Save portlaoise A&E services now following the Leaked Report of the Midlands. Hospital group management .



2016-06-28 13:09

We the people can not allow this to happen



2016-07-02 09:18

Critical service for those living in Athy

Could everybody please please sign it (even my Dublin friends)

It literally takes just 1 minute.



2016-07-02 09:39

We need to save portlaoise hospital it is extremely important to people in the surrounding areas



2016-07-02 09:55

Because we need as many a&e departments as possible it would be a shame to close it



2016-07-02 10:36

We need our hospital to not only stay open but to improve also.



2016-07-02 11:10

The A and E depts in Portlaoise, Mullingar and Nass need funding and upgrading. Location of these services are important. Tullamore needs to be assessed.



2016-07-02 18:26

Portlaoise hospital is essential to the people .



2016-07-02 19:58

Putting already under pressure hospitals under more pressure can never be presented as progress or improvement



2016-07-02 21:07

The people of Ireland should stand up and stop talking and do something about it



2016-07-02 22:29

We need the a&e department of portlaoise hospital without this service myself and my family will have to travel miles to be seen to by a doctor and my brother who is under 18 and classed as a child will not be seen in naas.



2016-07-03 05:43

My sister has chronic asthma and another relation has a heart condition I've no doubt if we hadn't made it to Portlaoise hospital one or both might not have made it.



2016-07-03 07:30

The A&E Department of our local hospital are both vital and life saving. Continued provision of these services are of the utmost importance.



2016-07-03 07:55

The A&E services in Portlaoise hospital must be retained in order to save lives. The surrounding catchment area has an ever expanding population that rely on these services.



2016-07-03 07:58

The closure of A & E Department at 20.00 he's daily would have devastating effects on the people of Lapis, South Kildare and Carlow resulting in more overcrowding in Tullamore and Naaa Hospitals and the local prison services would also suffer



2016-07-03 08:01

The people of Laois, South Kildare and Carlow deserve a fully functioning A & E Service and not one that shuts down at 20.00 hrs daily



2016-07-03 08:18

Because I have a young family and want the quickest treatment available if they become ill or get hurt .



2016-07-03 08:39

My son has quite severe asthma. He's 12 now and he's had asthma since he was a baby, even before children are usually formally diagnosed with asthma. As a result of his asthma, we've often had to bring him in to a&e during the night. If we had to travel any further I'm not confident that he'd make it. He has been admitted to hospital on several occasions because of his asthma and I've lost count of the number of times he's had to go on a nebuliser in paeds a&e. The nurses in paeds know him by now so when they see him coming, they know to see him straight away. The A&E nurses know that when he has an attack he gets bad very quickly. Sometimes we don't need to go to A&E, his inhalers are able to control the attack. Not always though. When he gets to the point at home that his inhalers aren't getting it under control we get into the car and drive 7 miles to portlaoise. I don't like to think what would happen if portlaoise hospital was downgraded or closed.

We need this hospital. It's a disgrace to even consider downgrading the vital services it provides. 



2016-07-03 09:07

It's the closest accident and emergency department to my home town.


2016-07-03 09:11

The A&E dept in Portlaoise is very much needed in the region. We can't expect surrounding hospitals already at over capacity to fill the gap.



2016-07-03 09:27

Great facility , amazing staff



2016-07-03 11:54

The A&E Department in Portlaoise Hospital is crucial to the people of the surrounding areas. They need the reassurance of an emergency department being within easy reach in case of an accident and the care provided by this facility in Portlaoise is second to none. It needs to be kept open.



2016-07-03 12:11

Is a great hospital needed badly buy local community's



2016-07-03 13:57

I believe people's lives would be at risk if the A@E was to close in Portlaoise



2016-07-03 14:04

I signed because these services are important and should not be done away with,



2016-07-03 14:46

We need this hospital to stay open