning of a new July term when parents are buying new school uniform, not 2 weeks after Xmas when everyone is skint.



2016-01-08 14:34

At end of the day if their black what matters if others feel they dont want them it cos they probz cant fit in them... thats their problem



2016-01-08 14:48

Black trousers are part of the school uniform, it should not matter if they are skinny fit or baggy fit.



2016-01-08 15:22

To me - uniform is uniform and Barnsley Academy have always clearly stated what is accetable and what isn't.  Children should wear the correct uniform and keep other clothes for after school.  All part of learning to follow rules.  I agree that whatever they wear doesn't affect their education but where do you draw the line?  Going in casual clothes, having lots of piercings and dressed like punk rockers won't effect their education either - should we allow this?  In my opinion it is either all or nothing.  Schools have rules just like people do at home (well most!).  In just the same way we expect our children to follow our rules at home, schools expect the children to follow their rules at school and parents should support the school in implementing these.


#49 Re:

2016-01-08 16:20

#48: -  

 My daughter wouldnt wear black trousers out of school hours because she wears them at school we all like 2 look n dress different out of work aswell its called choice 


#50 Banning leggings

2016-01-08 18:27

I have a general office job that involves having meetings with external people. If I turned up to work in leggings I'd be asked to go home and change as it is not appropriate dress (unpaid I presume!).

Secondary school is supposed to prepare our young uns for adult life, so asking them not to go to school in leggings I.e. Adhering to uniform regulations is just preparing them for work! Many jobs have dress codes (even when leggings are acceptable) and these days if you don't comply you get fired!