PETITION: We the people of South Africa want Jacob Zuma to step down



2015-12-15 13:47

Jacob Zuma must step down because the people of South Africa is suffering of his chopping and changing of ministers thats why our black people is suffering .He only look after the people around him and forget about the citizen of South Africa.



2015-12-15 14:33

Zuma is the worst. A president is someone to look up to and feel proud that he is our president, but he has disgraced us and our country and we are shameful to recognize him as a president let alone be associated with him in any way. Lets hope he still has some pride left in him to step down than be thrown out. What a disgrace and shameful individual. But knowing him nothing matters except the money steals.



2015-12-15 14:45

Zuma is raping South Africa. He must go.



2015-12-15 15:07

This country needs a good leader; it is not Zuma.



2015-12-15 15:10

Because I love South Africa and can not stand on the side line any longer we need to remove this man Jacob Zuma from parlement and all his corrupted buddies too. He is busy to flush this beautiful country down the toilet. HE MUST BE STOPPED. ZUMA MUST FALL..........!!!!!!!



2015-12-15 15:36

Why did you sign this petition?
the country is suffering cause of him

#3682 zuma

2015-12-15 15:38

Why did you sign this petition?
the country is suffering cause of him



2015-12-15 15:39

I'm convinced JZ wears a special back brace to stop his knuckles dragging on the ground



2015-12-15 15:44

He has lost interest of the people who pit him in power,...#Zumamustfall



2015-12-15 16:32

Why did you sign this petition?my life family and my country ste not save under This president leadership I don't trust him, he has done more harm than good he needs to step down asap



2015-12-15 17:28

We are sinking as a country



2015-12-15 17:47

I've signed this petition because we cannot allow an incompetent fool to rule our country any longer!



2015-12-15 17:59

As a concentration citizen it is my responsibility to fight for the future generations.



2015-12-15 18:10

Why did you sign this petition? because i want Zuma to resign before he does enough damages that will ruin the future of our kids



2015-12-15 18:11

Our country is in a shambles. ...A president who embarrasses this country.'s not a joke anymore this is serious Zuma must go



2015-12-15 18:17

Zuma is destroying this country. I am sure that it is already to late to save the country! !!!!!



2015-12-15 18:29

To save our beautiful country becoming like Zim!



2015-12-15 18:33

Absolutely essential to replace Zuma asap.



2015-12-15 18:57

Remove this corrupt government once and for all



2015-12-15 20:17

Enough is enough, Jacob Zuma had all the opportunity to prove his worth. He has only proven that he has embarrassingly failed the South African Public and has exploited and abused his position. We are not proud to tell people that he is our president. Do us all a favour Mr Zuma and graciously bow out. He has dodged the bullet many times, worming his criminal self around the courts and getting away with highway robbery. Say thank you to the South African public for affording you this privilege at their expense. "Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more"



2015-12-15 21:07

We have a President that is incompotent to run and lead this country. Since he became President, things just got worse in our beloved country.



2015-12-15 21:09

Zuma is a clever idiot and my kids needs a future.


#3698 Re:

2015-12-15 21:11

#3684: -  

 He never had an interest...period



2015-12-15 21:14

Zuma is on drugs and they are normally very selfish and heartless people myself and I ... We need respect, honesty, loyalty someone that takes our country and unit all races as one... That stops these heartless farm murders and stops the drugs that is such a problem with our people in this country... And most of all corruption within our government using taxpayers money..... Stop stop stop abusing our people of SA

#3700 Wake up and smell the coffee. Stop making everything about race. To be honest u black people are the

2015-12-15 23:20