Alternative Medical aid for Government officials

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Alternative Medical aid for Government officials.



2015-12-31 14:46

I think having this medical aid is a joke



2015-12-31 15:14

I've had enough of GEMS, that's a medical Scheme that's ripping off government employees and the fact that government employees don't have a right to subscribe with a medical scheme of their choice.



2015-12-31 15:43

Unreliable medical aid.We want goverment to immediately set us free from these crooks.Let us b al

lowed to join medical aids of our choice with subsidy!!!



2015-12-31 16:20

I'm sick and tired of being bled to death by this medical scheme



2015-12-31 16:20

I signed it because Gems is drastically increasing and for me it economic abuse



2015-12-31 16:56

high increment every year



2015-12-31 17:09

I am tired of the rampant corruption in our government misled by kleptocracy of the ANC and its coniving alies COSATU that never comply to our pleas as workers/citizens, benefiting corrupt political favours at the compromise of quality efficient working standards/conditions that make us workers and the public suffer!



2015-12-31 17:22

Gems gone so expensive and no enough funds



2015-12-31 17:47

This thing of GEMS is milking from workers it is not different from all capitalist medical aid schemes. #capitalismmustfall



2015-12-31 18:11

So sick and tired of gems, you go to the chemist they will tell you gems does'nt pay for the medication you want, especialy the expensive medication, yhooo I don't want to mention the payment



2015-12-31 18:15

Paying to much,1/2 of my salary goes to gems



2015-12-31 18:45

Choice to take another medical aid gems is expensive



2015-12-31 20:20

i'm also not happy with gems medical aid at all



2015-12-31 21:31

I deserve better. The service I receive from GEMS is putrid. Every time I have to fight with them to resolve issues. Reported them twice to the Registrar of Medical Aids. #GemsMustFall for sure!;



2015-12-31 22:09

Gems medical aid is a waste of time.They do not assist with quieries.I had a pathology claim and radiology claim from september 2015 which has still not been sorted out by gems as my care is constantly busy.They also promise to get back to you but NEVER DO.service is very poor.



2016-01-01 05:35

Gems must fall we have been calling for that for far too long



2016-01-01 08:09

Our current medical aid is milking us dry



2016-01-01 08:15

With gems, you only consult twice and on the third tine you are told that funds are exhausted. #gemsmustfall



2016-01-01 08:20

Government must subsidies all the medical aids so that we will have the right to choose the medical aid of our choice.! #GEMSMUSTFALL



2016-01-01 10:01

Gems is not helpful but expoits government officials.



2016-01-01 10:19

I need government to subsidies all medical AIDS 100%



2016-01-01 10:41

#Gems must fall .



2016-01-01 10:44

Germs is becoming expensive almost to all medical aids,its a husle to pay for servises renderd like I owe lancet now,funds runs out sooo quicly.i say yes to choosing ur own medical aid



2016-01-01 11:50




2016-01-01 12:28

This medical scheme is killing employees really ,dats why m signing