ban fireworks in ALL residential area's

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition ban fireworks in ALL residential area's.



2016-01-02 21:35

So many dogs go missing during festivals and holidays when people use fireworks. They are traumatised and the damage is irreparable! People have little consideration for animals...



2016-01-02 21:46

It's just stupid, waste of money and very upsetting for all animals!!



2016-01-02 21:51

i have pets,both cats and dogs...all of whom are awfully traumatised by the loud fireworks.



2016-01-02 21:56

Fireworks are unnecessary and terrify our, and all, animals



2016-01-02 22:33

The only people that use fire works most likely don't have animals so they don't care.
Ban them permanently



2016-01-02 23:07

Fireworks must be banned..Period.



2016-01-02 23:22

Where can one check who the final petition with total votes is going to? Can fireworks be stopped and how exactly?



2016-01-02 23:26

I'm sick and tired of these fireworks going off and scaring my dog there not only letting them off at November the 5th they start at the beginning of October right through till Jan ban them please before they give my poor dog a heart attack.



2016-01-03 02:28

The agonies suffered by animals and birds every time they have to contend with fireworks is unnecessary and cruel



2016-01-03 03:13

I signed this petition because I felt very sorry for all the dogs who were stressed in my area on Thursday evening. They were barking till 3am on New Years Day, as there was quite a lot of fireworks during the night which upset them terribly!



2016-01-03 03:18

I am a pet lover and cant tolerate the trauma they have to endure from firworks



2016-01-03 03:34

How many more stupid people must get injured, how many fires must destroy property, how many animals must suffer before this fireworks will be banned?



2016-01-03 03:49

The terror it causes to animals and the abuse!



2016-01-03 03:59

A local cat had it's jaw blown off by a firecracker on NYE and was eutthanased and an elderly dog had a stroke due to the noise of crackers. This was in one small suburb alone! Not to mention how busy the local vets were with "lost " pets due to running away from fireworks in fear.



2016-01-03 04:05

Because my four leg children suffered emensly this new year .... luckely i had them indoors and gave them all but one rescue .... the cracker that was here sounded like boms .... and every year it gets worse



2016-01-03 04:15

The ppl selling these fireworks should be heavily fined until they stop!



2016-01-03 04:18

Why did you sign this petition? For the animals



2016-01-03 04:30

My dogs are terrified by the loud bangs. Every year we have to sit inside with the dogs and play loud music to cover the bangs



2016-01-03 04:47

Cruelty to animals



2016-01-03 05:08

I have 2 dogs who are terrified by loud noises! I live next to Montecasino and the firework display must have gone on for 10 minutes plus - all the time my 2 furballs were trying to crawl under my head!!! Why put them through unnecessary turmoil and extreme distress for a few minutes of pleasure?


#421 Re: Re: Re:

2016-01-03 05:26

#94: - Re: Re: 

The true beauty would be if it can explode in your face or maybe even better on your houses grass rooth. Do you have any idea what some people have been through?  Chill while your house burn down. Or chill and watch the beauty of a 5 year old who lost her fingers due to fireworks. How beautifull is that? Wow some people are truly not to bright.



2016-01-03 05:26

I have 7 pups that run around trying to find a place not to hear the noise of crackers they shake as if they are frozen



2016-01-03 05:31

I am against fireworks unless let off in an organised venue where there are no hideous loud bangs and where there are no animals nearby.



2016-01-03 05:35

Full agreement!



2016-01-03 05:50

Because our pets are family and they don't deserve to be victimized by other people when in their own homes where they should feel safe.