Petition to honor Tyler Burd at Swing Out and/or Graduation

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Petition to honor Tyler Burd at Swing Out and/or Graduation.



2015-04-30 23:57

My friend, Mary Beth was friends with him and I wanted to help her out :)



2015-05-01 00:01

Because the kids should remember there classmate..



2015-05-01 00:09

tyler was a awesome brother even though I did not get to see that much I had a ball when I saw him at the beach I think you should honor him at graduation I love tyler .



2015-05-01 00:43

I like to see Tyler's friends be able to honor him at their(his)graduation ceremonies



2015-05-01 01:08

How could you be against this?
It's a simple act of kindness to honor the loss of a human life.



2015-05-01 01:58

For a good cause for my nephew and damn good friends Gary and Heather Burd. Love yall and glad I could be a part of this

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2015-05-01 02:23



2015-05-01 04:03

Never knew the person in question I know a friend of his and as such want to do anything to help keep his memory alive


#34 Re:

2015-05-01 09:02







2015-05-01 11:10

Tyler was a great kid, he was always kind, to everyone. The world lost someone important when he left us. It shouldn't have taken a petition to honor him at swingout. It's sad when something like this has to pass a vote.


2015-05-01 15:39

My cousin deserves this! I'm not just saying this becasue he's my cousin. I would sign this petition for anyone that wants to have a classmate honored at graduation. Every young life needs to be remebered! If his classmates want him to be remembered, there should not even be a petition! It should be an automatic YES! He would have been there getting his degree like the rest of the class, so why is his absence making this situation any different? He is still in the yearbooks! He is still on the minds of the students! He is still mourned by his family/friends! Let the students celebrate graduation the way they want to celebrate! They want to celebrate with Tyler! Let them!



2015-05-01 18:57

it's wonderful that his classmates want to honor his life,and you never know who's going to be helped by this!



2015-05-01 19:51

To support a friends request and because I read the letter about what this was all about. Bless his soul!



2015-05-01 20:41

What the harm in honoring another persons life. Let the rules go and let them do it.



2015-05-01 22:09

i signed and i urge all my friends to sign also!!



2015-05-02 01:06

I think its absolutely wonderful what you kids are doing. Tyler would be proud of you all. I hope and pray that the principal will allow this. If not, go higher, keep pushing and never give up. It wouldn't be fair to allow other children who had passed away before graduation to be honored and not Tyler.



2015-05-02 03:20

I think it is important for his classmates,



2015-05-02 06:44

He's family. He deserves this just as much as anyone else does. Just because he is no longer here with us physically doesnt make a difference. i love and miss you everyday cuzz!



2015-05-02 15:58

he deserves this more than anything.. I love you Tyler Edward 



2015-05-02 20:26

Because it's the right thing to do!



2015-05-02 23:05

My dearest friends were Tyler's cousins who were very close with him in their childhood. I would love to help them out by getting them closer to their goal of 1000 signatures. This young man deserves to be able to graduate with his classmates, even in death. If his friends want to honor him, I will do my best to help their cause.



2015-05-04 04:12

It felt like the right thing to do.


#48 Re:

2015-05-04 04:30

#1: -  

 My condolences to you all. 



2015-05-06 22:58

I support this graduation because there is much to learn for any who would look into the details of such an event. We should all support such devotion to those who have been lost.