End overcrowding on the 105 Bus

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition End overcrowding on the 105 Bus.


#26 Re: Thanks for your comment

2014-09-16 14:10

#23: -  

Good morning: Thanks for your comment and support. Please pass on the petition link - we need a massive outcry!




2014-09-16 16:03

Winter is coming. Please provide ample service for a reasonably comfortable public commute. Don't leave me out in the cold again. Many times last winter busses passed by so full there was no room and I/we were left to freeze in the cold. It seems even worse on those very harsh stormy weather days,
Give us a service we can be proud of and even brag about!
A senior from NDG.



2014-09-18 18:12

If you can't put extra #105 buses on the road, maybe you could put the double length buses like for the 165.



2014-09-19 22:10

Une des solutions pour désengorger la ligne 105, serait de mettre plus d'autobus 138 ou 104.



2014-09-22 13:50

La voie rapide devait servir de mesure d'atténuation des impacts de la réfection de l'échangeur Turcot. Et une fois qu'elle est en place, on nous coupe le service! Contradiction ridicule...


Stéphanie Couillard



2014-09-22 16:26

For me, it is not about seats on the bus. It is about our ever increasing fees and the decreasing service. The frequency of the bus service on the 105 line had just been (marginally) increased, with great pomp and circumstance from the STM, only to be followed by this (unannounced) decrease!

#32 Abusive service!

2014-09-22 18:07

This has been going on for over 15 years. I've never seen a bus constantly this overcrowded. Our bus passes being more expensive each year, you would thing the stcum services would get better but I've had to wait for this bus in the middle of the winter at minus 20. Sometimes 3 buses would cruise by too full to pick you up. I'd sometimes had to walk in the freezing weather or dish out cash for a cab in order not to be late. If I'm lucky enough to get on, I sometimes have had to push my way in the back door the front being too jammed, being stuck to so many people in this overwhelming bath of odors, I'm not prepare to face this early. It's about time we the people, get treated with some coutesy. We pay for a service. Please give us a decent one, a respectable one, one that offers some kind of dignity. Instead I'm getting a slap in the face every morning for choosing a green way of transportation. THIS IS ENOUGH!



2014-10-07 22:42

I feel they schould on all major streets use the biger buses like they use on the 165 Cote Des neiges, Also srudents should vbe made to stand so older people can sit, I have oscpoasis of my spinal chord and when standing for a long byus trip it gets very painfull



2014-10-09 13:35

I'll be waiting for a long time for the services to improve. We need better services in the morning and theevenning



2014-10-09 15:48

I now live in the USA but will be returning to NDG sometime next year. I really don't want to have to deal with the public transportation problem. I will be taking the 105. Hope this is solved!



2014-10-10 01:39

Crowding on the 105 is terrible. I feel sorry for the elderly who often get left behind because the bus is full.Also, there is no room to move, packed in like sardines

#37 Bus 105 et 162

2014-10-27 02:44

Il n'y a pas assez d'autobus sur la ligne du 162. S'il y en avait plus cela faciliterait le transport sur la ligne 105. De plus avec le centre sportif, le CLSC et bientôt la bibliothèque/maison de la culture, nous aurons vraiment besoin de plus d'autobus 162 le jour comme le soir. S'il y en avait plus, je n'irais pas en bas de la rue Benny prendre le 105.



2014-10-28 02:12

Please!? The 105 is horrible!! I dare you official decision makers to try it during rush hour.double dog dare.



2014-10-28 13:37

Je suis chanceuse car je prend la 105 presque au début de la ligne c-à-d au coin de Walkley. Mais durant les froids d'hiver ou les journées de pluie, je trouve celà bien triste que l'autobus passe tout droit des fois et souvent c'est à partir de la rue Wilson. Je suis contente bien sûr car nous arrivons plus vite à Vendôme. Mais je trouve ça triste pour tous ces gens qui sont restés sur le bord de la rue Sherbrooke car le bus était trop plein pour les embarquer. Souvent je pense que vous n'avez qu'à jeter une un peu d'huile d'olive et le 105 devient une belle boîte à sardines.



2014-10-28 13:40

Thanks a lot to the peresons who orgornised this petition. I support and will let more of me friend know this petition.



2014-10-28 13:47

Not a very good bus service.
I just doubt, the ticket fees are always increasing, but why not the service?



2014-10-28 17:53

It is a good initiative taken. As the immediate population that uses public transportation it's necessary. I often feel we are taken hostage. My self, I hurt my back and because the 105 bus is to full a often have to walk to Physio and OT. It's very difficult to get around and to even find a seat after receiving my daily readaptation programme. This has to stop! We need more 105 buses and more frequent passing of them. The NDG area is booming and more and more people moving in this area. Furthermore, the families, students, seniors and working people are using public transportation to get around. Sincerely, yours an NDG resident.



2014-10-29 22:02

The key problem with the 105 is that buses get full at the end of the line, leaving people in the middle of the route stuck waiting for the next bus that has a spot to squeeze into. Most people are taking the bus to or from Vendome, Loyola or Cavendish. Express buses and increased service could help resolve this issue.



2014-11-13 19:03

Why are the donation amounts in sterling?



2014-11-14 19:37

I don't pay 70 dollars amonth to the STM to have to walk to the metro (Vendome) every day. Such a bad service



2014-11-15 22:30

I have to walk to Vendome Metro, because the bus is too full for me to get on. Please put more buses on the 105 route.



2014-11-16 20:32

The service on the 105 is pathetic! As well as the alternative routes which I have to take regularly: 104, 17, 161 and 162. The metro service is disrupted way too often (jammed doors, etc.) making me arrive late to work more often than not. I can't believe they're keeping these metro cars for another 30 years!



2014-11-17 05:34

Pourquoi le prix est en EURO



2014-11-20 02:17

safe ride is # 1 piroety for citizen.stm should find sponcer to exchange for free advetize in buses,there are lot of way to find money even if stm is in finnancial difilcualty.



2014-11-24 16:23

The reserved bus lanes are mostly a failure; they serve primarily to give some persons open parking spots at 9:15 am or 6:15 pm.

Taxicabs are some of the worst offenders: idling, trolling for fares, or stopping for dropoffs and pickups effectively block the bus lane, forcing buses to merge into traffic and effectively removing any speed advantage the lane offered.

105 buses are often so full that they don't stop at all for new passengers. This happens regularly at 7 am and at 9 am; two+ hours of unavailable buses during rush hour.