Save Ebrington Primary School (Gloucestershire)

Contact the author of the petition

This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Save Ebrington Primary School (Gloucestershire) .



2016-01-08 16:25

To oppose the closure of a good school and because the school is a vital and integral part of village life, keeping it a village for families, not a dormitory cotswold village, it was one of the things I looked for when I moved here.



2016-01-08 17:18

Because I believe village schools are very important to the rural community.



2016-01-09 05:20

We have a close family connection with the school and my grand nephews are doing very well there



2016-01-09 08:43

It has been a local school , proving excellent support for children of all disabilities & needs to continue to provide support for local people . We are needing professions of doctors , nurses , police , teachers, along side workforce for local jobs , bringing younger parents with children . Shut the local schools, increases travel , stress and overload in the town and city schools . Please think outside the BOX



2016-01-10 08:46

Local school for local children. This government has a complete lack of foresight...Increasing lack of public transport just puts more and more pressure on other schools locally. Nothing better than being brought up In a village school environment. Keep wanting to build more houses but will have no amenities left. Sadly the countryside in this country being torn apart.



2016-01-10 10:01

Rural communities should not be stripped of assets ... Social cohesion. Rural growth. Carbon footprints!!



2016-01-10 11:22

These decisions are made without any thought of the negative impact on the surrounding community. The chaos created by cars delivering and picking up their children is hell for all who live in the area and it is time for a huge re think on these negative decisions. The decision to build on Badgers field went against the wishes of the community who live there. The field was the focus of walkers and children and families who used it daily to walk. This has gone! It fills me with disgust that money takes priority over the interests of our communities. Money that is not benefiting the community but only the greedy who have made money by selling off the land and buildings.! The area is deteriorating and I can assure you that as the school gets bigger the noise will get louder! Good! The new houses will be harder to sell! The noise of a children's playground and the cars will cause huge problems in the future. I loathe the way these decisions are made. The destruction of village life and the concreting over of our beautiful countryside market towns fills me with anger and disgust. Chipping campden relies on tourists and walkers. It is the only way the locals make money. As the councils grant permissions for more buildings the unique small market town attraction will be lost and far less attractive to incoming visitors. Watch as these decisions destroy our way of life!



2016-01-10 16:58

Signed because I am concerned about maintaining and building up our rural communities and in ensuring that we instill the right community values in our children; a local school is an absolutely vital component in achieving both these aims. I am also directly concerned about the impact an already significant - and worsening - traffic congestion and parking problem around St James School and the effect this will have on relations between the school, parents and the local residents. This proposal is divisive and detrimental to both communities and the childrens education and their broader development as members of those communities.



2016-01-12 12:20

Important for the village and the environment to keep the school. We don't need more cars on the road - no school transport and it will be hell for the local residents if the the school in Campden is greatly expanded.



2016-01-12 13:33

The closing of Ebrington school would be a is an excellent school and being Federated with St James school since 1981 (and very successfully) has worked so well for everyone concerned PLEASE KEEP THE SCHOOL OPEN



2016-01-12 13:42

I signed the petition because of the growing need for good rural schools like Ebrington Primary as more development urged by government brings more families into our villages and surrounding settlements.



2016-01-12 16:08

We have a home in Ebrington and visit regularly. We know the importance of having children in a school close to their home and we certainly know about overcrowded schools and the results of such overcrowding.



2016-01-12 17:05

Why when more housing is being built are we forcing people to go into one school in Chipping Campden? give it a few years and there won't be places there for new people coming in and you'll end up building another school! Likewise forcing parents to travel further and further to drop children off is only creating more traffic on the road and around what will become an over subscribed school. Madness



2016-01-12 17:35

I signed this petition because it is important to the village community that the school remains in the village. My 3 children all attended the school and we were more than satisfied with the standard of teaching. My late wife and all her family also attended the school. Both my wife and myself were on the pta committee and I was also chairman of the committee for 3 years.
II cannot see any sensible reason for the school to close.



2016-01-12 18:57




2016-01-13 20:54

Because my children went to school there and it is a superb school



2016-01-15 13:17

As an ex primary school teacher I realise the value of village schools ,so many alas have already closed to the detriment of children and village life.
The heart goes out of a village when the school goes



2016-01-15 13:44

Because it will increase the amount of traffic going down Calf Lane from Church Street.



2016-01-17 18:28

Because this school is needed for the benefit of the village



2016-01-18 10:49

Ebrington is a brilliant local school. What is the matter with the governors? We live close to St James School.
The surroundings roads are already heavily congested. Add to this the development on Badgers Field, the Kiddiwinks Nursery opening in April adjacent to St James School, and heavy lorry traffic servicing the shops from Calf Lane.



2016-01-19 13:50

Because the school is vital (in the true sense of the word) for the life of the village - for both current and future generations.
Sam Campbell


2016-01-19 15:11

It's a great school that has always been part of the local community!



2016-01-19 17:18

It would be so disappointing for the community in Ebrington if they lost their school. Plus the extra car movements in Campden will be ridiculous.



2016-01-19 17:39

To support the children and parents of Ebrington School in their campaign to keep it open.



2016-01-19 18:18

Village schools give the best education to our younger children and we have relatives there and who will go there