ban fireworks in ALL residential area's

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition ban fireworks in ALL residential area's.



2016-01-02 19:31

I know of a household that is strugling to put food on the table but the children insisted they want fireworks and instead of buying mealie meal, cans of corned meat, beans and samp they used the money to buy Fireworks!  Where will the grandma and the little ones get food from for the next two weeks?  I don't mind the older children - they bought the fireworks instead of the list of groceries their grandmother gave them with the money for the food! 



2016-01-02 19:33

For the sake of all the animals that are terrorised each year during the festive season. Fire works at best should be seen and not heard.



2016-01-02 19:34

For the love of nature.



2016-01-02 19:37

To many cruelty to innocent pets and children, danger to pple around the pple doing this. This has to stop, does no one care for the person next to him or a child or a pet,



2016-01-02 19:38

My troeteldiere kan nie praat nie maar ek moet hulle vrees vir die geweldige onnodige onsinnige geraas aanskou en hulle probeer rustig hou net vir breinlose mense se siek genot!



2016-01-02 19:46

Fireworks need to be banned period.



2016-01-02 19:46

I have 2 yorkies and am looking after 5 other dogs this holiday. Of the 7 dogs, 4 are gun shy.



2016-01-02 19:48

I'd like to see a complete ban on fireworks and the yearly expenditures from things like New Year Displays put to much better use, like ensuring that no one is homeless, providing a route back into society.



2016-01-02 19:50

Fireworks frighten,mame and kill terrified animals.Just too much tragedy caused by these supposedly banned waste of money fireworks.



2016-01-02 20:00

Yes please! Fireworks don't belong in tye hands of every buffoon - it should be declared illegal in the hands of unqualified delinquents. It should be managed and overseen by the fire brigade, trained people to handle these possible lethal materials and with first aid at hand. Let the idiots who insist on wasting their money do so but only be allowed in to fire off these noisy stuff under supervision. Amen



2016-01-02 20:05

I fully agree that fireworks should be banned and not even sold in shop!!



2016-01-02 20:07

It scares animals and is just plain noisy



2016-01-02 20:14

I have two dogs who were so traumatised on new years eve



2016-01-02 20:15

Because I want to see fireworks banned for life!!! Cruel, cruel, cruel!



2016-01-02 20:17

fireworks terrify my dog when there are so many large ones ignited in a residential area. He started being so nervous when a faulty rocket exploded just above our heads when out walking.



2016-01-02 20:21

Why did you sign this petition?

2nd January 2016



2016-01-02 20:21

Because I live in Midrand and it is so bad here. I have 8 cats and 1 dog. I have to stay in whenever there are fireworks.



2016-01-02 20:24

I have a kitten, and he was scared we had to try to calm him down. Its just not fair on them. If people want to have fireworks I am sure there must be some land that far away from residential areas where people can go light these fireworks.



2016-01-02 20:35

I hate fireworks and the nasty effect they have on all animals. I truly hope that this petition will put a final stop to this incredibly annoying and stupid practice.



2016-01-02 20:41

I have two jack russels who were absolutely terrified by fire crackers.



2016-01-02 20:44

My animals suffer every year. This was a terrible year. The fireworks was from 12 until 4 in the morning.



2016-01-02 20:56

To protect all the animals affected by fireworks



2016-01-02 21:06

Great to see someone doing it and not just saying it . Well done it is people like you that make this world a better place.



2016-01-02 21:18

Have you seen the horrific injuries sustained by animals who flee from the noise? That's why I signed.



2016-01-02 21:23

My beloved pets are traumatised by the fireworks. Yearly I have to hold them like babies they actually tremble each time one goes off. They have been so traumatised that they no longer want to go outside. I hate new years eve because of whay my doggies go through each time...