Save our Janitors in East Dunbartonshire Schools

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Save our Janitors in East Dunbartonshire Schools.



2014-06-14 10:11

Are parents also aware of the cuts to classroom/schoolassistant?



2014-06-14 10:12

Signing as a parent of a child at Auchinairn Primary. Our school janitor gets involved in lots of activities to support the school, including supervising the lunch room, in a school which is already stretched for support resource.



2014-06-15 20:18

The council should consult with the main user of services before making major changes in their delivery. Another example of short sited cuts with no consideration for long term impact. With less classroom assistants and no site coordinators, who will help supervise children at break. When crossing guards are absent, with no site coordinator, who will provide cover. During bad weather in winter, who will ensure playgrounds are safe? I could go on and on.....



2014-06-15 20:29

We need to keep our children safe and our schools in the best condition considering how little repairs are being done. All it takes is for something to happen for it to be too late. EDC must re-consider their cuts in education!!



2014-06-20 14:48

I hope there never comes a time that our schools don't have a janitor ,as they play a big part in keeping the schools running smoothly from day to day .As with so many pupils being in our schools their is always something needing fixed or attended to,on a daily basis.
an ex jannie and dammed good on at that.


2014-06-20 23:41

#5: -

I hope there never comes the day when you find out your current jannie stabbed the previous jannie ( a colleague and fellow Trade Union member ) in the back just to get his job and now karma has appeared.