Petition to Add Skatepark to Sportsplex in Laurel, MS

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Petition to Add Skatepark to Sportsplex in Laurel, MS.



2015-04-14 04:02

I am on a roller derby team called hub city derby dames - southern misfits .. I drive from Laurel to petal for practice .. It would be awesome to have a place to skate and have a good time and Laurel really needs this



2015-04-14 04:14

Children and teens need more healthy activities in this area.



2015-04-14 17:28

Because we need some where for kids to learn a sport and a safe place to go and have fun



2015-04-15 04:27

I grew up in laurel and now live in Hattiesburg but still love my home town and this is grate and would love to see it happen



2015-04-15 04:39

I've been kicked out of so many places in laurel in the past 5 years, this would be great for all the street skaters who need a good spot
Dat frontside pop shuv-it tho


2015-04-15 05:39

We mean no harm. We just want to skate and be peaceful. Share companionship with one another and practice and have fun! Please help!!!!



2015-04-15 16:24

This skatepark would be a good way to keep our youth healthy and for the most part out of trouble



2015-04-15 20:59

It's a good idea and the needs of our teens are not always addressed within our community especially those who are not involved in organized sports. Not all kids play baseball; some like to grind :)



2015-04-15 21:40

Laurel NEEDS a skatepark. We used to have one. BRING IT BACK



2015-04-16 00:47

Give the kids something to do besides drugs.



2015-04-16 00:49

Our kids need something to do to keep them out of trouble.



2015-04-16 00:50

Skateboarding is not a crime



2015-04-16 01:35

hope you guys get the park!



2015-04-16 02:18

Hernando Skates is glad for your push. We can help with information when you want it. Work hard and make sure to build a poured in place concrete skatepark. Good luck to our brothers and sisters in Laurel.



2015-04-16 14:54

I used to skate & people are so judgmental of skaters and assume they are all trouble makers & if there's a park then there is less likely to be so much judgement & they will have a place to skate without getting in trouble just because they are skating.



2015-04-16 16:45

Cities need skate parks for safe places to skate ! Ive been skateboarding for 42 yrs and would have loved to have had a park to play in as a kid !



2015-04-16 20:58

I am grown and older now but I grew up in laurel ms...and there was no where to skate..I think this would help keep kids off drugs...its another door of opportunity...



2015-04-19 00:59

I signed the petition because my boys love to skate. They go all the way to Petal and i think a park in laurel is a great idea.



2015-04-20 04:32

I'm from MS originally and now live in Hawaii. We have skateparks under some of the overpasses that the city built and all around our parks. Why not in the south?



2015-04-20 14:51

Why not give the kids of Laurel something fun. The skating ring in Laurel is is the bowling alley around ellisville blvd. Skate park would be an awesome start!



2015-04-24 23:05



2015-08-03 01:31

We don't want to go and skateboard illegally not all of us can drive to petal some of us can't get rides so.e of us can't go because it's so far... we need a place like this we can't skate any other possible skate spot like schools perfect spot to skate but it's illegal there's a spot by the mall illegal we can't even skate at mason park... illegal it has a posted sign no skateboarding g scooters or bikes... can we please get this I love the sport if we get this I gauerentee there will be less trouble from teenagers who skate or in general there will be a place to learn to skate to get other teens I to the sport or even grow ups or little kids... it would be much appreciated.



2016-04-25 13:12

When OUR young people are asking for a decent and safe place to have fun We need to back them up !!!! Plus it's a great idea