Michael Jackson fans unite against some tracks from the new "Michael" album
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Michael Jackson fans unite against some tracks from the new "Michael" album.
Christina Meckel Guest |
#701 Sony is Evil2010-11-14 18:45Sony knows what they are doing. A lot of those songs are not our MJ on them or just clips mixed with some other person singing. This is not right to MJ, his fan's, and the world! Trying to trick us with this crap.. I will not be buying this album if it's going to have fake MJ on it.. |
cedric harbor Guest |
#702 only originality2010-11-14 18:55We only want true Michael Jackson music we don't want imitations. |
Lilia Guest |
#7032010-11-14 19:01That he wanted that a smog - it has made. From it we more can already demand nothing, but it doesn't grant to us is right to wipe feet that was last of its undertakings. With us try to share them, having resulted in bole-less digestible kind that it and wasn't going to show to us, and some again all is bad. As you aren't right, I am glad to hear easier its breath in a microphone... |
fantoni veronique Guest |
#704 AUTHENTIQUE!!2010-11-14 19:03Respect demandé,pour un Artiste hors du commun,du MICHAEL,du MICHAEL JACKSON! uniquenent!!!et non un "placébo"! R.I.P. |
ulla sabroe Guest |
#705 Nobody can finish Michael Jacksons job for him.2010-11-14 19:05Please respect Michael Jackson for the person he was. He was a perfectionist, a genious and he was very protectiv of his work and how it would be "born". Nothing was ever finished before Michael signed it of and said..Ok go! But he diden't for these tracks on the new album!! Please respect MJ and his honor and stop the release of these tracks. Michael would NOT have liked this to get out in his name!!! Don't mess with the KING of POP , The KING of LOVE, The KING OF LIFE!!! Please!! Kind regards Ulla . It's all for L-O-V-E and for the justice for Michel Jackson. He deserves it!!! |
flahaut Babette Guest |
#706 Respect à Michaël Jackson2010-11-14 19:09Bonjour, Vous avez entièrement raison de réagir et je vous félicite ! Tendre Michaël Jackson ! Personne sur cette terre ne pourra le remplacer car il est l’Unique et le plus aimé de la planète. Michaël a été et restera toute une éternité dans notre coeur. Il mérite un très grand respect et les honneurs bien au dessus et de très haut de tous les soient disant Maîtres du monde qui n’arrivent pas à sa cheville !!! Michaël représente tout : L’amour; la tendresse; la loyauté; la gentillesse; la bonté; la sincèrité; la beauté artistique et dans son coeur… L’exploitation du fric et du pouvoir tournent ceux qui les exploitent à la plus grande ineptie, dérision et psychose collective que le monde connaît. Michaël nous avait envoyé des messages à travers ses dernières chansons et c’est ce qui a déplus aux diablos ridicules et véreux !!! Mais, il n’en ai pas plus moins vrai que les souvenirs restent et nous aimerons toujours MICHAEL… Love Michaël Je trouve entièrement normal que ses parents cherchent à faire exploser la vérité et pénalisent les coupables de toutes les souffrances psychologiques, morales et physiques inimaginables qui ont mené Michaël au décès. Il est bizarre de ne pas trouver aucune trace dans aucune archive, ni aucun cabinet médicale, nullepart de ce fameux soi-disant médecin M. Conrade nommé médecin d’office par AEG depuis quelque mois avant le décés de Michaël ! Toute sa famille veulent que la justice soit rendue ! Michaël a tellement donné, a tellement été injustement critiqué, a tellement souffert en silence sans le faire voir à son publique !!! Alors c'est notre devoir de respectez au moins avec une grande humilité tout ce que Michaël Jackson vous laisse ! On doit le faire pour lui . Je ne se passe pas une seule journée sans que je ne pense pas à lui. Il a marqué mon existance, ma vie non seulement par le très grand artiste qu’il représentait, mais par l’être humain de toute bonté qu’il était. . MICHAËL le monde entier pense encore et toujours à toi et l’amour que nous te portons n’a pas de frontière, aucune fortune au monde ne peut l’acheter personne ne peut t’égaler … la profondeur de tes chansons, ta voix, ta gentillesse, ton tout raisonnent dans nos coeurs… Nous prions pour toi et nous t’aimerons jusqu’à le nuit des temps… J’aurai tant aimé aller me recueillir sur la tombe de Michaël et le couvrir de tournesols fraîchement cueillis ramenés de France (sa fleur préférée) Je l’ai très gros sur le coeur…. Toutes mes pensées affectueuses et ma tendresse sont pour Michaël, ses enfants et sa familles. Cordialement et tout avec vous. Babette ***Translated by google*** Michael Jackson tender! Nobody on this earth can replace him because he is the sole and most beloved of the planet. Michael has been and remains an eternity in our hearts. He deserves great respect and honor and well above the highest of all are called Masters of the world who are unable to his ankle! Michael is everything: love, affection, loyalty, kindness, goodness, sincerity, beauty and art in her heart … The use of money and power exploit those who run the greatest folly, derision and collective psychosis that the world knows. Michael had sent messages through his latest songs and that’s no more ridiculous and dishonest to diablos! But he did not more true that the memories remain and we will always love … MICHAEL Michael Love I find it entirely normal that his parents are trying to blow up the truth and penalize the perpetrators of all suffering psychological, moral and physical unimaginable that led Michael to death. It is strange to find no trace in any archive, nor any medical office, nowhere the famous so-called medical doctor named Conrad automatically by AEG for some months before the death of Michael! For pity’s sake stop spewing nonsense by saying that the charges are made for the money etc. … Leave this family alone! They want justice! Michael has given so much, so much has been unfairly criticized, so has not suffered in silence to show it to his audience! So PLEASE FOLLOW AT LEAST WITH A GREAT HUMILITY ALL THAT LEAVES YOU MICHAEL! PLEASE DO IT FOR HIM. I do not spend a single day goes by that I do not think about him. He marked my life, my life not only by the great artist he represented, but also by human beings of any kind it was. . Michaël the world think again and always yours, and the love we bear you no boundaries, no fortune in the world can buy it … no one can equal you the depth of your songs, your voice , your kindness, your all thinking in our hearts … We pray for you and we love you until the dawn of time … I loved so much go and pray at the tomb of Michael and cover it with freshly picked sunflowers brought from France; But now, my health and my disability means I have not failed … I have very rankles …. All my thoughts and my loving tenderness are for Michael, his children and their families. |
tracey burzynski Guest |
#707 $$ony need to stay out of Michael's life2010-11-14 19:11$$ony have NO right to do what they are doing and guiding the undercover, devious, liars, oops sorry I meant the trustees of the estate in their direction. IT'S DISCUSTING |
Lilia Guest |
#7082010-11-14 19:12Unfortunately he more can personally approve nothing, and bring a song to perfection so respect its memory as you have told What do you want to hear?? |
Avgoustina Tchoutkina Guest |
#709 Shame on you2010-11-14 19:13You must be sitting on a treasure of tons of pure Michael songs, why use impersonators? Not to mention you think you can put something fake out there and believe we are fools? That you can get away with something like this? That's utter disrespect for the fans who actually feed you by opening their wallets. Greed and lack of any moral, that's what this is! Shame on you!!! |
Catalina Castro Guest |
#710 WE MUST ACT2010-11-14 19:17this album is a fake, is a lie from his murders. SONY PHONEY STOP THE LIES. we must stand together and fight for truth. not continue to ignore this reality, enough pain, enough disrespect. I do not take it anymore. |
Fossier Frédéric Guest |
#7132010-11-14 19:26Michael i believe in you and i have respect for your music... you are the King!.but this album is not respectebal for the fans!. Peace and justice for Michael. |
Delphine EVANNO Guest |
#714 Money !2010-11-14 19:27"They don't care,they use me for the money" comme le chantait MJ, c'est totalement d'actualité. Arrêtez de penser que nous, les fans, sommes des moutons et que nous allons nous précipiter sur tout ce qui portera les initiales de MJ. C'est pourtant simple, nous voulons juste de l'authentique, pas du fake. A priori, il existe une multitude de chansons inédites en stock ! Ce sont celles-ci que nous voulons. Faites-nous plaisir. |
linda redmon Guest |
#716 Leave him alone2010-11-14 19:34He did nothing wrong. He was a human being just like us, who only wanted a normal life. At least let him die a normal death and RIP.But no,, you keep trying to make money off him. You will all pay in your own time. He cant even defend his family anymore. But someday you will be looking up from hell to him.!! |
Laszlo Biro Guest |
#717 "There is nothing that can`t be done if we raise our voice as one"2010-11-14 19:40I am not happy with SONY`s decisions.Sorry about my english...The have a lot of unreleased tracks, beautiful songs in perfect quality.And now on this album they want to use songs that are not sung by MJ.This is scandalous.I know his voice, they cannot fool me.They need to respect MJ`s legacy.I want to see the GHOSTS DVD on the shelves, or any unreleased but official product.I dont want impersonators singing MJ songs.Michael, we are here for you. |
Kat Snider Guest |
Michael Jackson Guest |
#719 This sickens me2010-11-14 19:48Please Stand For What Is Right All Of The Songs Are Completely Impersonated |
Guest |
#7202010-11-14 20:03I respect and love Michael Jackson too much but I won't support this album. And if certain songs raises questions whether or not they're sung by Michael and NEEDS 2 forensic analysis, then that's a big red flag right there. (it's like HELLO) Those songs shouldn't be put on the album. I'm smart, I'm not fooled. Plus, Michael isn't here to give his approval on this so called 'project'. People taking advantage of Michael yet again. Certain people saw an opportunity (his death) and ran with it. They thought, "Hmmmm, Michael isn't here to stop me, so here's my chance, my opportunity." It makes me cry. Michael I love you. Respect the artist. |
Franck DEVOYON Guest |
#721 Pétition et action des sites mjcollection.fr et thisisit.fr2010-11-14 20:06Bonsoir, Nos sites mjcollection.fr mjmeet.mjcollection.fr et thisisit.fr s'associent eu nom de nos centaines de membres à votre démarche et nous pensons effectivement qu'il est essentiel de s'associer et s'unir dans un seul et même élan, celui de la communauté des fans du monde entier contre ce qui se passe à propos de la sortie de ce disque qui ne fait pas honneur au talent du King of Pop. J'ai également mis la pétition sur le groupe Facebook de thisisit.fr http://www.facebook.com/pages/Michael-Jackson-This-Is-It/169831150967 qui compte près de 5000 membres. Fr@ncky MJ Collection |
boyer clemence Guest |
#722 Disapointed2010-11-14 20:11C'est scandaleux! Les maisons de disques salissent la mémoire de Michael! |
Zsolt Guest |
#724 We want 100% MJ only !!!2010-11-14 20:24I Don't Want Fake Songs. We WANT 100% MJ. |
#725 Michael's unreleased songs2010-11-14 20:34I agree with this petition about the origins of some tracks of the new album. In my opinion Sony would had better decided to release original demos or any unfinished material instead of revised and modified songs with the aim of selling a commercial product! Or at least Sony had better release both unfinished and finished material so that you can compare original demos and the rearranged song (always thinking of Michael..how would he have finished it? Who knows? Only him from above!!!) |
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