نداء إلى الاتحاد الأوربي لحماية الشعب السوري
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition نداء إلى الاتحاد الأوربي لحماية الشعب السوري.
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#1512011-08-18 14:56our people in syria alone . nobody with them . we need your support to stop killing |
only Bashar |
#152 only Bashar2011-08-23 10:32What do u mean alone?? you are the population of Syria! what the meaning nobody with them? if you have problem in your family, you call somebody to release your problem?? for example you cannot sleep with your wife! so you call somebody to sleep with her?? |
Guest |
#1532011-08-23 11:54Please help syrian civil to get their freedom from the butcher Bashar! Nato helped Libya and the same expected for poor syrian. You quietness increase the death of syrians |
Guest |
#1542011-08-23 12:22to Comment 152. Don't compare the great syrians with your wife and whom to sleep with her, That is not an example! your dirty mind lead you to dirty thoughts... We need NATO and US army to break the neck of Bachar and his dirty thugs, Butcher Bachar lost his legitimacy and he have to step down whatever cost. we don't need thugs and thieves to rull our country. P.S not your whore either>>> |
only Bashar |
#155 only bashar2011-08-24 10:18to comment 154. you need nato!! so got to nato why should nato come to us?? US never will help us, USA will only use our oil to FU... us.(it would not pain my or your ASS, when you use an oil). at least i prefer to be Fu..ed by my ohn people insted of strangers............. also thank you for your comments about (whore......) with a pleasure :-) |
Bashar only |
#156 bashar only2011-08-24 10:26В Вашингтоне была проведена эвакуация из зданий Капитолия, где заседает Конгресс США, Пентагона и других федеральных ведомств, сообщает РИА Новости. По некоторым данным, имеются разрушения, с перебоями работает мобильная связь. В Нью-Йорке были эвакуированы сотрудники многоэтажных небоскребов, где располагаются офисы |
Guest |
#1582011-08-24 12:44we are in 2011 and the international comunity still not acting to stop the killer,and some countries like russia and china who does not have any regards for human life stil trying to protect the killer BASHAR AL-ASSAD |
Guest |
#159 Bashar only2011-08-24 14:02comant to 158. why do we need international comunity, we can solve our problem with our selfs, no need any help |
meme |
#161 please2011-08-25 07:17Hello .. |
Guest |
#1622011-08-25 07:57This criminal regime has been killing innocent prtesters with no mercy, using heavy weapons, tanks,to nock down houses, mosques, and schools. More than 2300 have been killed, tens of thousends detained, we don't know how many of them have been killed while being tortured... They came to take my brother after participating in a peaceful protest in Damascus,when they didn't find him,they took my father, a 60 years old man, as a hostage, untill my brother turned himself in. He was brutally tortured, and suffered a lot during his detention, but lukily he was released few days later, and he fled the country. unfortunately, many other friends and relatives are still in jail, just for expressing their oppinion... Please help the Syrian people, help Syria, help Freedom |
meme |
#163 Truth2011-08-25 16:39Hello. The Assad regime's uses to hide the of bodies (acid to burn bodies).and burned bodies and thrown into the sea ,and arrested many young people, now I know myself four young people from one family and three young people from other families, and young men were taken hostage to hand over the brothers themselves , They also bring from Iran the devices for chopping meat prisoners and their bodies and (acid) . And there is someone who Talk about what his torture they have put fifteen people in a cage without clothes and placed a cage suspended and is tight and placed for days and when they want to eliminate the need for their place and the urine and faeces around them, and after several days gave them a piece of dry bread and put above the faeces mixed with feces and took the detainees from hunger eat, is this true in the 21 century?? Are we the Dark Ages? This system Must fall |
meme |
#164 Gangs Assad2011-08-26 03:20Ends the day the Syrian tyranny in the late hours of the night, with the 'nail' achieved by a new clique of Cbihh, or become a new model of them puts the veil on the face, perhaps drawing on the principle of 'if Aptleetm Fasttroa sins'; or, in another interpretation, because some of the Cbihh senses the approach of an hour has become the account to the people, and to the law of real Syria plans to rely on the future, nothing to do with the information gathered by the laws of the jungle and the mafia enacted by the system, then permitted to the same gangs that trampled and violated. It is true that the conclusion 'nail' that took place under cover of darkness, as befits the most cowardly meanness and degeneration, but that initially occurred in the courtyard of the Umayyad: the distance meters from the Ministry of Defence to come, and the building of radio and television Trafalgar, and the sight and hearing of security barriers scattered around the arena such as the spread boletus mushrooms. Thus, in the 'reforms' which boasts of Bashar al-Assad's absolutely breathtaking, it was not the fall of the curtain again reveals more of the faces of the State of gangs and devices, where it mixes with panic, hatred, and turn Oagliat defense system to the barbaric behavior of exchange, and the instinct of revenge bestiality, not punishing the opposition means of harassment do not count it or inventory, but also in bringing justice to the body itself, and members of the monsters Akhalha sources of risk directly to the security of the system. After slaughter Zjal Hamwi Ibrahim Alqachoc, slit his throat, which blared against Assad and against his brother, Maher, name and designation smart right; Here they are Cbihh reneging on the cartoonist Syrian Grand Ali Farzat, Faardouna severely beaten, and dump it like a sheep sacrifice in apparent Damascus, not by targeting the who scares them the most in his body: his fingers that paint! Likely that the arrest of Farzat as classic, if raided his home a handful of security men would take him to one of the branches, he would hit the embarrassment from; man is famous, and the conscience of a monetary district opposite the concerns of the Syrians always, and shine more than ever before during the week the Intifada; It is, , the cartoonist known to Arab and international, pragmatic and simple logic says, if the tongue: Do not we need the embarrassment! However, the logic of the second, the instinct to punish opponents, and as brutal Alohna, not in a position to shrink or extinguished in the face of considerations, embarrassment, and that management certifying who move herds Cbihh this director: Do not punish him in public, but in secret, and the brutality required; not arrest him formally, but we send Cbihh masked, to kidnap him from the heart of the capital, or rather download it from his car by force, to be a lesson to anyone thinking Busaúlna him self and our ways. In another letter to diversify them: We are not obliged to arrest if we intend to punishment, but can Nkhttaf, we will not do this in the dark, but under bright lights. The diversification that would respect someone Farzat artist, educated, biased to a row of the people and the Intifada, the representative of the slice is expanding and the root, the message double as one that is likely: splitting them to this slide, and half a second to the category of parallel Anazavi where such Lahham and Riad Ismat and Safwan Kudsi. For the first slide says the message that goes out in opposition to the system, me with or pen or voice or as possessed of a formula expression of artistic or literary or intellectual, will be meet fates similar, within the levels of heterogeneous impunity direct, which may start from the uprooting of the throat or a broken hand, However, it does not end when the body was dumped where it was agreed that, in the river or on the ground. To the owners of the second tranche, if they are in need to alert the parent or the address, the letter says only brief is clear: what happened to Atazawa Qachoc and Farzat, and saw! The shame for a Maviose tradition of lowliness of this scenario, since the uncontrollable orgy of all seams will not necessarily indicate extremes goals, as if wanting to Almaviose of torturing people demonstrate the might of owned, do not prove to them only as a scared and confused, erratic, weak trick, spiritless forces. Any system that is strong, which resort to kidnapping of an artist, as such blatant gang is worth alone, in order to punish him physically, and broken his hand; and the latter uses only black ink and conscience watchful eye and prudent, in the end? Did Assad promises to his followers, only a few days ago, that the system has become stronger, and that 'the security situation better'? Is this, Farzat kidnapping and breaking his ribs and broke his hand, among the 'achievements of the security' Assad boasted that its recent achievements, and 'will not announce it now to the need for the success of these measures'? Day of tyranny, he had seen, in the hours previous, Revealed 'Zafar' of another kind, at least Chbaha and barbaric, and a statement of natures gendarmerie which reduces the system of 'reforms', which is no longer enough citizens that echoes cheering Trinitarian Bible' God! Syria! Bashar Obs! ', And I had that did not involve another god in the Syrian Bashar and Maher al-Assad. The video (which got a Altenseekiet of Hbih in the fourth year, in return for a small sum of money, and become famous now) shows an officer of the fourth slap a soldier understands the dialogue that was about to split, and then ask the officer of the soldier to say: 'There is no god However, Bashar al-Assad ', Vehtv soldier this; then ask him to also say:' No god but Maher Assad ', he does. Transcend, in the meantime, the voice of another officer asked what means: Flannth him, slaughtering, and insurmountable in the belly of the valley. Name of the officer was exposed, of course, without in the Preserved Tablet, which opened the Intifada to the horrors of a similar committed by members of the gangs of barbaric, as so have classified military unit to which they belong, regardless of the breeding moral Haúhh, and no matter how loyalty of blindness vision and insight, and however descended origins of religious or ethnic or sectarianism. If these barbaric declared, unrestrained right of each deterrent only mixtures of panic and hatred and instinct animal, no longer a surprise to the Syrians, and the world at large, in fact; the portrayal of this cold-blooded, to document the brutality or pride or sold as demonstrated recently, remain detailed surprising always. There are, in strips such as this, a constant reminder of the fact they look to Syria, in the fact that a farm family of Assad justify the commission of any and all acts hateful despicable, as long as they serve the masters of the farm, and the leaders of Cbih. But the story of forcing people to change the words 'there is no god but God' to 'no god but Bashar al-Assad', and like his brother, Maher, is not a slip of the tongue of the officer bully (one imagines trembling Fraús if forced to stationed an hour down a hillside Abu-Nada, or in the vicinity of the observatory of Mount Hermon, the Golan Heights, for example!), in the video; as the transformation of Al-Assad to the gods must be worshiped, is not an emergency. Popularized in the recent past cheering say 'O God, your solution your solution / sit Keep your Shop', the frequency repeatedly over a number of villages in the Syrian coast, in the Qardaha specifically, and some of the special military units closest to the gangs and militias. It is true that the system is not stupid to the point of starting to stand behind such slogans, but their security and private military Ngapt completely repeating to the public, between now and then. What is not expressly prohibited, or punished, it is implicitly licensed and certified; and that was the rule in the past, when Assad's father during the deification of hysterical events, a look-Qaeda today, with the two young lions. And both received the officer of any order or suggestion or license padded, or gave himself to the truth and revealed to them that the conduct was proper, but Musharraf; the malate and the incident forced the soldier to the deification of Bashar and Maher is no different in practice, in that they represent applied to the ethics of loyalty to the present, among the various organs tyranny, which amounted to more and more together, worship and religion. Tarif, however, to note one of three details of a banner in the incident itself: that the officer shot down, indirectly, the slogan of the air (which says: 'God! Syria! Bashar Obs!'); And that the worship of tyranny is not monotheistic in the opinion of the officer, but duality, because it combines two gods together: Bashar and Maher; and thirdly, that the officer paddle under the lens of photography, and thus was in the status of two: either that it is safe reassuring that what day is whether the way the warden of any accountant, an individual or group, or is indifferent to any account or accountability, at all. And those Cbihh who dug up the grave of the child martyr Ola Jblaoa (girl two and a half years, from the district Alskntore in Lattakia), and the same Cbihh who backs a video last they forced the prisoners thirst to chant, to Bashar al-Assad against the barrage of water on the face, or Cbihh who slaughtered the citizens on the surface Mosque Karak Bdraa and piled up over the bodies of weapons and ammunition to convince that they are armed gangs, or their comrades in arms Hbihh Major Amjad Abbas geniuses stomping on the necks of the citizens in the neighborhood of al-Bayda Albaniasa, or Hbihh Atef Naguib of the executioners of children and Mahdra the dignity of the people in Horan, or Hbihh prison massacre Sednaya by Maher Assad was keen to portray himself ... those who, collectively, they are advocates and supporters and thugs and the men and the leaders of this religion is awful. They also, by extension, a group of masked, kidnapped Farzat of the Umayyad Square, and infringes it, as if declaring that painter infidels / Syrian people, who rise up to overthrow the system of corruption and slavery; and that the sentences in the same waiting for his fellow rowers against the religion of tyranny, the latest of these, who do not shout as is renegade soldier miserable. To complete the recipe This system, which cause havoc on the way the gangs and militias, and the conversion Alchbih to Oalah defense blind, Mtaamih; the media, governmental authority, and those emerging in the orbit of the system, has fallen silent just for the fact kidnapped Farzat, as if it were on the surface of another planet. Further evidence, perhaps some of the naive still need it, that 'climate of openness,' that Icheaha system is not fake and false and misleading, but is in the same tools and Chbih orgy. For the naive, themselves, have to wait feature of courage and one of a row of intellectuals, the people of the second tranche, who Tnavjua honor in the defense of 'civil peace' and 'national unity' and 'policy reforms', and Tkazbwa, and scrambled Mounakp march in the millions. Deaf, dumb and blind, they bow to a tyrant, and prostrating to the organs, they dissolved the curse of the nation, and waiting for the expense of the people of kufr, once and for all, Btwaget tyranny and corruption to have a fall in the history Mzabl |
kole |
#165 ___2011-08-26 03:23Syrian authorities have committed a new massacre in Homs Denounced the Syrian Committee for Human Rights massacre committed by the Syrian authorities on Monday (8/22/2011) in the courtyard of the new time in Homs following the visit of the Committee of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations. The forces opened fire on the Syrian regime and the issuance of the heads of peaceful protesters, has been confirmed in many casualties and injuries as a result. This confirms unambiguously that the Syrian authorities committed crimes against the people indifferent to the lives of citizens and commissions of inquiry and the international community and in defiance of national laws and conventions, the UN and in full contradiction to the system made by the President yesterday in an interview with Press TV, two days before the formal system. The Syrian Committee for Human Rights with Bashar al-Assad and his regime accountable for those massacres continued |
sho |
#166 Championship Qachoch2011-08-26 03:27Could one of the sons of the city of Hama for the first time in Syrian history of modern lead in demonstrations in numbers almost half a million, did not come to the Square Asi Ptalmyat the authority of a tyrant or orders partisan hateful or security threats terrifying to declare their support and the emphasis on bondage, but went out Loving for a country ravished, and a request for the dignity of free-and call for freedom stolen, the longer it injustice and elongate the tyranny and slavery, and he has attacked the "Cbihh." And then, it has been out Mardhm departure to the face of death the next wind yellow "Hbihh" System and Guenasth and his gang and killed him and his tanks and weapons. And each one of them a draft of a martyr to the past, his soul above his comfort in the hands of the supposedly protectors makers and security, or a project free and dignified life for the people and nation are looking forward to all the heritage values of the splendor and pride and Alhmokh. Footwear martyr Ibrahim Alqachoc on the side of the sinner and its banks, "Syria Bdha freedom", to Ivariqna, like a paddle wheel protectors, and impotent Oninha, it is nostalgic for the martyr, who pulled him fresher for the song of freedom and dignity intercontinental. Ngradh martyr was adhaan in people that Arise to your freedom, echoed the call or redemption and echoed with the Syrians and the Opt with heaven and earth, was returned the call of all the worlds and parts, and in all languages of the world: "Syria Bdha freedom." But from the deaf hear the call of monsters rumbling and see the blindness of millions of mafia Cbihh and rebellious people, which is chanted by all the courage behind Mncdha: "Aallah Aabashar leave." But in the midst of the security crackdown carried out by the forces of order and "Hbihth" on the city proud in the first week of July after "Fri, go", resumed killing and the renewed terror and with arrests in the hundreds, and the horrors of slaughter, which manifested itself slaughter of pilot demonstrations febrile and Hadea great slaughter knife, and disarmament his throat and throw a dead body in a river like the city of Abu redemption and adore her family and between his love and passion, refused to honoring and Odh to cover the crime and was able with his greatness and power that Eptolha, re Sadah Hama, a martyr to his family and loved ones and that a dead body, to be witness to a brutal killer and the lack of humanity and the death of his conscience, a certificate from the sinner documented history on the age and Ouhoucheh criminals that they were told: "Syria Bdha freedom, Aallah Aabashar leave." What he wanted the fascist regime and Besfah Acetkbarh and taller in the wrong, is the proper way to the light of freedom and dignity in the fourth day and the Syrians, in the heyday of their revolution on the Tigris and Haozth, Hadar and mute their voice for freedom and their throats by the roar of the dignity that they want to overthrow the regime. Thought criminals, brutes that home when the martyr Alqachoc Kotunhm his place in the Hngerthm, Vetohmua they are ripping out his throat tore him home, and knew that his country is not in the neck, but in his heart, a waterfall of blood, runs Bhderh and his revolution paddle wheel to the right that has watered land of Syria after the thirst, and that his neck Fadwa is not only home adorned with his passion for freedom and dignity, and he called Aallah Aabashar leave. Tell the history, the arena in Hama was named Assi Square, has become a scene named Square martyr Alqachoc, testifies that it rocked the crowds Hraúrha and Ahrarha tyranny, and the plea Syria Bdha freedom, Qst Bogrudth "Aallah leave Aabashar" are the people, and swept away forever system Qmaia for the issuance of the Syrians on authorized spaces in the world, "Aallah Aabashar leave," and he did meet the people of the earth with the appeal, and chanting with the throat of Paradise "Aallah Aabashar leave." Saved us and our teams and the adequacy and sufficient, considering the fate of your friend Gaddafi, Tnaanh Manfth delayed by Li and flew, you're doing, and he followed some of the darkest and go ", has been delayed a lot and took every opportunity has been missed the train. And the people call: "Jack Floor Doctor, and I leave Aallah Aabashar "..!! |
Guest |
#1682011-08-29 03:08لا شك أن هذا النداء السوري الشعبي الحر المعارض للنظام الدموي الوحشي الدكتاتوري الإجرامي الإرهابي الذي يحكمه آل الأسد وأسياده من الملالي المتحكمين في إيران والذين يرسلون جيوشهم من الحرسيين الثوريين (زعموا أنهم كذلك) وهم والله ليسوا كذلك بل هم إجراميين شيطانيين أبالسة ومعهم حزب إبليس وعزازيل وشيطانهم وإبليسهم وعزازيلهم حسن نصر إبليس وحسن نصر عزازيل - لعنة الله عليهم أجمعين - فهل يكفيني موتهم؟ |
Guest |
#169 Guest2011-08-30 01:30أي شعور ينتاب العالم وهو يعرف ويرى القتل والتعذيب للسوريين الذين قالوا رأيهم بالنظام الفاسد الذي يدعي بالإصلاح ووحشيته وطغيانه يزداد.الرجاء فرض دخول وسائل الإعلام وحمايتها وإعطائها كامل الصلاحية لكل سورية أينما شاؤوا وسحب الأمن والجيش الذي يقتل وينكل بالشعب وإدخال قوات طوارئ دولية مؤقتة ريثما يحاكم النظام وأعوانه . إن الشعب السوري يواجه جيشه والأمن وإيران وحزب الله وووووووووو . |
Guest |
#1702011-09-02 10:48I agree all political ,diplomatic and economic measures to be taken against Syrian regime till toppling it down. Freedom for Syria. Peace on Syria. |
Guest |
#1712011-09-02 15:02This petition is a petition stems from the human conscience tormented ... And every man put his signature it received from the suffering and displacement, murder and humiliation Madfh to appeal to the European Union, which advocates freedom and democracy .. If the EU is serious and determined to achieve justice in this world is asked to kindly rescue of the oppressed and the Syrian people save him from this deadly tyrant Bashar al-Assad, peace be upon you |
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