please don't put down OZ sumartan tiger hamilton zoo nz

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition please don't put down OZ sumartan tiger hamilton zoo nz.



2015-09-21 02:16

It is pointless to kill an animal that has been stressed by captivity for killing. And it is also an endangered species whose genes we need in its dwindling pool. Prosecute the zoo if you require justice not the animal.



2015-09-21 02:16

Well I look at the picture of Samantha Kudeweh in this news story.....She is behind a fence looking at a tiger and I am sure that she is aware that working with wild animals she is taking huge chances every day....How ignorant would you be to kill this tiger and place another in the same cage and hope that this does not happen again......Wake up !!!!



2015-09-21 02:16

Never trust a big cat. Her unfortunate error.



2015-09-21 02:16

Because I love wild animals .they are pure and honest unlike us humans



2015-09-21 02:17

All species of Tigers are endangered species . Zoos have captive breeding programmes to try and breed as many as they can , to save a remnant should the species in the wild become extinct .
To kill a breeding tiger would make a mockery of all conservation efforts that zoos do .
It will not bring back the keeper .
Its not the tigers fault -- it only did what a tiger would normally do in the wild



2015-09-21 02:17

I am a long standing member of the SPCA.
I also believe tigers need much more space to roam in. Zoo areas are never sufficient.



2015-09-21 02:18

People who visit a zoo or work where they abuse animals - Karma - deserve what they get. STOP THE ANIMAL ABUSE - ban zoos, aquariums, animal rides, circuses and every other place that abuses animals for human entertainment



2015-09-21 02:19

You can't cage a wild predator and expect it to not act like a wild animal. This is such a beautiful animal and is endangered, leave it be. Its bad enough that you've taken it away from its natural environment. 



2015-09-21 02:20

Although in a zoo the tiger is still a wild animal doing what they are born to do - hunt and protect his territory.



2015-09-21 02:20

RIP to the zoo keeper however the oz tiger should notbe put down I don't think she would want it to be either :(



2015-09-21 02:21

Tiger should not be blamed.



2015-09-21 02:21

This is a wild animal, you cannot control it! It cannot be tammed. You chose to put it in a zoo, knowing this. Do not kill this animal you have no right. release it. What was expected of it? It was the mans own fault for putting himself in reach of the animal. If the tiger is killed i loose all faith in humanity. Its just one thing after another. You have no right



2015-09-21 02:22

These animals are protected, we cannot kill him for his natural instinct - he is a wild animal NOT a pet we need to respect that and him.



2015-09-21 02:22

The tiger is only doing what it is suppose to do in the wild, catch and kill. When are people going to get it, its a wild animal.
Did we go out and kill all the sting rays because Steve Irwin was kill by one, no so wake up people and leave the Tiger be, It is already being punished enough its in capacitive.



2015-09-21 02:22

Two wrongs do not make a right. Killing the tiger will not bring his keeper back. It is a tragic event, but killing the tiger will only add to the awfulness of the situation. There are always risks working with wild animals as people who make this choice know.

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2015-09-21 02:22


#542 Re: Re:

2015-09-21 02:22

#516: - Re:  

 But it is not a dog, it is a high order predator that is under protection from risk of extinction, and held in captive against its will.



2015-09-21 02:23

Because there must have been some human error and he is wild



2015-09-21 02:23

It's a Tiger!!!!



2015-09-21 02:24

Not the animal's fault!



2015-09-21 02:24

Oz should not have to pay for the zoo's lack of safety procedures. . The question is should she have been in the enclosure at all without some kind of safety precautions. Regardless of how much she loved him he is still a wild animal with all the instincts still in tact.My heart goes out to her family, it is a tragedy that should never have happened.



2015-09-21 02:24

Please don't put OZ down. These beautiful cats are endangered and Oz was simply protecting his own family.
The zookeeper who is no longer with us was personally engaged trying to keep this species surviving. I'm sure her family would agree that Oz should not be put down.
The reality is these cats are still wild animals and are unable to change their behaviour. He's simply being a Tiger. Ironically put him down would be a sad end to all of Samantha's hard years of work trying to protect the Tigers.



2015-09-21 02:25

Good old commonsense needs to prevail sometimes!



2015-09-21 02:25

Why put down a beautiful animal who does what is does what God has designed it to do and knows no better. I do feel for the keeper and her family. A tragic accident but why take it out on Oz. I wonder if the keeper would have sought retribution. I doubt it.



2015-09-21 02:26

I am glad some people care about the tiger.