Right to use sign language in educational programmes

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Right to use sign language in educational programmes.


#727 secretaire general Association des Sourds-Muets du Gabon

2010-10-28 11:50

Je suis Sécrétaire Général de l'Association des Sourds-Muet du Gabon et soutien totalement votre action,
solomon misgina

#728 BA in ethiopia sign language and deaf culture.

2010-10-28 16:30

i am student for deaf ,communtion engilsh skil in ethiopia can not speak engilsh to american is learning.see you soon,God bless you.i am poor ask help you.send me email you need please.ok,i solomonmisgina@yahoo.com

#729 Re: BA in ethiopia sign language and deaf culture.

2010-10-28 16:32


#730 Re: BA in ethiopia sign language and deaf culture.

2010-10-28 16:34


#731 Re: Re: BA in ethiopia sign language and deaf culture.

2010-10-28 16:37

#729: solomonmisgina@yahoo.com - Re: BA in ethiopia sign language and deaf culture. 

 ok,i am happy see to you.i love deaf.thank you for with you.


#732 Re: Re: Re: BA in ethiopia sign language and deaf culture.

2010-10-28 16:38

Michele Di Leo


2010-10-28 18:49

nessuno deve essere discriminato!!!!;
ogni cittadino italiano ha uguali diritti ed uguali doveri.
tutti paghiamo le tasse perchè non dovremmo usufruire degli stessi servizi?

#734 Broken links to ICED website

2010-10-28 19:29

The link to the New Era Document in English does not work, as well as the link to ICED.

I think it would be quite important to fix this, so people who do not understand International Sign can get further information, too.

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2010-10-29 00:25

Giuseppe Pizio

#736 Riconoscimento LIS

2010-10-29 00:30

Riconoscimento Lingua Segni Italiani più presta approvare Disegno Decreto legge. La forza Ente Nazionale Sordi Italiani. Saluti a tutti un abbraccio a forte. Ciao da Giuseppe Pizio
Norma Lelli

#739 Sign this petition

2010-10-29 08:19

Please, sign to give deaf people the same dignity just like everybody else
María Ignacia Massone

#744 Further on than Racism

2010-10-29 22:22

Racism imposes itself through many practices. However, I really think that the history of the prohibition of the sign languages of the world has to do with something further than racism, something ever greater and more tremendous than racism, something that has no name nor in English nor in Spanish, something that exceeds racism and that even exceeds linguicide. Perhaps genocide, perhaps... Or may be we are in need for another word.
I as a sign researcher with always worked in close collaboration with Deaf People stand in favor of this petition with all my heart and all my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Panebianco Vincenzo

#745 Forza

2010-10-30 18:20

Forza LS!!!!
Erik Kruissink

#746 best choice

2010-10-30 23:37

As a father of a deaf child, I'm glad we chose to raise our child with sign language. I would make this same decision again if I had to do so now. Even when my child would have CI now, I wouls choose for sign language as her native language.