PETITION: We the people of South Africa want Jacob Zuma to step down



2015-12-14 06:57

It can't go on like this. He is making a mess and destroying our country.



2015-12-14 06:58

Our president only has his own interest at heart and there are people dying and suffering in our country. They enrich themselves and don't realize the impact his decisions has on the country economy. Stop stealing from us your people that works hard.



2015-12-14 07:07

Surely we can do better than this??!!



2015-12-14 07:12

There is two spelling mistakes.Please correct it does not give a good impression.



2015-12-14 07:13

zuma is useless to south Africans



2015-12-14 07:19

I am just tired of this man



2015-12-14 07:22

We need a leader not a thief



2015-12-14 07:29

He is corrupt, incompetent and only has his own interests at heart. He is destroying our country.



2015-12-14 07:41

Back in the 90's when I marked "YES" on the referendum to allow the ANC to come into power, my yes was fro Equality for All...Madiba's dream has been shattered by a president who treats our country as his own piggy bank, as well as ensuring that he is surrounded by a cabinet of yes men, by becoming a lackey to whoever pays him the is time to change, thus allowing this country to regain the dignity it deserves.



2015-12-14 07:42

Why did you sign this petition? I want to see change



2015-12-14 07:42

RSA need a Prez that is educated



2015-12-14 07:45

He is taking the citizens of this country for granted



2015-12-14 07:45

Is he the best the country can afford at this time. Disgraceful to say the least!!!!



2015-12-14 07:46

Pres J Zuma only think about himself not the people of South Africa. He doesnt serve but a dictator leader



2015-12-14 07:47

South Africa our beautiful land can not go down, I still vote ANC but I say no ZUMA


#3466 Zuma must fall

2015-12-14 07:48

Pres J Zuma only think about himself not the people of South Africa. He doesnt serve but a dictator leader



2015-12-14 07:52

He is wrecking this country at a rapid rate. Tired of his corruption



2015-12-14 07:56

I strongly believe that we can not have an uneducated idiot running a potential prosperous ,beautiful country like South Africa.
He is not worth the air he breathes.



2015-12-14 07:57

Because I love my country! I have already lost 2 sons because they had to leave: one because he couldn't get a job here and the other to support his family AND also because a lot of my friends, Black, Asian, Coloured and White are suffering daily because of Mr Jacob Zuma's inability to govern - all he sees is a the MONEY and he doesn't hesitate to take it and share it with his cronies - he has done nothing positive for South Africa. He has made us the laughing stock of the world! We need EDUCATION, ENERGY, AN END TO POVERTY AND JOB CREATION - WE WANT OUR DIGNITY AS SOUTH AFRICAN CITIZENS BACK ASAP!!!!!



2015-12-14 07:59

he doesnot care about the economy of th country



2015-12-14 08:00

The current government does not care about the plight of the middle class citizens. Time for change.



2015-12-14 08:01

I want South Africa to go forward and to to decent into anarchy and ruin.



2015-12-14 08:01

To remove Zuma from the Presidency position. To save our beloved South Africa.



2015-12-14 08:05

Cause Zuma is corrupt and our country needs change



2015-12-14 08:07

We are fast spiralling down like our next door neighbours - Bob and company. We have to ALL take a stand and get the man removed