Save Hill Top Green

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2014-07-10 07:24

save green belt land from being built on wild life will suffer with loss of habitate



2014-07-10 20:07

Walkden doesn't need more houses. How about filling the houses and apartments that are empty? Leave the grassland for recreation (dog walkers, cyclists and children) and wildlife.

#3 Re:

2014-07-10 20:33

#2: -

I agree, how many empty new houses are sitting there, also there seems to be hand outs going down left right and centre regarding this land, pretty shady business!!!


#4 Re:

2014-07-11 01:27

#2: -

Exactly! We've suggested that they build on the Eatons site, as that's a brownfield site waiting for development. Why take the green open space sites when there is an eyesore like that waiting there. If the developers are so keen on doing up Walkden Cricket Club (that's the pay off) they can still do that.



2014-07-11 22:10

Yes if they really are passionate about doing the cricket club then just go ahead and do it...put ur money where ur mouth is!!!!


2014-07-13 11:29

Council make me laugh..wont sell a little bit of land to the residents for parking/bin purposes which would widen road to allow emergency services etc but will propose to sell ALL the land to developers that will cause major problems for parking and pedestrians and take away a valued piece of land recognised and used by the community.



2014-07-15 14:32

just more housing for the new European residents



2014-08-11 15:40

This needs to stop now!! The land is essential for wildlife and there is a major shortage of green belt land. Use the old Eaton site, which is an eyesore. There will be major problems with congestions etc if this goes ahead.



2014-08-11 15:44

We have already lost green space because of Tescos etc, LEAVE THE REST ALONE PLEASE,the wildlife are needed for US to survive. STOP just looking for more and more profits.



2014-08-11 16:07

There are enough empty flats etc in Walkden we don't need more new houses...this piece of land is used and should contiinue to be used by the community.



2014-08-29 07:21

When is the protest walk? I noted it said Sunday 28th August in a previous Green Party email!!!!. Should it be 31st?



2014-08-30 11:22

Salford Council, ian stewart and david lancaster care NOTHING for the good of Salford. ANOTHER secret deal for the cronies to cover up.



2014-09-01 19:14

we need places our kids can play in not more houses



2014-09-01 19:16

the council once again aiming to line their pockets courtesy of the builders, never mind what the local people who pay the councillors wages want!



2015-02-08 00:12

Another piece of green land being miss sold to put housing on



2015-02-08 00:47

Salford Council has sold too much of Walkden already.