Save the night train from Denmark to Europe

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2014-09-17 17:51

Das Ende der Nacht- und Autozüge bedeutet die Kapitulation vor Billigfliegerei und Straßenfernverkehr.
Das Engangement der DB in Fernbusse und die Verlagerung des Autozuges auf die Autobahn zeigen wie sich die Privatisierung verselbständigt und ins Absurde führt.
Internationale Nachtzüge sollten immer eine Kooperation von mehreren Bahngesellschaften sein, um überhöhte Trassengebühren etc. zu vermeiden.



2014-09-17 18:42

Zug fahren macht Spass!!!!



2014-09-19 11:04

The EU must resolve to keep open night train / sleeper services out of respect for the environment & passenger choice.



2014-09-19 13:00

I have used the City Night Line train occasionally between Cologne and Copenhagen and have found it to be the most practical option without flying. The daytime route via Hamburg is not as convenient if you have onward connections to other parts of Scandinavia.



2014-09-19 18:55

Without those trains I'm stuck in Sweden. With the train from Kopenhagen to Freiburg I can be in southern Germany over night. Going with ordinary trains is very cumbersome and takes a lot of extra time. Furthermore, locking myself into a small cabin for 16 hours and just relaxing and being for myself is one of the best experiences I know. Please save the night train from Denmark to Europe!



2014-09-20 14:00

We Need this night Train really

Gerd Jungmann



2014-09-20 21:41

It is unfortunate that night trains are more and more disappearing. They are far superior to early flights for arriving in a city at 9am.



2014-09-21 16:53

Night Trains are important because they can reduce flights instead.


2014-09-21 16:55

Night trains are important because they can substitute flights.



2014-09-25 18:21

Travelling and sleeping over night is a unique feature of railway traffic. It shouldn't be given up!



2014-09-29 09:10

Man burde i stedet for at lukke forbindelse tvært imod udvide med en forbindelse med cykelplads også
Danmark til Berlin og forbedre forholdene ved færgerne Gedser/Rotock og Rødby/Puttgarten når man kommer med sin cykel.



2014-09-29 13:55

Traveling by night train is efficient. You walk to the train station, board, go to sleep, wake up, and you're there. It is romantic, because leaving a city at sunset and arriving at sunrise provides you with beautiful views. And it is the future! Because the average age of the people on the train is YOUNG!


#138 Re:

2014-09-29 15:12

#13: -  

Indeed. Especially as last weekend saw the last sailing Harwich-Esbjerg too. Even if Regina Line takes over in spring (which remains to be seen), a lot of people prefer trains for seasickness reasons.


#139 Unmöglich für Landeier

2014-09-29 22:46

Ich wohne in DK und meine Familie in Bayern - beide weitab von attraktiven Flughafenanbindungen.

Nicht nur der Umwelt zuliebe bin ich eine fleißige Nachtreisende - ohne Zusteigemögluchkeiten auch in flughafenlosen Gegenden werde ich abgehängt sein. Statt nach der Arbeit in den Zug geht's jetzt um die Frage nach wirklichen Alternativen.

Tagsüber? Dauert 10 h, ein Tag futsch pro Strecke.


#140 I want to go on holiday on my own bike

2014-09-30 13:43

Without a night train that takes bikes, it will be impossible to go to Germany and further on a biking vacation. Trains Copenhagen- Hamburg do not carry bikes, so even though I am willing to change trains, my bike will never be able to leave Denmark again.

Andy M


2014-09-30 14:57

Night trains are the most civilized method of travelling long distances. I have travelled all over Europe on trains and also done several trips in the USA. Without these trains, these trips would become unbearable and I would not make the journeys. I am a senior professional and generally spend good money on my trips and in the places I visist. Cities such as Copenhagen with their tourist industries need to consider that. It is also a tragedy that the dining cars have vanished. To make night trains attractive again, these need to come back. Experience shows that wherever night traisn vanish, soon after the airlines become more expensive and less attractive. If you want people to travel, you need to have trains.



2014-09-30 17:41

Trains are great, and sleepers are very helpful for travellers. Don't cancel them!



2014-10-01 05:40

There must be MORE night-trains in Europe, not less.
Because it´s oecologic!


2014-10-02 04:56

What are our politicians up to? First they put the ferry companies out of business with the stupid sulphur directive and now this. Do they want us to travel by air or by car? That doesn't seem very environmentally friendly to me.



2014-10-02 12:54

Wie war das noch gleich mit dem Klima-/Umweltschutz? Haben die Verantwortlichen keine Kinder und Enkel, denen sie ein gutes Leben wünschen?
Hvordan var det nu med beskyttelsen af klima/miljøet? Har de ansvarlige ikke nogen børn og børnebørn, som de ønsker skal have et godt liv?



2014-10-03 11:35

Mit fünf Kindern eine sehr entspannte Variante des Zugfahrens um Familie im Süden zu besuchen! Bitte unbedingt diesen Zug erhalten!



#147 Re:

2014-10-03 21:38

#2: -  

 You are so right!


Heidi G

#148 Keep the Basel Copenhagen Night train

2014-10-07 12:10

Had the night train not existed, I have no idea how I would have moved from Basel up to Copenhagen.  

As a recent graduate, I didn't have a lot of funds to spend on moving.  Taking the train was one of the few options I could afford and where I could bring my belongings with me.  Had it not been for the night train, I would have had to switch trains at least once during the trip, which would have been really difficult with my multiple suitcases.  The conductors on board were really great and helped me to the taxi station when we realized there were no suitcase trollies in Copenhagen.

I have also taken this train multiple time previous to the move, and have fond memories of my train trips based around it.



2014-10-08 16:48

Denmark is a very small country - in every sense af the word. Please don´t make us smaller.



2014-10-08 19:24

what will be the next?