No More Economic Migrants In Britannia Hotel Standish

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition No More Economic Migrants In Britannia Hotel Standish.



2015-11-11 00:48

Because I don't feel it is safe to let my daughters walk to school alone or to the shops. I saw 3 of thee immigrants sitting under the large tree by the co op watching children and young women whilst laughing and gesturing towards them. I walked my dog along the line and approx 30 young men were sitting and playing football right by the school as the children were leaving at the end of the day. It is intimidating and uncomfortable for all. They sit on the garage wall at almond brook petrol station and stare at you when you walk past. Please give us our village back and feel safe again.



2015-11-11 00:53

Because it isn't safe for my family to walk in their own village anymore. These people live by their own rules and don't have regard for local people or our values and traditions. It is a matter of time before there is a serious incident involving these immigrants and then who will want to take the responsibility? Not the government that's for sure. This needs to STOP NOW before it's too late!



2015-11-11 14:48

Its Disgusting how the British Idiginous public are being treated.



2015-11-11 15:12

Because I agree with it. If our Government can find accommodation for unemployed and homeless foreigners who have never paid into the system, then they should do the same for homeless former soldiers.



2015-11-11 16:41

because we did a similar one in our town they dont belong here and us paying for them



2015-11-11 17:00

Assylum seekers or whatever are not wanted. Britain is too small.



2015-11-11 18:15

Intimidating large groups of men



2015-11-11 22:42

We live close to The Britannia. Since the news broke of asylum seekers filming pupils at Standish High and of them knocking on doors and asking for money, we have locked all our doors and windows. We are prisoners in our own house.



2015-11-12 09:59

I have signed this petition because i live in standish and ifeel the same i don't feel safe walking to the bus stop going to work as i have been at the bus stop when 5 of these men came to the bus stop i felt so intimidated they all staring at me walking around me i was just about to walk away from bus stop when luckly a couple came to bus stop and they all moved outside bus stop until the bus came this is a small village we all used to be able to walk around feeling safe i certainly do not any more .



2015-11-12 22:23

I am worried about the safety of my daughter who walks home from standish high school down to Ashfield park.



2015-11-13 13:43

I signed this petition because, even though I am a citizen of the U.S., am concerned this issue will spread across the world. We've had problems in the U.S. with illegal immigration, but not on the scale of what is happening in Europe. Yet. I don't have an issue with legal immigrants or those who are truly in need of a better home due to war or terrorism (i.e. ISIS persecution of Christians). But what I do have a problem with is illegal immigration, especially for economic reasons. I understand the migrants' desire for a better life, but what they need to do is go through the proper channels and NOT try to overwhelm the countries they go to.
Concerned U.S. citizen with British ancestry

#37 Re:

2015-11-13 13:45

#29: -  




2015-11-13 13:52

because economic illegal migrants have to be deported back to their countries and borders should be patrolled better so they cannot get in!



2015-11-13 14:53

this has to stop now.the reason that i am signing as in the end this will cost us more money in taxes and council tax to fund this .i don't want my taxes being used in this way



2015-11-13 17:52

I'm sick and tired of these able and fit young men coming to this country and being treated better than our OAP's, ship them all back.


2015-11-13 18:57

they do not belong here! We cannot be expected to pay for everyone else when we have our own people in need...families with children going to food banks, homeless people who do not deserve to be homeless..and that poor child that died at five weeks old because the mother had fled domestic abuse and the council wouldn't help her because she was not from the 'area'!!!! And so had to sleep in a car..but these guys get a hotel...really? Get them out and on the next boat. We have had enough


#42 Re:

2015-11-13 19:49

#1: -  

 keep up the good work they are also in park hall & charnock  Richard services accomodation

Funny though just been touring all over Cornwall and never saw one and there is lots of spare land all over there

they are also all over the Lake District in hotels 



2015-11-13 20:04

I grew up in this lovely village and am completely horrified by what is happening ! its disgusting and needs to be stopped !



2015-11-13 20:06

Im sick to death of this constant influx of migrants thats destroying english communities through out our towns and cities,it must stop.



2015-11-13 23:00

Because these people are illegal and not welcome


2015-11-13 23:21

Housing migrants is totally unacceptable when we have thousands of people in this country that are homeless and are being left on the street. This includes ex service men and women, people that have lived here all of their lives and have contributed to our society in one way or another. This housing of migrants is discrimination of the worst kind because they get the state to pay for hotels etc for them but a homeless person from the UK would not get it so that is straightforward discrimination based on nationality. I thought this country upheld Human Rights to ensure that everyone is treated equally but obviously not because migrants are obviously being given preferential treatment for accommodation. We must all work together to stop this unfair system!



2015-11-13 23:44

We want our country back we will not give in to terrorist ..............



2015-11-14 00:11

because britain cant take any more immigrants,they are causing nothing but problems for residents who have to put up with this nightmare,this is our country!!,please listen to the people of standish!!!

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2015-11-14 00:32



2015-11-14 01:44

Because these people are not wanted here in the UK, we can see what has happened in Paris, and what is now happening in Calais, and it seem to be still ongoing, we can only blame Cameron and the Eu and other leaders in the corrupt Eu, these people are not compatible with us so get rid of them.