Bring Orcas To uShaka Marine World

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Bring Orcas To uShaka Marine World.



2015-10-20 07:00

Yes!! Orcas!!



2015-10-20 07:36

It would be so wonderful to see orcas.



2015-11-26 13:39

Um, no.  All cetaceans, and in fact all animals, belong in the wild, and not in captivity for our entertainment.

Watch Blackfish guys, and let's start being responsible for the care of this planet and its wildlife.


#4 Re:

2017-01-08 16:23

#1: -  

 Um. How would it feel for you to live in solitary confinement for the rest of your life?? That's how an orca lives in captivity,  oh and Ina small pool not big enough for it to swim in. Their living conditions are disgusting.

Please think before tounpetition for animals in captivity!


#5 Re:

2017-01-08 16:25

#2: -  Um. How would it feel for you to live in solitary confinement for the rest of your life?? That's how an orca lives in captivity, oh and Ina small pool not big enough for it to swim in. Their living conditions are disgusting.

Please think before tounpetition for animals in captivity!


#6 Re: Re:

2017-12-25 17:11

Fuck this..people don't give two shits about how the animal feels all they care about is being entertained.orcas are one of the most intelligent animals on this planet and are are highly would you like it if you were taken out of your home away from your family and put into a tank with nothing in it and were looked at all day long by a bunch of wankers who like the sight of orcas up close and don't give a continental shit about its emotions..who ever likes this idea of orcas in captivity your a useless puss who is a waste of air and resources and is a selfish cunt.





#7 An hours entertainment for you means a lifetime of suffering for them

2018-01-17 07:24

 In the wild, orcas spend up to 95 percent of their time submerged and would find shade in the depths of the ocean. Because of this, orcas in captivity have perpetual sunburns, which are shielded from the public eye with the help of black zinc oxide, which matches their skin. Although zinc oxide is also used as a sunblock, orcas almost always have sunburn before it is applied. 

Orcas in the wild have an average life expectancy of 30 to 50 years—their estimated maximum life span is 60 to 70 years for males and 80 to more than 100 for females. The median age of orcas in captivity is only 9. 

In captivity, all male orcas have collapsed dorsal fins as adults, which is a sign of an unhealthy orca.  Only 1 to 5 percent of male orcas in some populations (and none in others) have fully collapsed dorsal fins.

These so called fun “educational” activities harm animals physically and emotionally. Orcas and other marina animals should have a natural life, communicate with their wild relatives and other ocean animals; and engage in other natural behavior that they would be denied.



2018-06-06 13:16

Orca's are being phased out by SeaWorld for a good reason. They are highly intelligent and do not belong in bath tubs. If you love animals you would not condone abuse. Leave the Orca's where they are, and get the dolphins to a sanctuary too. How incredibly uneducated to even suggest this. Disgusting.


#9 SeaWorld supporter but not this!

2019-12-17 15:45

Sorry but yes SeaWorld made mistakes in the past but now their orcas get the best care money can buy. Where do you think these babies would come from? The wild or other marine parks? Not okay to take them from either place. 


#10 Re:

2020-02-25 09:08

#3: -  

Well said!!


#11 Re: SeaWorld supporter but not this!

2020-02-25 09:10

#9: - SeaWorld supporter but not this! 

They dont get the best care as they are still performing, suffering, numerous health issues and low life expectancy!! SeaWorld is disgusting